From Exercises to Help COVID-19 Vaccine Soreness to Massage Guns: Top 10 Blogs of 2021
Leave a CommentIf you’re like us, you may find it hard to believe we have reached the end of the year! Like 2020, this past year was heavily influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic. Vaccines were rolled out globally, and a few significant events, like the 2020 Summer Olympics, were hosted to make up for the year prior.
Our blog, written by the knowledgeable clinicians here at Athletico, shared their expertise when it came to topics related to COVID-19, the effectiveness of massage guns, home workouts, and more!
This past year, we highlighted the ten topics our readers were interested in the most. These are the top ten blogs of 2021:
1. 4 Exercises To Relieve Arm Soreness After The COVID-19 Vaccine
Our most popular blog of the year helped thousands of people combat a common problem after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine – arm soreness! This blog is complete with videos to guide readers through stretches and exercises to reduce the pain following the vaccine.
2. Do Massage Guns Really Work?
A growing fad within the health and fitness industry, massage guns are a tool commonly used to help improve muscle soreness and mobility and aid in muscle recovery. But what exactly do massage guns do, and do they really work? Find out in this blog!
3. The Link Between COVID-19 and Dizziness
Early symptoms of those infected with COVID-19 include fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, the new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion, or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, and diarrhea according to the CDC.1 This blog discusses the connection between COVID-19 and an early indicator of the virus – dizziness.
4. How to Achieve a Full Body Workout at Home
Many people froze or ended their gym memberships at the height COVID-19 pandemic. This trend continued in 2021 when people were creative in achieving exercise in the home. This blog is a great resource to perform a full-body workout at home with little to no equipment needed.
5. Tips for the Hips: 7 Flexibility & Strengthening Exercises
Our hip blog resonated with our readers and for good a reason! Your hips are unique structures within your body, making it essential to care for your hip health as you age. The exercises in this blog are a great starting point to target hip strength and flexibility.
6. New to Cycling? 4 Tips to Prevent Injuries
During the COVID-19 pandemic, we saw firsthand the increased popularity of indoor and outdoor cycling. This exercise is used by all ages and comes with many health benefits. This blog discusses common cycling injuries and tips to prevent injuries.
7. 6 Things to Know About Your Knee Replacement
According to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, on average, more than 790,000 knee replacements are performed annually in the United States.2 This blog can provide you with what to consider before a total knee replacement if that includes you.
8. 8 Exercises to Help IT Band Pain
If you’ve ever experienced pain on the outside of the knee, especially with repetitive use in running, walking, hiking, and cycling, it could be inflammation of your IT band. The exercises demonstrated in this blog can help support your recovery from IT band pain.
9. 5 Tips to Prevent Common Running Injuries
Sixty million people within the U.S participate in running each year, whether improving fitness or competing in races.3 The tips covered in this blog can help you prevent injuries caused by running.
10. Introducing: Athletico’s Inclusion, Diversity & Equity Council
Our first blog of 2021 was the unveiling of Athletico’s Inclusion, Diversity, & Equity Council. The council is essential in creating a culture where employees can work as their true selves and a space where diversity can thrive. Meet the team and what it means to each member to be serving on this impactful team.
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The Athletico blog is an educational resource written by Athletico employees. Athletico bloggers are licensed professionals who abide by the code of ethics outlined by their respective professional associations. The content published in blog posts represents the opinion of the individual author based on their expertise and experience. The content provided in this blog is for informational purposes only, does not constitute medical advice and should not be relied on for making personal health decisions.
1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2020
2. “Exhibit 19. HCUP Estimates of the Total Number of Target Procedures.” AHRQ, www.ahrq.gov/research/findings/final-reports/ssi/ssiexh19.html.
3. Lange, D. (n.d.). Running & Jogging – Statistics & Facts. Statista. https://www.statista.com/topics/1743/running-and-jogging/.