Stretch of the Week: Partner Twist Stretch
Leave a CommentFor the last week of October we will be performing a Partner Twist Stretch. This movement will stretch your outside hip muscles and also the lower back to mid back muscles.
If you have difficulty getting up and down from the floor, please skip this week’s stretch. If you have any hip or low back issues, please consult your physician before performing.
How to perform:
- Both partners will take a seat on the floor. Face away from each other with roughly a foot of distance between. Partner one should line up their right hip with partner two’s right hip.
- Each partner will cross their right leg over their left leg and place their right foot to the floor. Then, each partner should hug their right knee in toward their chest and sit up straight. This is shown in the photo marked “Step 1.”
- Each partner should inhale and lift their left arm to the sky. Then exhale and twist toward the right knee. Place the right hand behind your right hip and extend your left hand out to your partner. Grab hands or wrists and gently pull to assist each other in the twist. This is shown in the photo marked “Step 2.”
*Things to remember: place your right hand close to your body as this will assure that you remain sitting tall. Engage your abdominal muscles by drawing your belly button toward your spine. This action will protect the low back as well as assist in getting more stretch in the twist. Point your left toes to the sky to keep the leg from rolling outward.
- Check in with you partner so you don’t go beyond each other’s threshold of stretch. Remain in this position for 30-60 seconds. Exhale to come out of the twist. Then, turn around so you are both facing the opposite way and repeat the stretch on the left side.
Interested in learning more? Email me at rachel.lackowski@athletico.com
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