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Why Should You Attend CSM?

by AthleticoLeave a Comment

Every year the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) hosts the Combined Sections Meeting (CSM) as a way to bring together professionals within the physical therapy community for networking and learning opportunities.

Our Athletico team is proud to be part of the conference and looks forward to meeting attendees at the event and in the exhibit hall (we will be at booth #2041). To help those who are still deciding if they should make the trip to Denver, CO, we reached out to employees who have attended the conference in the past to ask why it is important to attend. This is what they had to say:

“There is programming for all (18) sections of physical therapy, so those clinicians who focus on more than one can seek education and collaboration on their desired tracts (e.g. orthopedics and women’s health).”Mark Kaufman, Founder and Executive Board Member
“CSM is a great way to hear from a variety of speakers/topics in such a short time. It’s also a great bang for your buck to earn continuing education units (CEU’s). In addition, attending CSM is a great way to stay in touch with your classmates, alumni associations and meet new colleagues, as well as to hear about new research,”Kayla Roof, PT, DPT, ATC at Athletico Mason City East
“CSM provides an opportunity to network with and learn from industry leaders. You will also have the opportunity to learn about the newest trends and research in patient care,”Justin Novinger, PT, DPT and Athletico Regional Manager
“CSM provides a great opportunity to attend world-class continuing education covering a wide-range of topics. Attendees can also collaborate and network with peers, meet with business partners, and see the new and up-and-coming developments in the field on display in the Exhibition Hall,”  – Brian Kelly, Athletico Director of Outcomes
“It is a great way meet colleagues in your specialty groups, such as research, orthopedics, sports sections, etc.,” Lisa Prince, Human Resources Manager at Athletico

These are just a few of the many reasons why you should attend CSM this year. If you still have questions about the conference or are interested in learning more about joining the Athletico team, please contact for more information.

Read more health resources related to these topics:

Physical Therapy CareersCSM 2019

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