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Deborah Feffer

August 2016: Patient of the Month


Deborah Feffer

Post Back Surgery

Buffalo Grove, Illinois

I started physical therapy with Leython Williams at Athletico Physical Therapy – Buffalo Grove North on Tuesday, August 11, 2015. My goal, was to restore my functional independence after a microdiscectomy on L4 and L5 for two back herniations on July 8 with Dr. Frank Phillips at Midwest Orthopedics at Rush.

Prior to the surgery I lost the strength in my legs and feet, I had pain in my right hip, ankle and foot, and of course, the lower back. I was unable to drive, sit, walk and barely stand. After surgery, the pain was gone. However, the strength in my legs was minimal. The nerves in my feet had not rejuvenated, to the extent that walking was a chore. I went from walking seven miles, without a problem to not being able to walk to my neighbor’s house next door. Besides physically being impaired, I was not my normal happy self, I cried a lot. It was difficult.

I started physical therapy at Athletico Physical Therapy’s Buffalo Grove North location. My physical therapist, Leython started me on a program of stretching, light exercises as well as at home exercises. The first day was so traumatic, because up until this, I didn’t realize how impaired I really was. I virtually couldn’t lift my legs off the table. Many times, I cried during my sessions because I was so upset, not at Leython, but what I couldn’t do. He was always so comforting and positive. He would say that he was on “Team Debbie” and that I would get better. Little by little, I was improving, physically and emotionally. I cannot say enough about Leython. Not only was he a physical therapist he also restored my confidence. He truly became my friend and I looked forward to seeing him and accepting the challenges that came with each appointments. At times, I thought he was crazy, but I needed to continue to work hear to keep getting stronger. Commitment to the home exercises continued and since I was on a medical leave from work, my job was to get stronger and independent. On the days that I did not have therapy, I would walk on the treadmill, ride the recumbent bike and do my PT exercises. I am proud to say, that I have taught others my floor exercises.

My last day of therapy was on Wednesday, October 21. I was sad not to continue to work with Leython, but I am proud to say that I am SO MUCH STRONGER. The nerves in my feet have not yet rejuvenated, but the strength in my legs has given me the ability to drive again! I also started working part time on Friday, October 16th. I do have restrictions, but I am thrilled to be working!

I am a new person. I am back to the old Debbie. I cannot thank Leython enough. He is an amazing person and physical therapist. Athletico is very lucky to have him on their team. I would be glad to recommend him to anyone that needs help. Thank you Athletico Physical Therapy and their staff at the Buffalo Grove North location!

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