Indoor Activities for the Weekend Warrior
Leave a CommentYou wait all week for the weekend and when it finally arrives it’s rainy! Or extremely hot! For the weekend warrior, this can put quite a damper on your weekend plans.
Many weekend warrior athletes choose activities that take place outdoors, like running, golf, tennis and recreational sports to name a few. So if the weather is not cooperating, use these tips to keep moving indoors.
Find an indoor sport for that weekend!
- There are plenty of sports that take place indoors as well as outdoors such as basketball or tennis/racquetball. Many of these courts are found at local gyms and have open gym times where you can plan a pick-up game with your friends or reserve a court.
Go for an indoor swim
- Swimming is a great cardiovascular and strength workout that is also easy on your joints. If you commonly do weekend activities that involve a lot of running or pounding on your legs, swimming is great cross training for you! Swimming will give your joints a much needed break while also fulfilling your workout needs. Find a local indoor pool with reserved lap time.
Try a new workout!
- A rainy day or really hot day that drives you indoors is a great opportunity to try a new workout. Do a quick search of your area to find classes near you. Maybe try a yoga class for some core and stretching to supplement your normal routines. There’s also dance fitness classes, spin class, TRX classes, Pilates or reformer class, and classes with both lifting and cardio. Who knows, you might find a new favorite!
Perform a home workout
- There are many workouts that require zero equipment and minimal space that can easily be performed in your home. Examples of exercises that require no equipment include planks, squats, lunges (all directions), push-ups, burpees, jumping jacks and ab crunches. Variations can be added to these exercises with chairs and free weights. Get creative!
It is also important to note that the internet has a plethora of free fitness workout videos that you can do at home. Maybe try something new for a nice change in your routine.
When the weather does not cooperate with your weekend plans and workouts, remember there are options to remain active. Give a new activity a try and see if you can find a new favorite!
If injury occurs during your weekend activities, find your closest Athletico to schedule a Free Assessment with one of our experts. Free Assessments are available in-clinic and virtually through our Telehealth platform.
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