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Stretch of the Week: Reverse Plank Stretch

by AthleticoLeave a Comment

For the third week of September, we will be performing the Reverse Plank Stretch. This movement will stretch your chest, biceps and some front torso muscles.

If you have any shoulder injuries please consult your physician before attempting this stretch.

How to perform:

  1. Stand a step away from your sink. Face away from the sink with your feet together. Take your arms behind you and plant your palms on the edge of the sink. Wrap your fingers around the edge as shown in “Step 1.” Bend your elbows to point directly behind you. Squeeze your shoulder blades toward each other and then down toward the floor. You may already start to feel a stretch in your chest here.
  1. Begin to walk your feet forward and straighten your arms as shown in “Step 2.” Engage your abdominal muscles by pressing your belly button to your spine. This will keep you from sagging in the middle. Press your palms into the edge of the sink to keep the arms straight. Press the soles of your feet into the floor to keep your legs straight. Finally, press the front of your hips up to the ceiling for more stretch in the front of your body.
  1. Stay in this position for up to one minute, then walk your feet back in to stand up straight. You can do this stretch three times.

Stretch of the Week: Reverse Plank StretchInterested in learning more? Email me at

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Stretchingbiceps stretcheschest stretchesreverse plank stretchstretch of the week

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