5 Free and Easy Solutions for Plantar Fasciitis
190 CommentsPlantar fasciitis can be a real pain in the foot. Plantar fasciitis is the medical term for inflammation of the plantar fascia, which is the connective tissue that runs along the bottom of your foot. If you’ve ever had pain in the bottom of your foot with the first few steps out of bed in the morning, you’ve probably had some experience with this painful condition.
In active populations, plantar fasciitis is often associated with overuse or a sudden change in activity, and temporarily easing off of activity can be part of the solution. In more sedentary populations, weight gain is usually a major contributor to plantar fasciitis and a weight-loss plan could be of benefit. Whether you’re active or sedentary, however, previous foot injuries, poor arch support, or tight muscles around the foot can all predispose you to plantar fasciitis. While there are some very interesting and advanced treatments to help get rid of your discomfort, there are some simple (and free) things you can do at home to help prevent and possibly reverse plantar fasciitis.
- Calf Stretching in Bed
As you may already know, the first few steps out of bed in the morning can be the worst of the day. Those first few steps can be enough to reaggravate your condition putting you into a cycle of inflammation and pain. The best way to help break that cycle is to stretch your calf before taking those first steps in the morning. When the muscles in your calf are tight, they pull on the heel bone, making your plantar fascia very taut and prone to injury. To help loosen those muscles, take a towel or belt and loop it around the ball of your foot. Keeping your leg straight, gently pull towards your body until you feel a stretch in the lower part of your leg. Hold that for 30 seconds and repeat up to 5 times before taking your first step out of bed. - Plantar Fascia Stretching
Loosening up the tissues that are irritated probably makes sense to you, but you may not know how to do so. Luckily, there’s a very simple way. All you have to do is pull your toes up with your hand until you feel a stretch along the ball of your foot. You may feel the stretch anywhere from the ball of your foot to your heel. Holding this position for 30 seconds a few times can make a world of difference in your pain levels.
. - Calf Stretching
I know, it probably seems like overkill, but stretching out the muscles in the lower leg is an integral step to recovery. There are two main muscles in the lower leg that attach to the heel, so we’ll work on stretching them both out. Stand against a wall and slide one leg back, pushing the heel down towards the floor (first picture). When you feel a stretch in the lower part of your leg, hold it for 30 seconds. After those 30 seconds are up, bend your knees until a deeper stretch is felt a bit lower in the leg (second photo). Again, hold this stretch for 30 seconds and repeat this until you’ve done it 3 times on each leg. - Massage
Who doesn’t love a good massage? I suppose you could pay for someone to rub out the tissues in the bottom of your foot, but if you’re looking for a cheaper alternative, look no further than the humble tennis ball. Placing a tennis ball on the ground and gently rolling it under foot for a few minutes can help loosen up your plantar fascia, making it much less likely to become irritated. Put enough pressure on the ball to get a deep massage. You may feel some soreness, but back off if you feel any pain. - Ice Massage
While using the tennis ball is great for keeping things loose, sometimes it’s worth doing some icing at the same time for some inflammation control. Freezing a water bottle and rolling it under your foot for 10 minutes at the end of the day can be a very effective way to keep inflammation in check while staying loose. It might not be the most comfortable thing in the world, but “Brrr” is better than “Ouch” any day.
One thing to keep in mind is that while these tips have been proven to work, they’re not an instant fix. It can take a few weeks of consistency with them before your pain levels begin to change. If you’re not seeing any improvement after making an honest effort, it may be time to look into some different treatment methods with your doctor such as formal PT, orthotics, a weight-loss plan, or others.
Request a free assessment with your local Athletico to find out what’s causing your pain.
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The Athletico blog is an educational resource written by Athletico employees. Athletico bloggers are licensed professionals who abide by the code of ethics outlined by their respective professional associations. The content published in blog posts represents the opinion of the individual author based on their expertise and experience. The content provided in this blog is for informational purposes only, does not constitute medical advice and should not be relied on for making personal health decisions.
Extremely helpful tips on how to alleviate plantar fasciitis…
They are all worth a try.
Great article. I’ve found that standing with my toes on the stair step and my heels dropping down off the step also gives a good stretch.
I also find relief with the stair stretch like Kati. All great stretches & do help with this confounding condition. If allowed to use the shoe names ? I also find helpful to wear my Crocs around the house in the morning when I first get up; and I have a friend who swears relief by wearing “FitFlop” shoes, but I personally haven’t tried them.
My heels are still tender after last Saturday’s 12-mile run. What’s that about?
K Petroff
ICE ICE ICE ICE and MORE ICE! ICE, whenever you can! I went to the movies and asked for ice at the concession stand! Driving, long distance’s, (it was my left heel), I had a bag of crushed ice on my lap, I crossed my leg on my lap or put the ice on the floor. Ok….. only do this if you feel it is safe! Whenever you see a curb or a step, no matter where you are…..use it to push your heel to the floor! If you can afford to do it, professional massage therapist! Have them aggressively massage the area! AVOID, cortisone shots…..often makes it worse! AGAIN…………ICE ICE ICE! ICE AT LEAST 5x a day!
leigh ann
my question is: HOW LONG? I’ve been icing, stretching, using a ball, sleeping in a boot, etc for 2.5 months… it may be “some” better, but is not gone… how long will it be before I can run? or before I totally heal? Just want to prepare myself emotionally since I’ve NEVER had a running injury – in years – so this was kind of out of blue and a surprise….
I’ve been battling PF for over 4 years. Have done cortisone shots, (a mistake – they only masked the pain, so I kept right on running, ultimately making things worse) orthotics, night splint, stretches, ice, self-massage, professional massage, special exercises given me by a physical therapist, etc.. I’ve excessed all my dress shoes and now wear Birkenstocks or tennis or hiking shoes everywhere, with orthotics. Still the PF plagues me. Docs are talking surgery. My last attempt to self cure is to do this: While sitting, cross one leg over the other. Grab your toes and pull them toward the front of your calf. This will cause the PF tendons to “pop out” of your foot. Massage. I do a fairly aggressive deep tissue massage, but do at your own risk.
I’ve been doing this several times a day for a few days, and I “think” I’m beginning to feel a difference. Fingers crossed. Haven’t run since late April – trying to rest. It’s hard…PF is the scourge!
I never had a problem until 5.5 years ago and i started playing indoor soccer again. I have continued to play but have constant heel pain. I have had 2 rounds of cortizone shots, but have not tried all of these suggestions. i was told my next option if the shots dont work would be surgery. i have also bought different shoes specifically that are supposed to help they did but just for a week or two. i am hoping these ideas work. i am wondering if you can ever get completely healed. im thirtysix not a spring chicken but im just thinking this sucks!!!
I find that custom orthodics help quite a bit and ortho heel sandals when I cannot use the orthodics. I get mine at Zappos free shipping both ways.
I was recently diagnosed with this hellish PF (two bone spurs in each foot). I had pain for at least a year that I ignored until I ended up on crutches, so now I got these motion control shoes like the doc said, ordered shoe inserts (off the shelf because my insurance doesn’t cover custom inserts), signed up for swimming, do my stretches and apply Voltaren cream a couple times a week to the bottom of my feet (got this in Canada where it is available without a prescription). I tried acupuncture on Friday for pain because I want to hold off on cortisone shots as long as possible. The needles in the bottom of my feet really hurt, but two days later, I’m walking around with hardly a limp. I took two Motrin over the weekend and stayed off my feet, so maybe that helped too, but I think acupuncture actually worked, and willing to commit to weekly treatments for a while and see how it goes. Best of luck to all of you.
Have had this darn PF for over a month. Went to podiatrist and elected not to get shot. Since then have bought orthotics and used ice. Just this week have started to feel a little relief, but I have abandoned my croc flip-flops and other sandals and just wear the good running shoe and orthotics all day and a night splint at night.
Susan Berry
Thank you for the great suggestions! Just went to the doctor today for some nasty pain in my foot and found out this is what I have! Going to try everything!! 🙂
Just make sure it really is plantar fasciitis first. I spent a lot of time trying to fix the wrong foot problem.
Great tips this is exactly what I did a year ago and it went completely away, but now it returned! Make sure you keep up with the stretching and build calf muscles to prevent it from coming back once you get rid of it!!!
I continue to search for yet another clue to help with PF. I did not go to the doctor for a long time thinking I had just worn the wrong boots and had bruised my heel on a trip to the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota over a year ago. I walked subway walks daily resulting in about 4 miles or more per day. I gave into the pain which had me limping then involving my back and hip. I have had cortisone twice to get me through travel plans. Blessed relief although only lasting a month or less. Next, the night boot, stretches, foot massage, ice and Volteran. The Volteran has given temporary relief for an hour or so which keeps me screaming. I am nearly glued to the chair with the boot on. If I force myself to walk to complete chores, I suffer more the end of the day. Maybe I waited to long before treatment and did too much damage? I am 63 and have not gone to PT because it did not help arthritis in my hips or range of motion. I wonder if it is too late to turn this around….it has been over a year since the first injury. Yesterday I had a pile of Fitflops, slippers, inserts, sneakers, and pressure pads, Volteran and the night boot I had gone through them all not finding relief. Anyone think PT still might help? Meantime, I need an injection of cortisone, I feel good except for my foot….I can’t walk…feel like a wounded animal, getting too antsy.
I had physical therapy and bought the TheraBand stretch band to stretch my toes toward my shins. Also bought Fila SkeleToes shoes, which help, and use Sombra gel on the bottom of my feet.
Dan Cassidy
63 yr old here with PF after racing two days in a row in cold weather back on 9/22/13
Orthotics 400 dollars + no help
Hoka sneakers+ slight relief and at other times saucony with red wing inserts for my flat feet
Cross training is good and doesn’t hurt- (swimming and biking)
Xray today shows hook in heel and a cortisone shot has lido in it which gave mild instant relief
Cortisone effects are pending
I must make a diary of daily treatments so I stay focused on the long process of healing
I go in hot tub with jets on heel and feet in am then ice
Victoria P
I had plantar fasciitis about 25 years ago. Within approximately 8 weeks it was completely cured. I went to an orthopedic specialist who had learned from a seminar that people who have plantar fasciitis also have a calcium deficiency. I started taking calcium supplements and started feeling better within a few weeks. This was a long time ago, so it’s hard to remember exactly how long it took to clear up completely, but I believe that within about six weeks I felt almost normal and I believe at about the eight week the problem cleared up completely. I got careless about taking my calcium supplements and the problem started to flare up again, so now I make sure to take my calcium and I never get careless about taking them anymore. I haven’t had any problems since. I don’t have to any special foot stretches, I don’t need othodics or anything else. I don’t ice, I don’t use heat, nor do I massage. I exercise regularly like I did before the injury, and I do the normal stretches that I used to do before I had PF, Calcium was all I needed. Try it. I believe it will work for you.
I have been battling PF for over a year. I’ve had multiple cortisone shots which provide instant relief, but only lasts about a month. I had surgery on August. 14th, FAST procedure which includes debridement of the damaged tissue, but no relief. I have been going to physical therapy for 6 weeks and it actually seems to be getting worse instead of better. Mostly because I now walk funny because of the constant pain, so my ankle, calf and hip are now involved. My therapist literally said on Friday we are “just spinning our wheels”. Heartbreaking. I go back to the podiatrist on Monday to see what he has to say. I wear expensive Brooks shoes constantly, use a night splint, stretching exercises, everything. So depressing
Carol Kendall
Had PF recurring for many years. Physical therapy helped but did not cure it. I did exercises, including one not mentioned here: picking up marbles with my toes. Exercises and custom orthotics got rid of it almost a decade ago.
Mary Valverde
Thank you for all your comments. They are all very helpful . I know what your going through I’ve had PF for over 1 year. Bad on & off. But I got some new ideas from you you that I’m willing to try. Everyone just keep strong .
