3 Ways to Stay Motivated for a Healthy Lifestyle
3 CommentsMany of us set health and wellness goals that we end up falling short of achieving. After all, how many times have you said, “I’ll start my diet on Monday,” or “I’ll begin exercising next week.”
Although you have good intentions when setting these goals – and may even follow through with the goals for a period of time – it can be easy to fall back into your old routine due to the hustle and bustle of everyday life. In order to stay on the path of health and wellness, it is important to find ways to stay motivated. For some inspiration, check out the three tips highlighted below:
1. Make a Plan
The goal you decide to embark on – whether it be eating healthier, losing weight or just exercising more – will be easier to stick to if you put together a detailed plan. Doing this not only helps you look at the big picture but also provides steps on how to achieve that goal on a day to day basis.
For example, if your goal is to eat healthier, make a list of healthy meals you want to eat as well as the ingredients you’ll need to accomplish this task. Conversely, if your goal is to start a new exercise program, put together a strategy for how this can realistically be achieved, like blocking out time on your calendar each week.
Lastly, when making your plan, make sure to assemble a list of reasons why you want to accomplish your health and wellness goal. This can include general reasons like “to live a healthy lifestyle” as well as more specific reasons like “to fit into an old pair of jeans.” Regardless of what the reasons are, make sure to keep the list handy so you can pull it out when you are feeling unmotivated.
2. Track and Celebrate Progress
Making a plan to help you achieve your health and wellness goal is a good start, but tracking your progress can keep you inspired.
If your goal is to eat healthier, track your progress by making notes of your meals, weight loss, increases in energy, improvements in your mood, etc. Keeping track of these things will give you real results to look back on when you are feeling unmotivated. In addition to tracking progress, don’t forget to reward yourself when progress has been made! For instance, if you maintain healthy eating habits or an exercise routine for 30 days, consider rewarding yourself with a dinner out to your favorite restaurant or by purchasing something that will help you continue your healthy lifestyle, like a new cook book or workout gear.
3. Try Different Approaches
Last but not least, one of the best ways to stay motivated is to try different approaches. Eating the same meals or doing the same exercises day after day can get boring, but trying new things can help you stay on track.
If cardio is part of your exercise program, get off the treadmill every once in a while and run outside with a friend or your dog. On the other hand, if you are eating chicken salads every day, try a new recipe, different proteins or seasonings. The change of pace in your routine can help keep you stay engaged and committed to your original goals.
Find Your Motivation!
Athletico is committed to helping our patients live a healthy lifestyle and getting back to doing the things they love. Although staying motivated can be challenging, there are many rewards that come with achieving your goals. Keep in mind that even if you have a setback, you can take steps to overcome it. When this happens, start by reviewing and revising your original plan, then continue to track your progress and celebrate your achievements.
Share your best motivation tip in the Comment Section below.
If you’d like to speak to an Athletico Physical Therapist, request an appointment at a clinic near you.
The Athletico blog is an educational resource written by Athletico employees. Athletico bloggers are licensed professionals who abide by the code of ethics outlined by their respective professional associations. The content published in blog posts represents the opinion of the individual author based on their expertise and experience. The content provided in this blog is for informational purposes only, does not constitute medical advice and should not be relied on for making personal health decisions.
Josh Brett
Very good read. I appreciate the insight you have provided. Thank you and take care.
Juliana Giuka
My best tip is having Tom K. from Marion Il. Athletico as your therapist/trainer! He had an answer for every issue I was having. If weight is the too. Track everything you eat helps to be mindful of your intake. I am down 11.5 pounds since new years. He kept me on track after an injury. So glad I found Athletico.
Thank you for sharing Juliana! We are glad you had a great experience at our Marion clinic.