Avoiding Soccer Related Injuries
3 CommentsStrains and sprains can occur in any sport, but why are certain ones more common with particular sports? With the World Cup right around the corner, an athlete in soccer is more prone to injuring things like his/her hamstrings, adductors, quadriceps, or hip flexors. There are risk factors that also unfortunately make one more apt to developing these injuries, but with the proper guidance and persistence, it is the hope that you stay injury free.
Soccer players put a lot of stress on their body when practicing and playing. The constant change of direction, the powerfulness of the shots, and the contact they take when playing defense makes this game fun and rewarding at times, but can also take a toll on the body.
Some of the risk factors of these types of injuries are:
1) Previous history – for example, having a previous history of a hamstring injury , unfortunately puts you at a higher risk for a re-injury. This can be due by not having the proper rehabilitation on your injury as well as when you strain a muscle, fibers of the muscle break down – causing damage to the overall integrity of the muscle.
2) Flexibility
3) Not properly warming up
4) Age
5) Strength imbalances
6) Muscle fatigue
7) Overuse
8) Poor conditioning
Strains of the hamstring, groins, quadriceps, and hip flexors are caused by a sudden increase in force causing muscle fibers to tear. The amount of fibers that are torn reflect how bad the strain. When this force occurs particularly to the muscle, the initial treatment is usually the same.
- First, you want to control the swelling and bleeding of the muscles through rest and ice. This step is important because if you do not let the muscle fibers calm down, more injuries can occur. Also, over-the-counter medications such as Advil/Ibuprofen also help reduce swelling and pain.
- Second, light stretching exercises are initiated, followed by gentle strengthening exercises.
If you are trying this conservative treatment and are not feeling better in about a week after the injury occurred and/or if you want a qualified medical person to look at it, schedule a complementary injury screen today!
Nice write up Michelle,
In my practice I find quite often that many athletes suffering from ham issues often have inhibited glutes and really tight peroneals. Any athlete that needs to run or push off powerfully ie: hip extension, its an absolute must that their glutes are not only activating, that they are strong as well. Easiest way to test is in prone. knee bent 90/90 push foot to ceiling and match their pressure to test.ideally both feet go up equally and are able to match your muscle test. If not, you can look to a stuck rotated sacrum , tight hip int/ext rotation, and or pelvic asymmetry.
Michelle Helberg
Thank you for the additional comments. When an injury occurs, it is important to not only treat the symptoms but also to find what is the root of the problem, so hopefully none of the above develop. Thank you for your comment!
Jonathan Ma
Hello Michelle,
Great article. I just wanted mention a few things on why injuries may occur. Stay hydrated – When we exercise, especially in hotter than usual climates, our bodies gives out tons of fluid. We have to maintain replacement of those lost fluids by constantly staying hydrated. If not, our body will not recovery properly, in result, leading to preventable injuries. Having hydration is one thing, eating a healthy meal before and after yields greater recovery results. Why? It helps replenish the energy as well as providing protein to reconstruct and mend corrupted muscle tissues. If this process of eating is compromise, a result of being fatigue and injured are at greater risk of happening.