I am totally confused. If PF is caused by wearing high heels, why do so many men have the condition. Plus the best relief from the pain from PF is when I wear mid heels. I was shoched when I had to go to a function,put on a pair of heels, and was pain free the entire night. The worst is flip-flops which I will never wear again. At night I compression wrap with an ordinary ace bandage. If there is a slight swelling from inflamation I immediately take Ibuprophren. It has been eight months, but gradually getting better. Time is on my side, as I can see improvement.
lilian garcia
thanks for compiling all these information. I appreciate your sharing.
Natalie marshall
So very helpful reading all of these messages! I’ve had this condition in my left foot for about a year, after leaving it Undiagnosed for most of this time. I’ve had the podiatrist strap it and the pain dramatically eased ( only for the 4 days that was recommended ). Now this week, overnight, it has moved across to my right foot…and the pain is worse than ever!!! I’m definitely going to try the acupuncture and the CALCIUM. Who ever would have thought!? Fingers and toes crossed for us all!!!! Thanks so much for sharing. X
Just been diagnosed with PF. Always worn fairly sensible shoes, and always stretch after exercise, but apparently it was the dreaded UGG boots worn to and from work/classes that have caused the problem. As a dancer, I have strong and long calf muscles, so I don’t find any relief from calf stretches or pulling my toes towards my shin. I have very high ‘ballet’ arches that need support, it seems, but without giving up my performing job, I’m fighting a losing battle… 🙁
When I came down with PF, my doctor taped the foot. That brought immediate relief–I could walk (but not run). After about a month, I was given orthotics and they helped. I have not seen anyone reference tape on this site and it was really an immediate help to me.
Liz Knight
I have read so many different things about PF and just today I heard of a new exercise that I just started doing, do I have no proof, but I like the logic. Ice, ibuprofen, stretching… all good stuff. My sense is that once you start to get it under control the trick is strengthening your foot muscles. I will try to describe the exercises as a best I can.
1. Stand on the foot that hurts and work on your balance/foot muscles. With the other foot, swing it from your front to your back. You will need to use your standing foot to keep from falling over. 2. Again, stand on your hurt foot but this time, swing your foot from front to back (using different foot muscles). 3. Stand on your hurt foot and reach out to your front, left and front right to use the muscles that go side to side. Try it! Got nothing to loose.
Someone above mentioned the possibility of treating the wrong problem. I think this is an important point because there are many reasons for foot pain, PF being only one them. Great points in this article though. It is probably a good idea to stretch even without foot pain!
I developed PF during my first pregnancy, over 4 years ago. It was a winter pregnancy, Interior Alaska. I wore out a treadmill while pregnant. I took 4 or 5 weeks off my regular running/walking regime to recover from an ER C-sect. (I didn’t get back to regular exercise until I felt ready). Since that first month back to running, I have had PF. I tried using an ellipticle during 2nd pregnancy. Foot hurt too much, but i managed. During my 3rd, I said screw it. Staid off my feet.(I gained the same 40-45lbs with each kiddo. I lost the weight within 6 months after each.) I got a cortisone shot after initial on-set. I stretch all day long. I so miss running. I am now working with wooden balls. Will add foot stretches before I get out of bed, but ALWAYS have shoes on. I miss running so much. Nothing else is the same. I just hope that there is a solution. Some of y’all make me hopeful. Thanks-kk
suzanne adamson
Ignoring PF or trying to rush healing can lead to a popped fascia. Not fun. Cure it when it 1st begins to hurt. The challenge is to rest & support the fascia in the arch of the foot. Get Feetures, a compression sock to wear as much as possible. Get decent orthotics, not necessarily custom ones which are expensive & can hurt a lot. Avoid stairs: up & down. If you must do stairs, do them flat-footed. The trick is not to let bare feet touch the floor until 2 months after pain is gone. This means sitting down to put on underwear & pants up to your knees, put on socks & shoes, THEN stand to pull up pants. Wear supportive sandals in shower. Yes, really. Before you get out of bed, rotate your ankles 1 way & then the other lots of times. Then bend toes up towards knee. Put on shoes & orthotics, & get up. i got a female urinal for the night just so i don’t have to reinsure my sleep-shortened fascia. Yeah, sucks, but i want this to be GONE. i slide my feet into Stegmans with orthotics & whizz bedside. Use Naprosyn as needed, with food. Also recommended: massive doses of Vitamin C which helps with healing. Treat your feet like newborn babies. Ignore this minimalist shit. Your feet are injured, strained. They need rest & quiet…for months. It’s been 7 for me & getting better, but remember, i ruptured mine cuz i ignored the PF. Relapses are easy to come by if you get impatient. Also, New Balance sneaks with a wide toe box & OTC orthotics from a foot guru, helped me.
OMG I’m 11 I’ve been having this pain for a while and decided to find out wat was causing it. I found this site, and the pain went away instantly!!
Had it for approximately six months. Sucks. I wanted to improve my run times, so I switched to Newton shoes, which forced me to become a toe runner. After about two months of running on my toes for an average of five miles per day, I broke. Times improved, but now I can’t even run. Got heel inserts, and they help to reduce the pain, but have been slacking with ice, stretching, etc. Has anyone had a successful surgey for this issue?
I broke the second digit on my left foot last year. Ever since then I have been plagued with PF. I’m very active and have been trying to work through the pain. Long story short, if you break a toe, wrap it up. The doctor said if I had splinted the toe I may not have contracted the dreaded PF. Anything that alters your natural stride and puts undo pressure on your foot can cause PF. I hate this stuff!
FROZEN GOLF BALLS!!! STRETCHING!!! KEEP HYDRATED!!!! Deep deep breaths while stretching! Very painful crap, had it for almost two years!!!!
Ive had PF for years and have let it go to the point that I could no longer walk. Ive been doing PT and massage. I use the ice bottles on my feet, heat on my calves, all of the stretches mentioned earlier AND THE MOST HELPFUL thing so far-is to wrap my arch (outside of my sock) with Duct tape. Dont wrap it TOO tight, but very snug without weight on your foot. This is almost a 75% decrease in pain immediately. It doesnt actually FIX anything, but it allows you to make it through the day without hurting it any more than it already is. Ive been doing it for a week along with everything else, and it is almost gone.
Been dealing with PF for 8 months now. No running no walking. It’s been a horrible thing. Limping around in pain. Went to a podiatris, got cortizone shots, insurance wouldn’t cover custom insoles at 600 bucks. Tried icing, foot stretching. Be careful of stretching the calf it can pull and tear the injury. I work on my feet as a chef so long hours. Tried using a minimalist shoe and that gave have some relief but it didn’t work for the long hours on my feet. Stretching the toes back toward the shin and deep massage on the bugger seemed to help but not the cure. I hear it just takes time. There’s a store called Good Feet and they claim with there insoles they can heal it. For 600 dollars. At this point I am willing to try anything. Anyone hear about this treatment? Thanks for everyone’s comments it’s good to hear I’m not the only one.
I have been running 5k – half marathons for the past 5 years. I had no issue with PF and saw others that did. I considered myself lucky but thought maybe the people suffering from it was slightly exaggerating the pain level. Then back this past Aug I started having heel pain after a run. I am a heel striker so I thought, I had probably bruised my heels and it was time to throw the older pair of shoes out of my rotation. After awhile of pain when even just walking or standing for long periods of time, I realized that something else was going on. After talking to others who had PF and lots of internet searches, I made an appt with my doctor. I explained I’m a runner and been having issues and at times even have troubles sleeping due to the pain. He confirmed my thoughts about having PF and told me to do the stretches and I could probably avoid PT. It made me feel like oh well, deal with it and stretch. Doing the stretches and taking a couple months off of running, I gained 20 lbs and no relief. I called to see if they could recommend a podiatrist, and the Dr. suggested PT. I did both, the podiatrist gave me a boot to wear, and shots in the feet. The shots helped for only a few hours. The boot helped sometimes but again only temporarily. I did inserts while doing 6 weeks of PT. At some point I said I’m just going to run, I think I’m lucky in that, my pain goes away when I run. Around 30 mins after the run, the pain comes back and I’m limping again. It’s very frustrating as it seems like the Doctors and the rest just want the $ and not willing to really fix it. I know this probably isn’t true but that is how it feels. The over the counter ibuprofen and the rest, do not seem to help at all. A friend of mine that had it and tried all of the above and had the laser treatment as well, with no help. Finally the podiatrist that was treating him, decided to try alcohol injections. From what he said and what I found on the web, the alcohol injections, kills the nerves. He said that after 4 rounds of these he was completely pain free. He is still constantly on his feet for his job and plays sports like basketball without any issue. I know that some of the above methods do work for people and that’s probably why these injections aren’t a first plan of action. So after this really long post (I’m sorry) has anyone else heard of this? I’m going to try a different podiatrist and request this right off the bat. I’m currently training for a race in a month so it will be after that before I’m going to request it. If I am able to get this, I will make sure I come back and post the results. Good luck to everyone, PF stinks!!!!!!
Runner with PF
I’ve tried not running, physical therapy 6 weeks, ultrasound therapy, battery ibuprofen patches, sleeping boot, stretches, ice bottle, cortisone injections and more stretching. I’ve been dealing with this for 9 months, some days are much worse than others. I have a friend that tried all of the above and added laser treatment, all without much help. His podiatrist had him try alcohol injections and after four treatments he had no more issues. He is on his feet all day at his job, plays sports including basketball and it’s been over a year without any returning pain. I believe I read all of the posts on here and didn’t see this mentioned. Was wondering if anyone has had this or has talked to their Dr about it.
Got the dreaded pf 2 yrs ago when I changed my lifestyle and started exercising. Thought it was just a bruised heel so I bought some heel pads. Got worse and finally went to the podiatrist who confirmed it was pf.
Ive done: night splints, arch supports, custom orthotics, taping, night splints, cortisone shots, stretching, tennis balls, and then eventually had surgery on both feet. Plantar Fascia Release done on both feet along with surgery for Tarsal Tunnel which I was lucky enough to ALSO get along with pf. Surgeries were over a year sgo and I havent noticed any change. I am constantly reading online hoping to find SOMETHING that will help. Podiatrist wants to do 2 more surgeries where they remove parts of the nerve from the underside of the foot. Im 33/m and its impossible for me to exercise! Ive gained way more weight than I wanted and cant do anything about it. HELP!!
I’m going to share some of these stretching tips. Certain studies have shown that it’s beneficial to incorporate more than one protocol to find what works for your foot pain. Thanks!
I have been dealing with this for the past 8 months after getting a groin injury and then running and hiking with an altered gait. Never had any issues before with my feet. PF can really fool you because when you first get it, it seems to go away when you are running and hiking/walking so you keep doing those things. However, it is often actually getting worse, which you will notice later. Like others, I have done all the usual things, but have also done Graston and shockwave therapy. Graston breaks up the scar tissue but did not help that much for my fasciitis. Shockwave made it much worse for me – I think it was too intense of a setting for me but many other people have had great success with it. I am seeing a new podiatrist now and he said not to stretch too much, but to just do very gentle stretching when the foot is still sore – he says the fascia is injured and does not want to be stretched too much until the pain is gone. I had been doing lots calf and foot stretches before that and rolling on a spiky ball. He says just slowly flex my foot several times gently when the leg is straight and then when the knee is bent and also slightly pull my toes back. He also swears by orthotics. We’ll see how all this goes.
Those Feetures elastic socks allow me to walk a bit. Worth a try for anyone I think. One thing about inserts with arch supports – I have to be very careful since if they are too supportive, they can cause more pain. Your podiatrist might tell you to get Birkenstock sandals – be careful, since I got the PF in my other foot while wearing them – the arch in the sandal irritated my foot. Of course other people really like them, so everyone is different. My arch seems to fall down later in the day and I need to wear a different shoe or insert to survive the evening. Actually, I have about 6 pairs of shoes that I am always rotating around, since what feels OK one day does not necessarily work the next day, or even later in the same day. Heel gel things can help a bit – you can get them at a running store. Good luck!
