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Stretch of the Week: Wide Legged Straddle (Prone Position)

Stretch of the Week: Wide Legged Straddle (Prone Position)

by AthleticoLeave a Comment

In the fourth week of January we are revisiting the Wide Legged Straddle Stretch, but this time we are performing it in the prone position (or face down). This position provides a slightly different way to stretch the inner thigh.

You will again need wall space for this stretch. This is a relaxing stretch, but please skip it if you have difficulty getting up and down from the floor or experience back, hip or knee pain.

How to perform:

  1. Come to all fours with the soles of your feet facing the wall, as shown in the photo marked “starting position.” Lower yourself all the way to the floor, widen your legs as far as you feel comfortable, and then straighten your legs as shown in the “front view” photo.
  1. Wiggle yourself as close to the wall as you can and then flex your feet so the heels press into the wall as shown in the “flex the feet” photo. This will help protect your knees.
  1. Your low back may arch in this position. To keep this from happening, press your pelvis into the floor and draw your belly button to the spine. One hip may also want to pop up off the floor, to prevent this, attempt to press both hips to the floor or stick a rolled towel under the raised hip. Hands can be under your forehead or out to the sides.
  1. Stay in this position for up to five minutes. As your thighs begin to loosen, you can inch closer to the wall. To come out of the stretch, place your hands under your shoulders, gently press yourself up, and make your way back to all fours.

Stretch of the Week: Wide Legged Straddle (Prone Position)Interested in learning more? Email me at

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Stretchingstretch of the weekthigh stretcheswide legged straddle

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