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Athletico Takes on APTA’s CSM 2019

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Our team had a great time networking with more than 16,700 physical therapy professionals during the American Physical Therapy Association’s (APTA) 2019 Combined Sections Meeting (CSM), which took place in Washington D.C. from January 23 – 26.

Athletico clinicians along with members of our leadership and talent acquisition teams had the pleasure of connecting with attendees in the exhibit hall and at a variety of events throughout the four-day conference. One of the highlights from the trip was the Athletico trolley ride, which took a group of physical therapists on a nighttime tour around Washington D.C. to view some of the country’s most historical monuments.

Read below to learn more about the experiences our team had at the conference.

“As always, I had a great time attending APTA’s CSM conference! I enjoyed connecting with our Athletico team members and each physical therapist and physical therapy student that I could meet. One of the standout moments was meeting Megan, the winner of our CSM sweepstakes. It was Megan’s first time at the conference and it was awesome that Athletico could be a part of that.” – Mark Kaufman, Athletico President and CEO
“It was a privilege and honor to be a part of the energetic team representing Athletico at this year’s APTA Combined Sections Meeting booth! Attending CSM was truly a fantastic opportunity to share Athletico’s clinical advancement, education, leadership and mentorship programs with many physical therapy students and experienced therapists across the country. The consistent response was one of amazement and appreciation for how Athletico supports and promotes advancement and positive opportunities for clinicians as part of our Core Values. CSM also afforded the opportunity to see and experience some of the newest technology/tools available to deliver clinical care, and I was happy to see that Athletico is at the forefront of these advancements. Thanks again for this opportunity and I look forward to returning in the years to come!” – Artemio, PT, CMPT, CEAS, Regional Manager
“It was truly an honor to represent Athletico Physical Therapy at APTA’s 2019 CSM! I’m always so inspired by the students that I interact with and I trust that they are also able to glean energy and insight from me. I was particularly galvanized by the number of men and women of color (students and clinicians alike) thriving in the field of physical therapy! It was encouraging to have conversations, share experiences, and encourage each other professionally. For all APTA members, 15.5 percent are of minority race or ethnicity and only 2.6 percent are black according to recent APTA member data.
I think it’s important that we continue to diversify the field of physical therapy as we strive toward cultural competence in our awareness and appreciation of the similarities and differences that exist in our multicultural patient populations.” – Leython, PT, DPT, CMTPT, Facility Manager
“I truly enjoyed my first experience at CSM and in D.C. It was exciting to see all the vendors, physical therapists, and students come together to support the physical therapy profession and its future! The daily hustle and bustle of the event was energizing to say the least.
My favorite part was my conversations with all students, especially the third year students! To see the look on their faces and excitement in their voices was confirmation that I was meant to be there. They came equipped with a lot of great questions about Athletico, the day in the life of a new physical therapist, our processes and how we differentiate ourselves in the market. They walked away impressed at all that we can offer and teach them. The trolley ride offered an excellent way for us all to see D.C. together and to further develop relationships with those in attendance!
I look forward to further connecting with MANY of the people who want to keep the conversation toward employment going! Thanks for this opportunity!” – Maureen, Talent Acquisition Specialist

View more of the highlights from CSM 2019 in the slideshow below.

If you have questions or are interested in learning more about joining the Athletico team, please click the button below to visit our careers page!

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The Athletico blog is an educational resource written by Athletico employees. Athletico bloggers are licensed professionals who abide by the code of ethics outlined by their respective professional associations. The content published in blog posts represents the opinion of the individual author based on their expertise and experience. The content provided in this blog is for informational purposes only, does not constitute medical advice and should not be relied on for making personal health decisions.

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Physical Therapy CareersAPTACSMCSM 2019

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