Those that have had heel pain and cannot find relief might want to consult a good chiropractor ! Some of my pf is from the foot and some from the back misalignment.
I’m doing icing, a night splint, Spenco shoe inserts as well as Superfeet inserts, massage, gentle stretches and my PF is healing. I am resting my feet as much as possible, and stretch often throughout the day. One thing I use that I haven’t seen mentioned here yet are elastic arch supports, which I wear for the bulk of the day and when exercising for sure. I ordered them from Amazon. I switch shoes mid day and wouldn’t consider running on an injury like PF. For cardio, which I’m limiting right now, I do the bike or elliptical and keep my feet flat at all times. Someone mentioned an electronic massager is helpful but I have yet to try it.
Orthotics, chiropractic, massage therapy, Accupuncture have all helped thru my 2 yr roller coaster , better, worse, one foot than the other,fight with PF, but I think (I’m hoping) wearing the night splint has finally ended this. I have not had any pain the last three days after wearing the Draco night splint. Seems bulky but wow, have also been doing more stretches, especially before I get out of bed. I sleep on my stomach and I think the opposite flex was ruining the healing/relief. Keep trying different things. Maybe the most important thing is that we appreciate and smile all day when we do have a day where there is a spring in our step ( otherwise known as a pain free day). Hoping for another one tomorow, it does make life sweet again. Technician at my podiatrist says they offer the Draco with the air pump because its the best. He said that if I did try an over the counter, use one that has the structure under the foot, not on top because that’s just stretching the toes, not supporting the foot. Good luck!!!
Thanks to my boyfriend I have found your website (most encouraging so far) and hopes of putting this pain in my right heel to rest. I have been stretching while reading, all the helpful comments and plan on trying most all suggestions. I do not want cortisone shots nor doctor visits. I have been in serious pf pain for past 4 to 6 weeks. Just bought calcium rich tums, ibuprofen and foot gel, for foot massage after stretching. Have tennis balls at work under my desk, ready to roll. Thank you I will give update in two weeks!
I got this PF almost a year now. Doc said when I hiked/walked up hill with bad foot support, Platar got stretched too thin and ended up with this.
affected only left foot.
been to podiatrist –
now on a weekly session with Chiro and deep tissue massages.
cant wait to get rid of this “activity limiting” /annoying condition.
My therapist says to keep the feet in the bucket of cold water with ice every evening.
Tried it but did not make a difference.
someone said do the same with ho water. not sure of that either:
suzanne adamson
11 months for me following PF caused by trauma. (running down a hill in Tom’s shoes!)
My feet are 98% better. The cure is arch support & time. i feel so badly for the folks who believe in the minimalist approach or continue to run because they’re just exacerbating the poor tattered fascia.
Rest, arch support, & Time heal it. It cannot be rushed.
My 1st advice was #35 here in the earlier thread.
You must be patient & not overdo and the body will heal itself.
Take Vitamin C, too. 3000 mg/day.
Had multiple bouts of PF, but nothing that’s been this sore. Doing all of the above, ball massage on foot, ice, stretching. My biggest fear that I stretch or massage to much and it gets more aggravated. Very frustrating as the perfect running weather is upon us here in PA
I beat this once, I will beat it again. I suffered for 3 years with life changing PF causing immense arch pain when standing or walking for even small periods of time. Other people seem to have heel pain that eases with activity, but I had horrific arch pain that intensified with activity. I have very flat feet that never bothered me all my life until I was 28 and gained some weight. Only rest and a sedentary lifestyle eased my pain. Forget exercise, I couldn’t walk. It was a nightmare. I tried motion control shoes, stretches, custom orthothics, different podiatrists, ortho surgeons, anti inflammatories, night brace, more ice than you could imagine several times a day, before and after simple things like making dinner or doing housework. I also tried art therapy, physical therapy, graston, roller ball, and I would stretch all the time. Well, one day I decided I would get aggressive, I started taking vit D, calcum, stretching in bed before getting up, I never took off my shoes with arch support, and I got an ultrasound machine. This cured me!!! 5 pain free months!!!!!@@ unfortunately, I recently reinjured the fascia when standing too long on a thin step attic ladder. I felt it immediately so here I go again. The pain reminded me of the stair stretch which does not work well for me and only rips the fascia more. I only do calf stretches. I think I will beat it using above formula. I hope I will!! I wish everyone else much luck, this has changed my life. I’m ready to close the book on it forever. Lots of love to u all.
All the stretches sound great BUT I’ve tried the ice before and the piain was excruciating. I do not recommend it.
This an evil, painful disease. I hate it soooo much. Im a nurse, standing 13hrs in the Icu unit. When off hv to do home work.
A foam roller! Stretching calves is only the start. Make sure you loosen the calf muscles by using a foam roller.
Two weeks ago I went running in the mountains and I felt some pain in my right foot, so the next day I went running again in the mountains thinking the pain will go away. That was a big mistake because for the next 7 days I couldn’t walk, my foot was twice the normal size and I was in constant pain unable to sleep. I iced my foot in a bucket each day and was able to put some pressure on my foot on the 8th day. On the 9th day I taped up my foot and I was able to walk/limp on it. As soon as I taped up my foot I was able to walk. The 14th day I walked/jogged 4 miles in the mountains, the next day I went 12 miles in mountains and today I went 3 miles in the hills with no pain. Each day I walked/jogged I taped my foot and was very careful not to push myself to hard. I bought a brand new pair of Nike 5.0 shoes. I have also done some stretching exercises and the golf ball under the foot. I believe my healing is about keeping my foot taped. Before my injury I wore barefoot shoes and I would run in the mountains as often as I could. Maybe this is the reason I am able to jog/walk not long after my injury when so many people can’t even walk.
PF seemed to start for me a year into running, when I began ramping up the mileage and speed for races and ultimately a marathon. It only affected my right foot, which might be due to a higher arch on that side? Or perhaps just form. The problem peaked around the marathon last year. I was limping around the day before at the convention looking like a fool. Problem does loosen up during a run but like everyone says, returns afterwards, or in my case, later in a long run. The problem did not go away quickly. I even took about 6 weeks off but the stubborn pain was there. What seemed to help was a lot was stretching out the calf/achilles, some yoga (downward dog is a good stretch), and the hand stretch and massage (there are some helpful youtube videos on that). Replacing old shoes helped too, rotating running with 2 pairs of shoes. Trained for and completed a 15K with a good PR and no PF pain over the winter. What also helped was mixing up the running surfaces – doing some work on the treadmill, and most speed work at the local HS track, which is softer than road/sidewalk. Kept my hard surface running to mostly long runs on weekends. Now I do a lot of trail running.
So for the bad news is I’m beginning to feel the early stages of the problem again, with weekly mileage nothing special. I’ve gotten lazy with yoga and the hand stretch/massage so will start that up again 2x per day. Shoes are starting to get old again so I may need to replace the old pair.
Now if I can cure my chronic media tibia stress problem…
Other activities are far lower maintenance than running. I bike commute regularly and the post-workout routine is almost totally unnecessary.
Have had plantar fasciitis of my left foot for a few months. I have tried exercise, pain meds, orthotics from stores. And at last it seemed to be easing, until I walked three blocks carrying a heavy shopping bag.
back to square one, and will be icing, which I didn’t do, and the rolling ball while watching t.v..
Did sleep with my foot against a pillow at nite to keep the foot in a proper position.
toe sepater socks again, and getting Walkfit-platinum insoles and better shoes. Was using Birkenstocks which weren’t all that good for the condition, even if I put in the plantar fasciitis insoles. Clarks wave sandals with the insoles seemed the best, but will try other shoes from REIs.
I see it will be a life long battle. I am 78 with a very high arch, and I dislike the inactivity and inability to walk distances.
Slightly overweight which i will remedy this summer. and I have had a popped Achilles tendon, a torn hamstring, calf problems in the past.
All were painful, but this has lasted longer in healing than anything else
. I tend to heal fast. Not with this.
What I have learned is not to think it is healed, but be careful.
I had a terrible case of PF two years ago. I found that the stretching BEFORE you get out of bed is critical. If you don’t stretch before you takes your first steps you will keep damaging it.
Very helpful hints!
I just had surgery after suffering for 6 years. It’s been almost 10 weeks and the “release” has still not happened yet.
My MD said his best case took 2 weeks and his worst took 1 1/2 years! So I’m hoping at least somewhere in the middle.
I’m a nurse so being on my feet for 30+ years is how I got it. One of our Docs told me to massage the bottom of your foot at least twice a day and to press hard using your thumb. I’ve been doing it a few days now and it does seem to be loosening things up.
I plan to start Calcium again and use the duct tape as these I haven’t tried.
Thanks! ☺️
Thanks for all the good tips!
I’ve been dealing with it over 6 years!
Finally had surgery but after 10 weeks it still hasn’t “released”.
Being a nurse 30+ years hasn’t been easy on my feet so I was really hoping the surgery would fix it but I’m being patient.
My Doc told me his best case worked in 2 weeks and his worst was 1 1/2 years!
Another Doctor told me to do deep massage to the bottom of your foot and to really push with your thumb.
Good luck to everyone and Thanks for all the tips!☺️
I had surgery a year ago,didn’t have pain for like a year but after a year my pain came back and it’s even worse than before..I have tried everything the Dr had told me…had cortisone shots,but they only works for a while,I do the stretch every morning…..i do the ice bottle,but nothing seems to help me….thanks for the tips…and good luck.
Go barefoot whenever possible to cure PF.
Noticed a few folks saying it’s caused by high heels but that isn’t always the case. PF can be brought on by many factors. Mine showed up after a stress fracture reared it’s ugly head in my heel. After 6 weeks in a boot and an MRI, we learned I too am dealing with PF. Been stretching and icing daily since the break (actually since before diagnosis, as I believed that PF was what was causing my pain only to learn about the break). Friday I go for an injection so I can at least do the stretches with less pain and be able to wear my shoes again.
Careful with the calcium supplements though…if you do jot have a deficiency, it can lead to calcium deposits and kidney stones,
Well I have had this sucker over 2 years ago before I started running. It was only mild and it went away fairly quickly, but it did wear trainers a lot. It came back early this year and it’s been getting worse. Although the last couple of days it’s been ok. I have done icing iboprufen massage stretching night sock /splin (so uncomfortable) can’t sleep with the damn thing on taping and the f6 compression sock. My physio has been treating me for a sore hamstring and we will start dry needling hopefully coming Monday. Not looking forward to that but it did work on the hammy. If all fails I will be going to a podiatrist that makes alignments and gets rid of the pain that way. We will see, will keep you posted. Very frustrating.
Some excellent advise above. Here is what I had found works for me. I have been suffering from PF for three weeks. Previous episodes have only lasted a day or two:
Stretching and massaging calf and foot BEFORE getting out of bed; using a hard spiked ball on floor to massage foot for 5-10 minutes; it is kept at bedside.
After rising, stretch foot and legs again and do other stretching exercises.
Roll on iced plastic bottle twice a day, five to ten minutes at a time, with socks on.
Resist walking barefoot, even for short distances
Use tape or support socks; support socks work just as well as tape.
Use hard heel cups; soft ones do not work for me.
From time to time, use a cane
The devices that have proven most useful are my Kalso Earth shoes. Since using them, the PF pain has been reduced by 3/4ths. I can walk for some distance with them. I suspect they work because they allow the front and middle of foot to hit the ground first. Do not confuse them with Birkenstocks. Earth shoes look very much like other shoes, except that the heel is lower than typical. Men’s styles seem less available that women’s.
Hope this helps.
Ive had PF for a couple months, I work in a hospital and have to be on my feet for 8 to 10 hours,when my foot starts hurting I get a pain all the way up my leg into my hip and sometimes the bottom of my foot feels like its cramping. My hip is really hurting is this all do to the PF???
