Video Gait Analysis: What All Runners Should Know
2 CommentsHave you ever heard the term VGA or Video Gait Analysis mentioned by your physical therapist and wondered what he or she is talking about? A Video Gait Analysis involves recording your running gait, or stride, to determine symmetrical or atypical movement patterns. The video recording, a biomechanical exam and your physical therapist’s clinical assessment will provide you with a complete breakdown of your running mechanics.
Athletico offers two options for motion analysis software; Dartfish and Kinovea to be able to make more specific and objective conclusions. Your Video Gait Analysis could reveal contributing factors to the development of an injury as well as formulating a treatment plan. Improved running form not only plays a part in injury prevention, but could also help you become a more efficient runner to help you achieve your goals!
What can you expect with a Video Gait Analysis:
- What to Wear: Please bring your current running shoes and wear athletic clothing of contrasting colors (light colored top with darker shorts or tighter fitting pants and vice versa). Your physical therapist may also ask you to tuck in your shirt to see better movement from the hips and the pelvis during filming.
- Evaluation and Filming: You will first discuss your running history with your physical therapist along with your injury history, shoe use, training/race schedule and goals. Your physical therapist will perform a physical examination, and then you will get on the treadmill. After warming up, your physical therapist will ask you to run at a comfortable pace as he or she records you from different angles. This will take no longer than 10-15 minutes.
- Recording Review: You will schedule a follow up time with your physical therapist to review your Video Gait Analysis. You will discuss good running form, your specific “faults and fixes”, and you will be given individualized treatment and exercises to address any concerns. You will also get a VGA booklet which contains great information about running gait and injury prevention.
If you have any further questions regarding Video Gait Analysis, please contact your nearest Athletico offering this service. To schedule your Video Gait Analysis today, click the button below.
Laura Mostardo
Is vga done for walking?
I have the same question as Laura. Also, can you do the analysis in home/office? I need to make sure my stand up desk is set up properly.