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5 Tips for Safe Sledding

by AthleticoLeave a Comment

With the cold temperatures and snow arriving, cabin fever may not be far off. Despite the weather, it is important to get out, get some fresh air, and have some fun during the winter months. So why not bundle up and go sledding?! Sledding can provide hours of entertainment for all ages. Not only is it a fun activity for the whole family, but it burns calories as well. So find that snow-covered hill in your neighborhood and start your adventure. Here are five tips to help you have a safe and fun time.

1. Dress warm

The best protection starts with your attire. Make sure that you have on plenty of layers. Remember to put on a hat, gloves, and winter boots to help keep your extremities warm. Ideally, you would like the top layer to be as waterproof as possible to allow you to stay dry and warm. Also, avoid wearing things such as long scarves or other articles of clothing that might get caught in the sled. Kids should also make sure to wear helmets to protect their heads in case they fall off the sled.

2. Choose the right hill

If you are new to the area ask your neighbors where a good hill might be. Remember to evaluate it first. Be mindful of bumps and ice. Make sure the hill avoids trees, fences, and streets as well. The hill should have a soft layer of snow to help cushion you when you land.

3. Go in a group and have adult supervision

Sledding with friends and family makes the experience even better, but it is important to have an adult oversee the kids in case of any potential injuries. Adults should make sure that the kids are avoiding areas such as trees, ponds, and drop offs. Also, make sure to find an area that steers clear of other sledders.

4. Choose the right sled.

It is recommended that you have a sled that allows you to steer with your feet. There are many different types of sleds, including inner tubes, saucers, and toboggans among others. Make sure you feel comfortable with the sled that you are choosing and that it is the right size for your body. If you have never used a specific type of sled, make sure to give it a test run to make sure you are comfortable with it.

5. Choose the right time of day

Make sure that you choose a time when the sun is out. Sledding during daylight hours will allow you to see better and avoid potential injuries. Remember to be mindful of others who may be sledding during that time. Designate an area to go down the hill and have another path to climb back up the hill in order to avoid any collisions.

Following these five simple but very important rules will help you stay safe and have a great time sledding. Enjoy the holiday season and let it snow!

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