I had PF surgery 3 years ago after suffering for a year. I tried cortisone shots 3 times I also had a hard cast put on for 2 months and a walking boot and physical therapy nothing worked so my orthopedic said okay I will do surgery. Well just this last week I notice pain in my heel and it’s getting worse and unbearable so now I’m dealing with it again but, on opposite foot, Not very happy right now I’m hoping for quick healing but, I doubt it!
I’m in so much pain I’ll try anything right now had a shot Thursday now not only does not foot still hurt but now it’s black and blue night are the worse after I have worked all day
Carol Phipson
I am South African, age 53. I got PF under right foot on 15 March, 2014. My exercise was walking and tennis. I ignored the pain for 6 weeks and carried on exercising. The PF got worse and worse so I went to a GP (general practitioner doctor) who gave me anti-inflamms plus a cortisone injection in the buttock. These helped for 2 weeks. Doctor said elevation. Do she mean wear high heels? I wear running shoes with heel inners to work. My PF has got worse – I get shooting pains in my heel when I am sitting down and it seems to move around my foot. I still play tennis once a week…… agony.
A year after breaking my 5th metatarsal I was feeling like I could finally go back to long walks and Zumba.I was an amateur dancer (ballet) for over 30 years, and have high arches that are not fallen. I love to move. Long story short, I’ve had PF (now in both feet) for nearly a year. This has affected the way I walk, so now my calves and hips hurt. I have tried 3 docs, night splints, physical therapy, stretching, toe spacers, hot water/ice, tennis balls, stretching before getting out of bed, wide toe box shoes. It’s a never ending cycle. Nothing has really helped. I feel crippled when I get out of bed in the morning (even after stretching…sometimes a hot pack helps some), and sometimes all day long. I started gaining weight…and have found ONE THING that feels great…water aerobics. When I get into the pool I can exercise again with no pain (I tread water instead of landing on my feet), and am starting to lose a few pounds as well as become more flexible. I will add the Vit C and Calcium. Thanks all for the good advice.
Carol Phipson
I’ve had PF in right foot for 3 months. Should I wear high heels?
Claire Kruszks
I have battled PF on and off for 12 yrs. I’m a nurse. i was diagnosed in 2000. The first doc I went to gave me cortisone. I have it in both feet. This only made it worse. I also got new balance tennis shoes, splints,orthotics,and had PT. The pain eventually subsided.
i also got a nursing job where i was in management,and not on my feet as much. My husband and i relocated,and i was forced to back into what i call ground and pound nursing in ER,and other areas where I was always on my feet. the PF flared up BAD in my left foot. Had surgery in 2012. Still in pain,and PF in right foot is now acting up. I have been severely depressed and feel my entire identity has been altered. Afraid to tell new employers about past foot issues, but trying to cure this before i start OR job.
Will try some of the tips on this site. Thanks,glad i found this.
I have had PF for two years tried EVERYTHING.. Streching,ice,night boot different inserts.different shoes, injection. I have spent big bucks trying to rid this problem..Right now I am in an air cast for 3 weeks and it seems to be working. iI just don’t know what really works, think it’s a person to person thing.. Might look into that alcohol injections.. That might work..good luck everyone.:-)
Kathie Jacobs
For sandals I have found that Mephisto with air relax insoles are best, I can walk without pain. They are expensive but well worth the investment, believe me.
Thanks for all the great comments. Has anyone had hip & let pain associated with the PF? My heel pain began, and now the whole hip and leg on that foot side is tight and sore. I am not overweight and do yoga regularly, which is a great stretch for the calf/hip/heel. Haven’t been to the doctor yet.
Peyton Kylie
I was unaware of the term. I always feel a kind of burning sensation in the bottom of my foot. When things went out of my control, I met Dr. Brady- my family foot doctor. After examination, he informed me that I got plantar fasciitis, but nothing to worry. He prescribed some medicines, and given some precautionary tips. Things are better now.
R. C. Norris
First, I never have heel pain. My pain is the middle / arched part of my foot bottom. For many years I have been wearing Birkenstock sandals and inserts. When I do this religiously there is no pain. I only get the pain when I am remiss and wear stuff without the support for a few days and then I start all over again. Since I am only 74, I figure that I still have time to remember to do what works… Or I am just hopeless…. Thanks, RnR
Firstly I do have PF, hence reading all the above.
There is a lot of research and information on the web but there is no one cure for all solution. That is because of the nature of the injury itself, type of damage, level of damage to the fascia and what everyone else forgets about, the surrounding muscle. Everyone’s arch and flexibility is different. I am in the same situation as everyone else here and feel the same “i’ll never walk up a mountain again”, “ill never run like that guy over there again” it hits your mental well being hard and impacts on your social and family life.
Although the fascia is damaged, the muscles that control the foot may also have suffered some strain. Occasionally the muscle strain is more than the strain on the fascia so the pain goes away quite quickly as in one or two of the cases posted so far. You have to remember if you rip the fascia so much that it is excruciating and you cant walk I can guarantee you wont be running 7 miles on a mountain in 2 weeks time !
I did mine through overuse over a 10 mile mountain route whilst my feet were sliding around in my boots on new Superfeet Orange foot beds. Superfeet green are what I used to use but the arch support is all wrong on Superfeet foot beds. They are too far back so push into the base of the fascia, many people on the net have noted this. The Orange foot beds are harder so dont cup the heel, hence the sliding. And did both feet, right was mild and cleared in 2 weeks, left was more serious. Best foot beds Ive found upto now are Sole Ultra heat moldable.
Self treatment is a night brace every night with a foam wedge to lift the toes plus more added wedge to give it a bit more. Massage pulling the fascia back to the heel using Winter Green liniment which is Methyl Salicitate, look it up, no one mentions it. Icing as everyone above has mentioned but be careful, ice to a tendon is bad, try cold packing it or you will freeze and damage the fascia. Ibuprofen obviously but off that now. I did a 4 week course of Serrapeptase which helps dispose of scar tissue and reduce inflamation. I use Ester C, 2000 or 3000mg a day and now looking at magnesium, calcium and manganese, id say its worth looking at the evidence on this for healing tissue and tendon injury.
Stretching the calfs and hamstrings twice a day at least. Many say it dont matter. Everything is pulling on your heel. If you have two elastic bands tied together in the middle, cut one of them, then tie it back up in a knot, the elastic band over the whole length has now got tighter if the ends havnt moved. This is exactly what is going on, the fascia is strong, stronger than a tendon but its thin and doesnt stretch like a tendon, more like a strong plastic bag. Add too much ice and it will become brittle and damage. It needs to be stretched slowly and gently over a long period of time, months, even at night, hence the brace is a necessity.
I low die tape now and then, look it up. Ive tried KT tape and to be honest the previous comments about arch socks and duct tape do the same thing. They support the fascia in the position its meant to be in as it drops when it is injured and inflamed because like the elastic band it has become a tadd shorter. This varying in tension is what causes a shoe to hurt then the next day its fine. The arch support or heel of the shoe is pushing on the inflamed fascia and heel bone. Not sure ? Hit you finger with a hammer then get your mate to stand on it, I bet it hurts even more *o*
I use a wobble board to work on ankle strength through balance, tilt it to one side and use it to pre angle my foot for the stretching mentioned above and by others posters. No matter how flexible you are, you need to compensate and relieve the pressure on the fascia and give it as much slack as humanly possible. Avoid cortisone shots or any needles unless absolute as sticking anything in the fascia adds another hole which is what got you into this mess. There is some excellent stuff on effects of cortisone on fibrous tissue on the net with images. It will work for some and not for others, consider the damage and the stress from on the fascia, its different between people.
As someone commented above, rest you feet, support your feet a they’re injured. The body heels when you sleep so get plenty of sleep. One thing I’ve never seen mentioned, stay hydrated, drink lots of water. You calf muscles contain a lot of water, the fascia is made up of water, blood and tissue, it needs water to heal as its is already inflamed. I could be wrong but i am more flexible when wet !
I am getting better, a lot better, I couldnt walk the dog and was telephoning the wife to come pick us up. I am on my feet a lot during the day, stretch whenever I can, I come in from work and cold pack my foot. A while later when its warmed up i stretch and massage with Winter Green liniment.
Hope you all get sorted. ooops long post but ive gained a lot through others so hopefully i can give a little of what is working for me.
I love the tip that you list. Thank you! I have battled with PF for the last 9 years. I have found that what works best for me is doing the calf stretches and rolling my foot on a frozen water bottle. I will certainly try you other tips as well. I also switched to wearing New Balance tennis shoes with motion control and roll bar (the higher the number is usually more supportive shoes). I add to these a gel arch support and a gel heal pad on top of that. Dansko brand shoes work great if I need something dressier. I pretty much avoid sandals and flip flops as I haven’t found much that is comfortable and supportive. Barefoot or in socks is pretty much a no-no, too.
ben johnson
is there a quicker way to get ride of it or is that it and how long will it take to go??
it will be very helpful if u can get hold of me asap
I have had PF twice in the last 5 years, old injury from using a shovel in the garden. I found it harder to get rid of it this time around, now 46 yr. I have done the ice, stretches, massage with the ball, all the stuff mentioned above, it has eased off so I tried to work out on the eliptical again, foot gives out in 20 min. I went to the doctor, she put me on diclofenac-antiflamatory and I also started taking calcium vitamins, b/c I could have a bone spur irritating the PF. It is working. Finally after about 3 days no pain during the day. Foot does tire out in the evening, but I have been using ice then to keep it from hurting. Hopefully between the calcium vitamins and the antiflamatories, PF will be history again.
A compliment first to whomever is “Athletico.com” for providing the forum for this kind of interchange from all over the world. And then thanks for the initial article which was both complete and filled with much more than the typical broad brush maybe this maybe that kind of stuff. And finally, to the so many comments that provided perspectives from fellow sufferers. From probably a sledding accident thirty years in the past, this whole PF thing has proven to be a huge impact and will certainly hobble my rush through airports on the way from California to a New York City office. But with the diverse cures suggested, this too will pass. I’ll check in a month or so down the road with updates. Thanks to all! Appreciated
Struggled with PF in left foot starting 20 years ago. Tried PT, custom orthotics. Orthotics are great, but ultimately had surgery to release the PF. Pain-free in that foot since then, as long as I wear supportive shoes.
Inflamed sesmoid bone in right foot started 5 years ago, then PF flared up this winter, along with a nerve impingement in the heel. Because I know my history with the left foot and the sesmoid bone problem made addressing the PF very difficult, I just decided to do the surgery–had it August 1 for all three issues. Surgery is a last resort, I think, but for me I think it made sense. I think you should try everything else on this site, but if you have to have it, the world won’t end. I’m 56, and though running is done for me, I can still look forward to snowboarding without pain this winter.
I suffered for weeks until I got Earth Shoes and put a firm arch support inside. Within a week I was nearly healed. Now I wear those as well as Vionic Orthaheel shoes. I recommend styles with laces or adjustable straps to keep the foot firmly in place.
I am a runner but I never push myself out of my comfort zone. I barely do races. One day I did the race and pushed myself outside of my comfort zone and ended up with pain in my heel. Then I learned about PF. I collected all the info, went for fitting in shoes, ended up with special inserts, Hokas and lots of advice about rolling the bottle and icing, icing, icing, stretching and staying off my feet. And STOP walking barefoot. I did all that. My pain became progressively worse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then I got angry and I did everything that I was not supposed to be doing – started walking barefoot at home, instead ice, I soak feet in hot bath and I trashed insoles. Immediate improvement was noticed!
ice massage is fine…but u can also try out Contrast bath for better relief of pain and inflammation…very very effective…along with all the above exercises
You have to try Z-coil shoes. They have springs at the heels that act as shock absorbers. I also wear the boot every night, and have lessened the ice/pain meds over time. Things are definitely improving
I guess i am ready to admit that the pain I h ave now had for some months is pf. Hmmm – should have paid more attention to my sister-in-law when she first started with this years ago and paid more attention to myself when the pain began. I wish the advice about barefoot vs “never bare” was clearer, since I live in a warm climate and usually am barefoot when I am in the house – it will be hard to be disciplined about wearing the sneakers all the time – but I guess everyone is different and from what I can see we all should drub our feet before getting out of bed and beyond that we just have to try to see what works.
