3 Trick-or-Treating Tips for a Safe and Healthy Halloween
Leave a CommentWith Halloween tomorrow, most parents and children are getting ready for the big day by putting up decorations, watching scary movies and finding the perfect costume for trick-or-treating. However, there is more to take into consideration before families head out to trick-or-treat. Read below for some tips on how to stay safe and healthy this Halloween.
1. Make a Plan
When planning out Halloween night activities, most parents will look up trick-or-treating hours for their local neighborhood. This is a good start, but there are a few other things to be aware of before heading out. For instance, the local weather should be checked to make sure that costumes are suitable for the predicted forecast. This is especially true for families in cooler states that may have to worry about precipitation along with cold temperatures. Depending on the forecast, parents may want to add an inner or outer layer to their child’s costume. They may also want to bring an umbrella around if rain is expected.
Aside from the weather, parents should also plan for an early dinner so that their children are not trick-or-treating on an empty stomach. Depending on how long your family plans on trick-or-treating, it may also be a good idea to bring water bottles during the journey so that the family can stay hydrated. Last but not least it is important to plan for comfort! Halloween can be a long night, so making sure everyone is wearing comfortable shoes should help make the night go as smooth as possible.
2. Make Sure to Stretch
Some kids like to hit as many houses as they can during trick-or-treating, which can easily add up to a couple miles or more of walking! To help prevent soreness after trick-or-treating, consider warming up with calf stretches, rotational stretches (twisting from back to front) and deep breathing exercises. Below are a few stretches that may be able to help, but you can also click here to find more blogs with step-by-step stretching instructions.
– Seated Twist with Neck Stretch
– Hamstring Extend and Release Stretch
3. Don’t Push It
Although making it around the entire neighborhood may be the goal, it is important to pay attention to how each family member feels so that nobody pushes it too far. For example, long periods of walking may cause soreness for those who are not used to being active, while heavy candy bags can result in back and neck pain. Keep these things in mind can help families make the decision to head back home if the journey starts becoming too tough. After all, kids won’t be able to enjoy their candy if they are too sore after trick-or-treating is finished.
Feeling Sore? Don’t be Scared!
Don’t be scared if a long night of trick-or-treating leaves someone in your family with lingering aches or pains. Instead, schedule a free assessment at a nearby Athletico location and our team will assess the condition and provide a plan for recovery so that the entire family can get back to doing the things they love – like preparing for the next holiday! Free Assessments are available in-clinic and virtually through our Telehealth platform.
The Athletico blog is an educational resource written by Athletico employees. Athletico bloggers are licensed professionals who abide by the code of ethics outlined by their respective professional associations. The content published in blog posts represents the opinion of the individual author based on their expertise and experience. The content provided in this blog is for informational purposes only, does not constitute medical advice and should not be relied on for making personal health decisions.