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Transitioning from the Gym to Exercising Outside

by AthleticoLeave a Comment

Spring is here!

You have probably been itching to get outside to enjoy the warmer temperatures. But before you do, remember these tips to help you transition from the gym to exercising outside.

1) Check the weather and the conditions
Weather can change in an instant, so checking the weekly forecast ahead of time will help you plan the best times to exercise outside.

2) Dress appropriately
Just because the sun is out doesn’t mean that the temperature is warm. Check the temperature and wind chill before heading out to exercise to make sure that you are wearing the right amount of layers.

A group of runners in a cross country race.3) Effective warm up/cool down
Don’t start your workout right when you get outside because that will increase your chance of getting hurt. Also, remember to stretch and cool down when you are done. Your muscles can tighten up and if you don’t have a proper cool down that can also lead to injuries.

4) Shoe wear
When conditions might not be the most ideal, it is even more important for you to have proper shoes. Old, run-down shoes might not be the best to wear when it is still a little cold outside. As long as they are sturdy and have good traction, then your shoes will be able to hold up until Spring/Summer.

5) Ease the transition
If your body has been used to indoor workouts, it might not be ready for you to get right back out onto the road. If it is possible, try running on the grass or limiting how much exercise you do on the concrete.

Remembering these five recommendations should be able to help you transition to exercising outside. If you are interested in having one of our Physical Therapists assess your running style, please read about our Video Gait Analysis service and schedule an appointment at your nearest Athletico location.

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