I am writing mostly to add a voice of caution about calcium — if you take it, be sure to take the same amount of magnesium as calcium – the two minerals work together inside our cells and need to be in balance. Vit D is probably good as well for absorption. Good luck to all of us!
I have the same problem as Holly (who posted on Jan 17). I am a dance professor with high arches and began feeling this PF pain after tea hing without shoes. Now I have to wear my Yellow Box brand flip flips just to walk around the house without pain. I’ve seen a podiatrist and he said it was heel bursitis.. I have tight dancer calves and need to stretch more. Arch inserts usually hurt and I can’t dance in them. I’ve had this pain for four months now and bc dance is my profession I can’t stay off my feet. Will work harder at the exercises. I had extreme Achilles pain in the other foot last year. No fun getting older.
This is my first time with PF. in the pain I feel is no joke.it’s been 4 days of no walking. I just pray that God take this pain away…..
Misty Stevens
I discovered I had PF about 4 months ago. I could not even step out of the bed without the pain hurting so bad I thought I would fall and then limped all day. Even in middle of the night I found myself bracing my foot at the footboard to keep my foot flat instead of relaxed (this is why the foot hurts in the morning, it has drawn up, relaxed and is tight). I also had just began having problems with a pinched nerve in my lower back. After mentioning to my chiropractor my foot symptoms, he proceeded to wrap my foot with 2 pieces of kinesiology tape (KT TAPE). The pain relief was immediate when I put my shoe back on!!! The tape helps to relieve the pressure, hence not inflaming it further. I keep the tape on 24 hours a day. The original (not sport) adheres best. It stays on for 2-4 days even through showers, but be sure not to lotion in the area you apply the tape. (KT TAPE also has a video to watch so you can properly apply it) I also ONLY wear my Nike Air Max that have FitSole2 inside (I previously wore Sperrys and any type of shoe). I now literally wear my Nike’s from wake up to bed time. I also rolled my foot over a frozen water bottle twice a day. So…between the shoes, the tape and the ice…my foot today is 98% better. The pain is gone, now its just a little stiff so I am doing exercises to stretch it out. It has been a frustrating process with patience BUT I am almost all the way better.
I was just recently diagnosed with moderate to severe platar faciitus and am stuck in a boot with such severe pain, I received my first injection of cortizone and i think it made it worse, no relief whatsoever. I was told the possibility because of the severity is surgery with releasing the tendon and injecting cadaver stem cells to ease the pain. My podiatrist said it is 100% effective, can anyone help me out whose had/have this type of surgery. Any opinions would be very appreciated! I’m so scared and the pain is absolutely god awful!
I just started getting PF about a year ago. I had two cortisone shots and they helped a little. Just recently they started getting really bad. I don’t have a tennis ball…yet… but I’m looking for those foot massagers that are made out of wood. Hoping that helps. But definitely Spenco gel insoles help. My doctor recommends that brand specifically…he even said that I can say he says so. I’m beginning to think it’s just age and the fact that I have been on my feet most of my life. I’m going to start investing in Advil!!
I was diagnosed with PF a few weeks ago, and I have been off work since. I got gel inserts do the stretches and work my foot out by hanging my heel over the side of the stairs and raising and lowering myself with my toes as much as possible. This seems to be helping but I won’t know for sure till I go back to work next week. Hate P.F.
The cause of my PF had nothing to do with wearing high heels or being bare foot. I have had PF ever since I was a pre teen. It was due to a growth spurt where my feet grew multiple sizes in the course of a summer and my plantar facia didn’t. I now have PF and Tendonitis in both my feet. I am on my feet 8-10 hours a day. Eventually it was so bad I could barely walk. Orthotics helped immensely. The frozen water bottle is your best friend. The doctors doubt I will ever be fully rid of PF. For those that get rid of it within a few months I am happy for everyone else it may take time. Hopefully you will not have it for as long as I have.
I guess I have PF I don’t have heel pain but my arch is swollen and hurts like h#$%. Esp. after a long day on my feet. I will be trying some of the things I’ve read on this blog, thanks everyone for the suggestions.
I developed PF – have been suffering for over a year – had 2 cortisone shots – unless – I am on my feet 10 hours a day – I did get the custom shoe inserts – have ordered extra wide shoes – have othroflex sandals (which give me some refielf from wearing those inserts and shoes all day –
I am scheduled for surgery this month and am going to cancel it due to all the research I have done doesn’t seem to have a great outcome –
Frustrated and trying to control anger from consistent pain is the fun part –
Can anyone out there direct me to a daily exercise routine, Thanks
its good to see it is not just me being soft, I went to the docs and they just fobbed it of “oh its just PF” as if its not bad and sent me packing with iburophen 2 months later I can hardly walk,its horrific, im struggling with work/gym/walking ive tried most things but there are some new tips on here i will try
Bill Moore
This report on PF was quite well written but more importantly it was spot on in being right. Everything suggested works and works well. PF was new to me and I was really hurting, could hardly walk in the mornings. I’m using some of the exercises, taping my foot and wearing Croc’s. I know that it is not cured and will take a while to heal but the pain is completely gone. Thanks guys, you are a life saver.
Leslie Copeland
I just wanted to thank everyone on here for all of this great advice. My poor husband has been in horrible pain for over 8 weeks now. We got the NB shoes, inserts, tried ibuprofen. But he hadn’t been really stretching or icing or wrapping. I think if we incorporate that stuff, it will really help. Best of luck to all of us!
Don’t waste your time with surgery!!!!!!!
I’ve had PF since 2007….I’ve tried it all….shots,ice,orthotics,ice…and spent thousands on shoes…finally I had surgery. I now not only have heel pain that is worse, I also have intense pain in my ankles and calf muscles. I’m going to have to quit a job that requires me to be on my feet for 12 hours plus a day and I’ve spent 17 years at this place….I hate to give it up as I make great money and have accumulated 5 weeks of vacation! The surgery was a huge mistake….my advice is get on a daily med such as Mobic and exercise,exercise,exercise…do the physical therapy a few times a week, lose weight,and get a good massage once a month, and do the recommended stretching three to five times a day! Once they start cutting there’s no going back….the scares are there…the nerve damage is there…you will be sorry if you do..I sure am.
Derby Dancer
I’m quite an active person going to the gym doing high intensity classes,interval training and acrobatics classes too!I had been absolutely fine until in the past week I developed pf. And I likened to having a really severe cramp in my foot. The major thing that helped for me is using a cricket ball and rolling it underneath my foot keeping a lot of my body weight on it. It can really hurt at first but the pay off the next day was worth it when the cramps were a lot less.
Great tips and love that they all seem to be very easy to do. One thing I’ve always felt that worked to help alleviate pain from PF is to pay more attention to footwear. Before you buy anything, make sure that you try it out and get a feel of how comfortable your feet/foot would be with it. Even choosing slippers, if you have PF, should be well thought-of and properly researched on.
Balrog McMahon
I fell down and broke my right foot in the last 6 months. Since then I have had a problem with plantar fasciitis. However I still love to run so I have to spend time to find the best shoes for myself. In conclusion, if you have the same problem as me or break your toe, wrap it up with better shoes. PF is a serious thing and you still can run with the right shoes.
PF started 3 days ago. Never had it before. In early 40’s and very active.
I have high arches and to alleviate back and hip pain I bought a height adjustable desk ~6 weeks ago, and realise now On reflection I have been standing in barefoot for prolonged periods, combined with then pacing about my home office on long conference calls, also in barefoot!
This I think is the main cause, but to compound things I am trying to recover from bilateral patellar tendinosis (if you don’t know the term it is essentially PF of the patellar tendon, yep, it’s awful). The protocol for recovering from PT is eccentric loading on a slanted board: basically the lowering phase of a squat, but for 7-8 seconds per rep. Since early January I have been doing squats almost every day and have got up to my target of 45 squats (3×15) just this week.
Why is this relevant? Well of course you have todo the squats barefoot on a slanted board……
Anyway, can anyone help me with a question: I’ve never suffered from PF before. It came on after a 25min walk 3 days ago. After resting up for the evning, it was largely gone by the next day but yesterday and today, just basic walking about in the house, to the car and back is enough to send the pain to 6/10 when sitting but ironically zero when walking.
As this is the first occurrnce, will the RICE protocol work? My experience with patellar tendinosis is that for the first stage of tendonitis, you are in the ‘itis’ stage. It is actually inflamed. There is damage to the fascia but it will repair on its own, slowly. However if you keep injuring the fascia (microters) that is when tendonisis, in this case fasciaitis turns to faciaosis and the tendon is in a degenerative state. Nett: it will not repair on its own, even with rest and ice. It needs specific training to remodel itself. There is proven protocols for this in achilles tendinosis and also patellar tendinosis but i am not so sure for plantar fascia.
Anyway, will post up how i get on.
I had PF 20 years ago because I started working out too fast in poorly made shoes without support. It took about 2 years of wearing the most comfortable and supportive shoes I could find, Nikes, with orthodics they made for me. I had a normal life until a year ago, and PF came back. I am 60 now and have gained alot of weight. The reading I’ve done says the PF can be due to weight gain. It didn’t start until I started walking in the wrong shoes. Again. I am stretching my feet again, I bought New Balance supportive walking shoes, I use my orthodics, and I only walk 1 mile a day. The shoes are pretty ugly but they work. The soft, spongy NIkes did not work at all even with my orthodics. I will try to SLOWLY work up my walking distance. Walking fast brings on pain. Walking slow is okay. Foot doctor said to NEVER go barefoot, NEVER wear shoes with less than 1″ heels. That means flip flops are out. Burkenstocks are fine.
Play sports, it keeps you healthy!! Played touch footy, rolled ankle and snapped one ligament and a tear in another ligament. Have played netball, volleyball and basket ball all my adult life, plus going to the gym and doing weights and aerobics and lots of cycling. Used to being very active. Mid 40 now and a few months later after PT my ankle seems fine again. Playing touch footy and doing aerobics again. Suddenly I got heel pain in my right foot. Thought it was a stone bruise or a strain. So much pain. I teach PE at school as well and could hardly walk at the end of the day. Still kept playing footy and doing aerobics but the pain was unbearable. Limping everywhere. Self diagnosis showed PF can come after ankle injuries as you walk different which strains your foot!! I’m now icing, voltaren gel, massage and stretches and lots of ice and resting for 2 weeks. See if that helps. Time for new shoes too I think. It throbs at night in bed but wearing shoes all the time helps. Bare feet walking hurts more. Haven’t been to doctor or PT yet. Any other suggestions?
Martha Cordell
I have had PF since last spring. I tried everything, Orthopedic Doctor, the Physical Therapist, the exercises, I have stopped weight lifting, the pain continues. What is next?
John Solomon
These are some really good tips and one shouldn’t mind trying them while suffering from this extremely painful condition. I don’t think there is any point going for surgery as this is something that can happen again so you can’t go for surgery each time around.
I’ve had PF for four months. I think I got it after a fall, and then the following month, I went on a snowshoeing expedition. Been to the podiatrist, so I have been doing the stretches and wearing the dorsal night splint. After removing the splint in the morning, I massage my foot and point and flex many times before placing any weight on it. Thought I was improving when i started wearing the NB sneakers, and Merrell’s with inserts. I’ve found Soft Spot inserts and Dr Scholl gel inserts to be the best. But was still limping after being on my feet all day. Ice bottle, alternating with hot water/epsom salt bucket, and Motrin really helps with night time pain. On another forum a women was talking about curing hers when she found Clark’s. So I got a pair, the leather ones with buttons on the sides. I’m now walking almost pain free, as long as i don’t overdo it. And I don’t need to put the inserts in these. I’ve also been using a theraband. It’s a resistance band that dancers use. I put it on the instep, almost folded over the big toe, and then point and flex. Sixty repetitions each foot, morning and evening. The idea being, to build muscle in the feet. The night splint, theraband, and Clark’s have made a huge difference. Thought this might help some people. Helped me. I don’t work in any connection with these companies. Good luck to all of us!!
I have been suffering from PF for about a year now. Have put on extra weight over the winter and that isn’t helping anything. Did find one bright spot….I bought a new pair of Merrills last month and this weekend I wore them for two days in a row and felt none of the usual foot pain. The difference was that I left the original Merrill inserts in the shoes and added my polysorb ultrathin inserts on top of them. That extra support put my high arches in heaven and I hated having to take my boots off at night. (Not often you get to say that!)
I just tried KT tape and felt instant relief. I am AMAZED and had my doubts, but it is so wonderful. I finally found something that works!!
Great advise from everyone. I’m going to try the stretching exercises and night splint. Tired of this pain. Thanks everyone!!
Appreciate the info; will be incorporating these exercises into my regime. I was just told just last week that this infernal pain is probably PF and my efforts to “work it out” with increased walking was actually aggravating the situation. I’m in the experimental stage of remedies, but something that I’ll share for some of the DIY’ers. My hubby used his drill press and punched out a 1 inch round piece of my shoe, right where the heel rests. We used my ol’ beater gardening sandals and a pair of cheap sneakers for the trial run and removed less than 1/4 inch of material. After three days, I can actually walk around without looking gimpy. Take care, all.
I have only had PF for about a month and was clueless what I had and then talked to three people who put a name to it. I found that the one woman mentioned that PF stemmed from a Calcium deficiency so I took some powdered Calcium Magnesium that I had on hand and along with the exercises I am nearly pain free after only one day. YES! Good luck all.
A lacrosse ball is better than a tennis ball.
A proper massage needs something with less given than a tennis ball.
Joseph W. Motacek
Hi, I’ve been suffering from plantar fasciitis for a month and a half. Doing the stretching exercises. These really helped but the problem kept coming back. Then, I noticed on this forum that a few people mentioned using calcium supplements and that they really worked for them. This peaked my interest as I have had to avoid dairy products because of lactose intolerance. So, I decided to start taking a calcium supplement, and doing the stretching also. I started the Calcium a week ago, and I am fine today, so I am starting to think it really did have an impact. My foot feels absolutely fine this morning and I haven’t stretched for three days !
So, try calcium. One further note ; extended use of a calcium supplement can lead to kidney stones, so I wouldn’t use for a real long time. Calcium from natural sources would be better after the your first 3 weeks.
Great resources! I write a blog that focuses around Plantar fasciitis. I think i will site this article in my next post.
My PF is back after being healed. I was doing great while going to a chiropractor for 3 months for my neck and back adjustments. I did the tennis ball, calf stretches and pulling the toes toward my shin while legs crossed. Sometimes I can feel the pain in the same hip. I also wear orthotics in my walking shoes. Good luck everyone. Stay adjusted!
just found out that I had planters fasciitis and 3 heel spurs and I received a shot yesterday and they told me that I couldn’t work for a week but I work in a factory and I need to work so I try to stay off my feet but it’s really impossible to do that doesn’t everybody think so so what else can I do to help the swelling go down besides the ice
I’ve had PF for the last two months. I have tried everything except accupuncture. I have tried all the exercises mentioned. But only thing that has helped is calf stretching. It eases the pain for at least two hours. I also dip the affected foot in warm water for 15 minutes. After the affected foot is warm I do stretches. It gives me temporary relief but the pain has not gone yet. I am a harbour pilot and the job involves climbing up and down the ladder and being on my feet for at least 8 hours. I just pray it goes away.
what daily dosage of calcium do you take? I’ve been dealing with this for over 3 months & have had tried multiple inserts, shoes…including crocs, etc. to no avail. It can be almost crippling at times plus it doesn’t help that I’m on my feet all day at work.
hospital corners! ha. I was sleeping in a hotel bed..and stretched my sore foot using the resistance from the tight hospital corners of my sheet. bending my toes back toward the top of my foot and letting my foot stretch for a good long time. Then doing the opposite..bending my toes using the tight sheet down towards the bottom of my foot for a good long time. then I rotated my ankle in each direction. I found much relifef the following days… I think this dogged conditon is caused by tight mucles that vary from victim to victim. for me, stretching my toes brought relief ..for others stretching the calf muscles do the trick. I also have gotten rid of any shoes over six months old and switch my shoes around each day so they vary in heel height. Things are improving but still the condition lingers to some degree.
I noticed a huge difference once I started stretching in the morning like this article recommends.Also having a good pair of insoles and wearing them everyday greatly reduced the strain on the plantar fascia muscle and helped to heal it in just a few weeks. Great article!
My brother had PF for a long time, finally went to specialist, had cort shots, helped temporary, 3 times, then custom orthodics,6 monts later Dr. Says surgery…but brother says No,, im trying orthodics for longer….6 months later after wearing the custom orthos for a full year he was cured, and stayed cured.
drastic surgeon
One day I walked around with 20 kg backpack and next day found that my plantar fasciitis was. Since then I have taken a habit to stand many times a day on the heel of the PF foot, finding the spots that hurt the most (head for the pain, don’t back off!). It works – PF is not gone, but it is kept at bay and is little by little getting better. After two years of not being able to run, I am running again. Originally the PF came from changing from heel-first to toe-first running. No more running toe-first.
And by the way, none of the so called expert advises helped during that two years. Stretching made it just worse (after all, PF comes from stretching of the sole of the foot, so why to purposely stretch it – no one has ever explained this contradiction).
I feel for everyone in this blog and hope my discovery helps. I ‘ve had PF for over a year. I tripped in platform shoes walking to get the mail and while I regained my balance I must have sprained a ligament that eventually caused the PF. I first noticed while jogging and thought it was my shoes, replaced my shoes with brand new but my heel pain got worse each time I ran. I eventually went to a podiatrist as I was now hobbling around. They gave me a cortisone shot which relieved some pain but not all. I still couldn’t jog and I was miserable. They gave me shoe inserts and a night foot brace, exercises to stretch my tight calf, Nothing made that much difference. It would get a little better but always painful in morning or after sitting and getting up. If I managed to jog on it, I would be in pain later that evening. I tried a chiropractor which manipulated my foot, calf and leg sometimes feeling a little better and sometimes actually worse.I tried acupuncture while on a cruise which did relieve almost all the pain for almost a week and was planning to find an acupuncturist in my town to continue treatments but then something else happened. I cut out all dairy products & excess oils 2 weeks ago for a completely unrelated reason, to lower my cholesterol) and I have found each day less and less pain in my heel. Because I had been compensating for my PF for so long, I was starting to develop pain in my knees, shins and hips, especially going up stairs..
It’s all gone.. I did my first aerobic class in over a year this week with no pain anywhere..
I found the calcium comments interesting but I have taken calcium and magnesium supplements for years and that did not make a difference for me.
I’ve read a couple different theories about the removal of dairy products helping reduce arthritis in some people due to “leaky gut syndrome” and I also read info about the PF tissue being overly acidic and changing your diet to lower the acidity (which cutting dairy products would do). You can google these topics
Hope this may help someone!
I’m 52, and I’ve had PF for about a year now. I am very active, I love to hike and I love yoga and archery, and I was very upset when this first started. A couple of pieces of advice that I can offer that will speed things up for other folks, particularly those who are just starting this journey. You don’t have to completely give up being active, but you have to listen to your body, and rest your feet when they’re hurting. When my feet are really sore, I switch to reclining or chair yoga, and I work with my weights and stretching. When my feet are good, I walk and hike. Stay off cement if at all possible — the jarring of a hard surface makes it worse, so try for dirt trails and roads, rather than sidewalks and paved streets. Epsom salt soaks will help, and try both heat and ice and use whichever feels better. I noticed that a tennis ball was recommended above, but I use a dog’s hard rubber ball for massage, and that works for me — I tend to squish tennis balls. I would swim if I could, but I have no access to a pool I can afford. I’m avoiding doctors and injections and particularly surgery — once they cut a tendon, just like opening a joint, it won’t ever be quite the same. If it becomes necessary I will do it, but it’s the last resort for me. Don’t give up, don’t give in, but don’t punish your body for hurting, either. Fight this, and be creative. Lots of folks deal with a lot worse physical limitations every day, and manage to stay healthy and fit. We can, too!
I’ve had this for two weeks
I saw a foot doctor he taped it
Pain was immediately gone
Today I’m feeling a nagging ache
Even my left is hurting for some reason
I go back in a week
I did take off 5 days hoping it would help
Not really but not as bad before he taped it
I’m assuming he will tape it again in a week
I’m a carpet installer I’m assuming 40 years of it caught up to me
Hopefully it will go away
This sucks
I have been recovering from PF for almost 7 months now through the conservative methods described. I also did . I don’t feel any heel pains anymore. However, the fascia feels a little tight. I can feel the tendon popping out a little bit when I stand resulting in over pressure on that area. I have tried several inserts and sandals, there is some issue or other with every one of them. Any suggestions on how I can keep stretching my fascia, so as to avoid the tendon to not keep popping out when standing ?
dealt with PF for 8 months and finally had the expensive shock wave therapy and lo and behold it worked. Mind you it’s back after 5 years, but my fault – not stretching before running.
Before surgery, and skip the shot, ask about the shockwave therapy.
c james
newly diagnoised – best thing for me is the stretch/pulling back on the foot BEFORE I GET OUT OF BED. After reading all these comments , I would NOT GET THE SURGERY. Have not
read one of these that said it helped. Looking for some better shoes right now will good arch
support too. It is very painful, but keep trying – YOU CANNOT GIVE US. Take care of yourself
I feel for you all! I can relate to how severe the pain is, I’ve had PF for 4 years now. I work on my feet carrying weight most of the time.
I have seen 2 surgeons since the pain began. They both gave me Cortisone shots which does help a lot. Because it feels like they relieve a good amount of the swelling and you are able to walk normal again.
They also suggest orthotics, which I wear every waking moment now. Along with the calf stretches are what relieves most of the pain.
If you stop what you’re doing as soon as you feel pain and stretch instead of pushing yourself onward is the best time to stretch as well as the mornings before getting out of bed. STRETCH, STRETCH, STRETCH as much and often as you can! You will definitely feel a difference. But just don’t stretch your foot too far because you can cause more damage. Focus mostly on stretching you calves. As you stretch your calves you simultaneously stretch your feet just enough. The surgeons both also said the problem begins with your legs tightening which pulled on the Plantar Fascia and causes pain. Stretch your legs often.
Also, I found some AWESOME ORTHOTIC SHOES in many different styles
Orthaheel/Vionic.have the orthotics built directly into the shoe. Look them up on QVC, Belk, 6pm.com, and Nordstroms. They are not any more expensive than regular shoes. The second surgeon also agreed they were great shoes for PF. They also make separate orthotic insoles that are only $40.00.
Another great pain relieving product for PT for $30-50.00 depending on the brand, are the Compression socks that you can wear anytime!!! FANTASTIC PAIN RELIEF!!!! I was shocked at how well they work. They feel so good I never want to take them off. I wish I had found these when I first felt the pain. Excellent buy!!!!
Thank you everyone for the info on PF being a Calcium deficiency. That makes sense. I have also read that as we age our Connective tissue begins to break down and that is why we loose our elasticity first. Connective tissue needs Vitamin C to rebuild itself, so increasing Vitamin C is helpful in healing. And take is easy!! Give your feet rest, they need it!
Tight hamstrings can cause pf. The plantar fascia is part of an interactive chain of muscles and connective tissues running from your hip down to your toes. To keep pf from reoccurring, you will need to strengthen and stretch the whole system. Icing and Ibuprofen are just treating your injury, but they won’t keep it from coming back.
Excellent methods guys. These are very helpful. I added two more steps and it expedited the heeling of my PF. First was elevation. I elevated the feetside part of mattress by 4 inches. Secondly i kept the feet warm in socks during night. It reduced the inflamation.
I have found that taking painkillers is harmful in PF as it does allow us to keep walking with damaged tissues and thus worsening the damage.
I now beleive in the fact that pain is a help the nature sends to us to signal towards some problem in our body. We can make full use of the nature’s help by giving rest to the affected part of our body. This way our wounded tissues are not damaged more and this in turn speeds up our recovery. Wish you all fast recovery. ZU.
Good advise from everybody.Now, I not only have heel pain that is worse, I have intense pain in my calf muscles.
William Prowse IV
Just a little tip. You want to massage the foot with a ball BEFORE you stretch. This is because you need to release the trigger points first. If you stretch a muscle that has trigger points, it will become more dysfunctional and cause more pain.
It is much more effective to deactivate the trigger points in the foot and calf with some form of deep massage, then stretch the muscles. Kinetic chain stretches are more ideal as well.
Also, people should see a structural integration therapist to sort out dysfunctional movements patterns in the hip.
Just my two cents 🙂
William Prowse IV
Author of Plantar Fasciitis Survival Guide
I am well aware of the pain and suffering brought about by my love for staying healthy. Unfortunately, plantar fascists is a frequent complication experienced by joggers. In fact, the complication is often referred to as jogger’s heel.
Plantar Fasciitis Causes
Interesting to note that plantar fasciitis does not exist in places where peole do not wear shoes. I have a few articles on my website that explain the real causes of plantar fasciitis.
William Prowse IV
Author of Plantar Fasciitis Survival Guide
Hi all . Just putting in my two cents worth. Weight does seem to play a part in PF in some people . What I learnt several years ago during my study was that there seems to be a magic number and once you exceed that you are plagued with PF. Now I am not saying you have to be over weight to have PF. It could be your number is ( going to use pounds here rather that stones or kilograms) 117 pounds or it could be 317 pounds – but once you exceed your own “number ” is when PF. Will play havoc with you if you are one of those people who suffer weight hangs PF. . Losing weight will switch it off as quickly as it came . Which is why some people have episodes that come and go .. Hitting 117 and above will cause it dropping back to 116 and below eases it . Unfortunately this does not help every sufferer.
I often tell clients to use the frozen coke bottle as it helps with inflammation and to address the calf muscles with stretches and massage
. Another way I have found that has helped several clients is to actually fold the heel towards the toes – you may need to enlist the help of another person to do this technique . So it’s not actually stretching the plantar or the sole but relaxing it into the tender area. Of course if doing this exacerbates the pain- do not do this technique, but I generally find that it eases the pain and you hold it in this position forat least 30 seconds . Repeating it 3 times . Also likes another post talks about calcium – taking magnesium supplements or spraying the foots sole and heel with magnesium oil has also been found to be beneficial . And magnesium regulates the calcium in your body and also relaxes muscles and soothes nerves . So worth a try for at least a few weeks 🙂 . Hope you all find relief from this horrid condition.
I was walking, or should I say, limping down the street when I passed a shoe store. I hobbled in, said “I have plantar fasciitis, please help me’. The store owner recommended Fitflops, which I purchased and wore them out of the store. I immediately felt better. The pain was not completely gone but it was bearable. At least I wasn’t limping any longer. He advised me to wear the Fitflops all the time during the acute stage, which he felt I was in and then switch to something like a New Balance shoe with a significant arch support.
I have also had ultrasound which was of no use. A physiotherapist taped my foot and I had instant relief. I could walk pain-free.
My recommendations: Fitflops and taping. Preventive stretching, icing, tennis ball massage as well.
I hobbled into a shoe store, stated I had PF and asked for help. The store owner immediately recommended Fitflops, advising me to wear them constantly during the acute stage of my PF, and then suggested something like a New Balance shoe with a significant arch support for maintenance.
I’ve had my foot taped by a physiotherapist and found that very helpful. I could walk pain-free.
I also do the tennis ball massage, calf stretches and massages and toe flexion.
To all my fellow sufferers, I empathize with you and really do feel your pain!
Great resources! I write a blog that focuses around Plantar fasciitis. I think i will site this article in my next post.
Hoang Nguyen
I’ve experienced this few times but until now do I really know what this pain is smh. Gonna start practicing these right from tomorrow. Thanks so much for this helpful article!!
I’ve had pf for 20 years. I’ve tried everything. Also had surgery where they do tiny sticks in fascia to stretch it out. No help there. The only thing that helped at all is wrapping foot in duct tape especially around the arch. Instant relief but not too comfortable with duct tape. They do have new rubbery tapes now and I’ll try those next.
They are black or colored strips of sticky and are used on running injuries. Saw them at walmart. They look more comfortable than duct tape though.
I recently had my left knee replacement surgery & all was going well until last week, when I started having problems with my right foot., Turns out it was pf! I had been paying so much attention & having therapy done for the left knee that I had neglected to do my pre- surgery stretching routines, which included almost all of your recommendations. After only one day applying your recommendations, my PF has improved a good 30%. Thanks for getting me back on track!
Plantar fasciitis can be a pain in the foot; but also above the legs, below the back 🙂 I like the solutions you wrote, clear and concise. They do help.
Actually high heels are better as they force the whgiet to the ball of the foot. You may wish to tie you rfeet at night. Tie the toes/ballof foot to ypur calve or ankle so that the bottom of the foot is stretched backwards. Rolling pin on the bottom before you go to bed or are watching TV. Exercise the plantar fascia ligament whenever you are standing. Putting on makeup, on the phone, waiting in line. Up and down on your toes. Comfortable shoes are a must. Heel cushions too.
Great ways, free and easy solutions for Plantar Fasciitis. Maybe i will follow. Thanks
Thanks for all the good tips!
I’ve been dealing with it over 6 years!
Finally had surgery but after 10 weeks it still hasn’t “released”.
Being a nurse 30+ years hasn’t been easy on my feet so I was really hoping the surgery would fix it but I’m being patient.
My Doc told me his best case worked in 2 weeks and his worst was 1 1/2 years!
Another Doctor told me to do deep massage to the bottom of your foot and to really push with your thumb.
Good luck to everyone and Thanks for all the tips!☺️
I have just recently developed PF and its horrible. I have found that to really alleviate the pain and tightness I really have to dig deep into my calf muscles. Lay on your back with good leg bent, heel towards knee, foot on ground; now cross bad leg over and balance/rest your calf on your knee and let it sink deep in there. This will loosen up those tendons and muscles. Much better.
Lay you calf on the coffee table with a tennis ball under your calf and roll it around
I have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (Hypermobility Type) and have been dealing with PF in my left foot for almost a year now. Since my issue is an underlying connective tissue disorder, I’m having an unusual amount of pain that is forcing me into using a cane. I’ve tried stretching, icing, the tennis ball thing, and have gotten a shot of cortisone without relief. Doc says “surgery”; however, with my condition, I know that disturbing that already-compromised connective tissue will likely leave me worse off than I am now. I will be trying more aggressive stretching, chiropractic adjustment, and K taping…hopefully, something will alleviate this God awful pain!
thanks for guide, I guess I have PF I don’t have heel pain but my arch is swollen and hurts like h#$%. Esp. after a long day on my feet. I will be trying some of the things I’ve read on this blog, thanks everyone for the suggestions.
John F
Thanks so much, great article!! These really helped and I would say more than anything make sure to get good icing in as much as possible
I’ve had PF (left foot only) for more than 15 years before I knew what it was. Tried a lot of things since. And recently a series of actions/activities seem to improve the situation significantly. On certain days, it’s almost gone.Here’s what I do. Arch support works – at the beginning. After a while, my feet seems to be pressing the support and it hurts. So I use arch support short term and intermittently. Everyday, I either use a rolling pin or a hard cricket ball to roll under the foot. It hurts at the beginning and I go slow at first and slowly increase the pressure – I do it for about 10-15min, twice a day. I also take these supplements – fish oil, glucosamine with condroitin, magnesium and calcium pills. And I think this is the most important part – exercise the foot. I youtube foot exercises for PF. The key is to strengthen your natural foot muscles to main the arch. Everything else is to assist in the process of strengthening the foot muscles. I avoid overly cushy type shoes and only use firm but comfy shoes. As of a few weeks ago, my daily routine is – I walk the dog every morning for 45 min in my normal joggers without any inserts. During the walk, I make a conscious effort to make the arch with my foot muscles, this is where the daily foot exercises help. After the walk, I hand massage my PF for 5 min. I put arch support inserts in my work shoes and use them for the whole day. But since last week, I noticed that I dont really feel that my foot is leaning much on the arch support. Sometimes during lunch, I take the arch support and do a short walk without them. In the office, I use the cricket ball to do a 5-10min roll under the feet. When I get home in the evening, I switch to a flat but firm pair of slippers. While watching TV, I do the rolling pin press and some light massage. I dont wake up with pain anymore and I am going to slowly extend the time I walk without support. It’s working for me and I hope it will for you too. But dont give up if it doesnt, different strokes for different folks!
John S
I am an avid runner and I developed PF back in March. After several months of going to a PT and getting deep tissue massages I wasn’t finding an real fix to the problem. Every time I went running I would be sore for the next 2-3 days. I decided to get a 2nd opinion from another PT and what they found was my calves were overly tight. For the past month now I have been going in once a week for Dry needling. I have also started doing Yoga which really helps stretch my calf muscles. Those combined along with watching my posture and not crossing my legs at work has been a major improvement. If I cross my legs I start feeling pain in my feet within a few minutes. I went running over the weekend and I didn’t have any pain the next day.
If you are wondering how to get rid of plantar fasciitis, most experts agree that you’ll need to undergo a temporary lifestyle change. By modifying a few of your routines – as quickly as possible – you may be more likely to cure your plantar fasciitis than if you’d otherwise continue with your current way of life. It’s no walk in the park, but if you are dedicated to a quicker recovery, you should plan for a change.
I have severe PF in both feet due to cavus feet (high arches; even the outside of my foot is arched). The pain first started in high school. I have orthotics, special shoes, the boots; have done all the exercises, stretches, massage, heat & ice therapy, etc. I even have a shibari foot massager which helps the most. Some days the pain takes me off my feet all day and as a 50 yr old mother of 3 it’s hard. I’d be in tears after a day of doing laundry or grocery shopping.
I have been suffering with pf for almost 1 year I am a letter carrier for Canada post so I walk about 23 km a day and I am carrying about 35 ectra pounds while doing this. I have been streching and icing chiro pt orthotics injections nothing seems to work.I dont have the ability to rest my foot because of my job. When the pain first started it felt like a deep bruise in my heal then my foot would be cramped up in the morning but with streching it would feel better and would only cramp up after rest. Now it is cramped up all the time I can not get any releif. The nerves are shooting in my foot as well. This pain has me thinking I may have to quit my job If anyone has some advice please help
I have a PF for almost one year. I am 30 Years Old with BMI over 40.
I tried 15 Sessions of Ultra sound and shock wave therapy. Pain disappeared only when i wake up but after couple of minutes it comes back. The worst thing is standing then walking.
I feel that i am Handicap after this injury. My life is limited to short distance walking and sitting.
It is really annoying.
I did all types of stretching, but the pain still the same.
Thankyou. Point 2 stretching made immediate difference to the pain. I can walk better now and that too in matter of seconds…a Big Thankyou. God Bless.
Ive had PF for over 2 years in both of my feet! It all started when I was working on concrete floor, then I became a Surveyor and being on my feet 12 hours a day. I recently got a job where im on my feet less. A lot less. However its made it worse. I’ve tried everything! To shoes, stretching, insoles, ejections, and now surgery on my left foot. Its been 4 weeks since surgery and I honestly cant say its helped…yet. Haven’t been able to walk much. Every once in a while I will get a shooting pain very similar to what I’ve felt before in the left heel. They did a PF release and tarsal tunnel. Now my right foot is even worse while its compensating for the left one. I’ve been on crutches an no activity. Due to the pain I’ve gained about 40lbs (up to 205). I’m so confused to what to do, I’ve read not stretch, then turn around and see you need stretch continuously. I’m defeated. Im 25 and can not enjoy anything. Standing is the worse. Im so confused because when I wake up, I have no pain. The pain gets worse as the day progresses. At times I honestly can not stand for 2 or 3 minutes without pain. A stone bruising pain. Please Help!!!!
I had plantar plantar fasciitis for two years…tried stretching, night splints, anti-inflammatory meds, and a cortisone shot. None worked.
I went to a well known sports orthopedist /surgeon. She referred me to a pro-sports foot doctor.
This doctor performed ESWT (Electro shockwave therapy) After 3 treatments I was running again in three months…no pain 🙂 The only disadvantage was that insurance did not cover 🙁
I recommend any one with this condition only go to a doctor who does this treatment.
I have had PF twice. The only thing that has kept it at bay is to strengthen my core. PF is all about shortened hamstrings and start in the attachment points in your pelvis. If you work on strenthenging your core by pilates, yoga etc it will ease the pain and remove the cause long term.
my friend had 2-3 sessions with an acupuncturist and it wiped out her plantar fasciatis. I hope you try that and it works for you. Good luck!
Alpha Fuel 720
I read this post fully regarding the comparison of latest and previous technologies, it’s remarkable article.
At age 51 I got PF and had no idea what it was but the pain was excruciating. I could just be sitting with legs up on the couch and I’d suddenly get sharp stabbing pains in my foot almost bringing to tears. I went to the doctor who diagnosed it and said You just have to wait it out. He advised roller ball/foot stretching exercises. These exercises weren’t helping so I got Dr Sholes (sp) inserts for my shoes which gave some relief. I ordered an ultrasound machine from Canada and that made it feel better for a short while each I me I did it. I used it a lot. I also got an ice boot which felt great while it was on. This was so painful that I could barely walk at times. I ended up having it for 2 years on that foot. So scary as you feel like it’s never going away! Then one day it was gone. Shortly after I got it in the other foot. It lasted about 6 months in that foot. My heart goes out to all of you that have this. I had to use a wheelchair at the airport…had a short term handicapped placard in my car etc. I am not sure if all the things I used collectively cured me as I think it was just simply time. But these things helped make the journey more bearable with less pain.
Having used the shoes with the hard soles for some time I started to feel some painful prickings in my right heel.Being aware of the plantar fasciitis condition I immediately bought the new stressfree shoes with more cushion.My condition didnt get any worse but it didnt disappear either.After searching for some self help I figured out the book about the home cure for plantar fasciitis which has made me pain free again.Just for a case you try to find some relief of your heel pain you could check this out here: youtube.com/watch?v=yLAJaEwTY-Q
If you don’t have orthotics you can use gel arch sleeves from a drug store to start with I just found out I have plantar fasciitis and they work well and I can wear them all day even without shoes on
Gaston Parizeau
I’ve recently started to get into running a bit, and so plantar fasciitis is something that is new to me. It took some searching on the internet before I realized that is what I was feeling in my feet. I will definitely have to try the idea from the article to roll a tennis ball under them, since that seems easy and effective.
Plantar Fasciitis Survival Guide
Really doesn’t go over the reason why the calves are shortened, which is usually anterior pelvic tilt and wearing shoes with an elevated heel. Stretching the calves provides temporary relief, not permanent relief.
Andrea Jones
Tried everything for my PF for 1 1/2 years -what gave immediate relief was:
stand slightly turned away from dining room table
place heel on table & flex foot
Twist slightly at waist & lean toward foot
You will feel stretch to inner thigh muscle
This exercise gave immediate relief & PF has not returned – sometimes my feet feel a little tired & this exercise immediately relieves that feeling.
Before this exercise only shoe I could walk in was MBT brand – pretty pricey at $250.00 but only way I could walk without intense pain. Physical therapist said PF can be caused from tightness anywhere from hip to foot. Hope this exercise helps.
I have been dealing with this for 3 months. I’ve tried a lot of these ideas. Someone mentioned the Calcium. I’ve been taking Oscal chewable for many years and in last few months started taking Kroger brand gell caps. I wonder if that can be the problem. I’m going back on Oscal I will pay more if it works. I also tried the downward dog like someone suggested and raised leg up also. I taped foot today and pain has not been that bad today. Also when I sit I use a weight to roll back and forth instead of bottled ice. I also tool the 3000mg of vitamin C. It doesn’t hurt to try anything to see if it works.
my first time to hear FP was on 21 I believe now iwiil be healed from this problem
Calen Wilson
i have been dealing with pf for 3 years and i am only 15 years old i havnt gone to any special doctor yet but these tips might help i am very active and play and train for basketball everyday and the pain is enough to make me quit i am trying to find something to help i have tournaments comming soon and im just hoping for something to cure and get rid of my pf
THANK YOU to the person who suggested a toe separator! 6 months of painful PF and after reading that comment here last night, I remembered I have a set of “yoga toes”.
Wore them for a few hours last night and woke up with minimal pain today. … I’d estimate in 95% better!
WOW! I am truly grateful! ♡
Terri Jordan
I had PF many years ago and about 9 months ago it returned. SO BAD I was officially in intense pain and limping all of the time. Tried everything from stretching, icing, rest, ibuprofen, special heel cups and other inserts, etc…and finally saw my doctor who wanted me to go to Physical Therapy. Right after I saw my doctor, by chance I had to go out to a dressy event and decided to wear a mid size heel shoe (I am not the type to wear “high heels”…so these were dressy boots with about a two inch square heel). I have been in such intense pain constantly (and I have a high pain threshold) so I figured it was no big deal to wear a heel and be in pain, or wear a flat shoe and be in pain. Either way I was in pain! So I wore the heel. To my surprise, my foot felt immediately better. So I wore the boots the next day too…relief and no limping! I am now wearing this heeled boot ALL THE TIME…as soon as I get up in the morning I put on my boots. Recently I traveled and walked in airports and all over Nashville….NO LIMP, NO PAIN. It’s the first relief I’ve had in 9 months and I’m in disbelief. I think the particular height of a heel is just right that it takes the pressure off my heel and it’s allowing things to heal (HEAL THE HEEL!!!) Wanted to pass this info on because I, like so many others, have been in desperate pain and this has been a blessing. Try it!!!
Bonnie McGinley
I have been battling PF (this episode) for 3 months. I am a 66-yr-old woman who walks daily and is not overweight. My husband is 70 and was diagnosed with spinal stenosis 6 mos. ago. He also exercises regularly and is of optimum weight. We share an aversion to meds and medical intervention if at all possible. He had a wonderful young neurosurgeon who shared his conservative approach to pain relief; he mentioned that some of his patients had experienced relief after using an inversion table. He bought one, and after much convincing, he talked me into trying it for my problems. After 10 days of “hanging” there is a definite improvement. I highly recommend it!
I am a 34 woman, I have worked in the medical field for yrs. Just got diagnosed with PF and Tendonitis. I have no stability in foot or ankle. Just started therapy two days ago. I have no strength in ankle, at all I fell four times this past week. I am highly aggervated with this issue. The pain is awful, taking what was prescribed to me. Been off work for a wk have 3 wks of therapy left. Any advice? I have to use crutches cause I can’t hold weight with right foot at all.. please help!! ?
I have PF for about 2 yrs tired many things , finally ESWT for 7 min each feet (ultra sound shock therapy )with ICE pack(is a must) . Medicine includes Tendocare + Calcium & Vit D3 helped a lot , have reduced significant pain & burning sensation about 95 % . brought sketcher , started exercise for strengthening my calf and toes
The duck tape really works for me. Ty so much
Hurt my arch so bad walking on the treadmill faster than my feet were ready for. Had me on the couch for 2 weeks. I will be more careful now that I have this remedy
Janine Poppa
Eight years ago I had planter fasciitis in both feet. I went to a podiatrist who gave me Cortizone shots. Too many shots and they actually made my face swell up which sent me to the ER. The shots did nothing to help and the Podiatrist said the only thing left was surgery.
I then went to my chiropractor and told her about the problem. She is an activator chiropractor. She adjusted my feet and even after the first adjustment I could feel a great difference. After the second adjustment it was gone and stayed away for eight years until now.
I just started seeing another activator chiropractor for the pain, which is thankfully, only in 1 foot this time. It has not worked as well this time but the difference could be that I’m on my feet six hours a day right after my chiropractic appointments because I have to work.
Anytime I try to use ice when it feels like my heel is swollen, it shoots pain up through my heel so I cannot use ice. I am doing exercises ( stretches ) and hot and cold foot baths. I am hoping that the chiropractic adjustments will eventually work like they did the last time.
Lesley Toner
I’m 64 and have been struggling with PF for the past 9 years. When it first struck I saw a podiatrist who made custom orthotics and I went out and bought two pairs of shoes – Clarks black everyday flattie and New Balance trainers. Oh and a pair of rubber soled Padders slippers which are big enough to fit the orthotic in. Problem was completely solved it seemed. Then came the rub – since then whatever shoes I have tried, the heel pain comes back very quickly even with the orthotics. I must have bought over 100 pairs of shoes – some have been returned, some have had to be given away if I’ve tried them outdoors. My podiatrist can’t quite understand. Anyway just in case it helps anyone, I’ve now had about ten pairs of the same Clarks shoe – called UnLoop. Clarks have told me that it is their all time biggest selling shoe and has been nicknamed ‘the nurse’s shoe’. Sadly the New Balance trainers are on their very last legs and NB don’t make anything like the old ones (I’ve tried lots) – but the Padders slippers are still made and I’ve had several of those. The shoes/slippers are not a cure but at least I can walk in them without pain.
Candace Courtney LMT
These tips are massage therapist approved ? I tell my clients who experience this condition all of the above. highly recommend anyone who has plantar fasciitis to heed these wonderful instructions!
Taylor Bishop
Thanks for explaining somethings you can do for plantar fasciitis. It’s good to know that there are stretches that can be done that can help loosen up the tissues. I’m interested to learn if you would need to do specific stretches based on which tissues are irritated or if it’s good to do all the stretches in general.
Thanks for reaching out Taylor. For specific recommendations we suggest scheduling a free assessment with one of our clinicians – http://www.athletico.com/FreeAssessment
I’ve just felt with the pain for about 4 years and I know that made it worse but Its to the point where I can no longer walk. I’ve tried everything and I feel no difference.
Been suffering with PF for about 8 months now. Couldn’t get into the physio for 4 months as closed due to lockdown in UK. Was doing some of the above with very slow improvement. Now complementing these stretches/tennis ball with weekly physio and pain starting to ease but was still really getting me down til physio pointed out that although pain easing very slowly, functionality is improving with no increase in pain. Focusing on the improvement in what I can do is really helping me manage the mental impact of not being able do the things I love for so long. Also, helping me to keep motivated to do the stretches.
The other thing to add to this is taping it. Some Good Athlectic tape and just tape it. Has helped me on numerous occassions and also if you go to foot doctor thats what they do. All theses tips are great but I always know I can throw some tape on it and it really helps when you are needing to rest or if you need to keep going and cant stop.
Been suffering from heel pain for two years now. I assumed it was related to barefoot walking (something I have been doing for 10+ years) on hard surfaces, but this website pointed towards working on my arches and calves.
Been rolling my feet on a Tennisball and stretching my calves and already noticing vast improvements. I was actually quite shocked by the tenderness in my arches the first time I rolled them, there is def something going on there that is affecting my heel.
Stephen Ryan
Have you ever experienced foot pain just from standing all day, especially at work? Foot pain is your body’s normal reaction to standing or walking the whole day since your feet absorb all the body’s weight and they were not designed for heavy and constant pressure. To prevent foot pain from standing all day, you can put full cushion insoles in your footwear.
mohan kumar
Thanks for giving five easy solutions to treat heel pain. This blog gives solutions for plantar fasciitis.