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Expert Running Tips: Exercises from Athletico’s Endurance Team

8 Outdoor Activities to Try This Spring

by AthleticoLeave a Comment

After four months of winter, it is not a surprise that these warmer temperatures make most of us want to spend as much time outdoors as possible. Although it is not quite warm enough for going to the beach or pool just yet, there are many other activities that can get you up and moving outdoors, including the eight featured below:

  1. Go on a walk. Whether it’s a walk around your neighborhood, a local park or a hiking trail, get outside and soak up some natural vitamin D from the sun. Make your walk more enjoyable by asking a friend to join you or bringing along your favorite canine friend.
  1. Run outside. If you spent the cooler months running indoors on a treadmill, switch up the pace by getting outside. Keep in mind that it is a good idea to start with easy, shorter runs when transitioning your running routine from the treadmill to outdoors.
  1. Increase your bike mileage. If you are looking for a new outside activity, try cycling! Make sure that your bike is properly fitted to reduce the risk of injury. Read Athletico’s “Adjusting Your Bicycle to Alleviate Pain” for more information.
  1. Pull your roller blades (or skates) out of storage. If cycling isn’t your style, skating is another good outside activity. Make sure to wear the proper safety equipment to protect yourself from injury, including a helmet, wrist guards, knee and elbow pads.
  1. Move your exercise routine outdoors. Find some yard space and move your exercise routine outdoors! Most gym activities can be moved outside, from jump roping to yoga and even strength training! For some exercise inspiration, check out the blogs below:

– Stronger than Yesterday: The Squat
– Stronger than Yesterday: The Deadlift
– Stronger than Yesterday: Progressing a Push-Up

  1. Do some yard work. Many people use the spring time to get their yards ready for summer, which usually includes setting up patio furniture and planting a garden. Keep in mind that patio furniture can be heavy, so make sure to use proper mechanics when lifting to prevent injury. Another good tip is to ask someone to help with moving larger items. Since gardening can be hard on the joints, make sure you are taking the right steps to prevent injuries by checking out Athletico’s “4 Tips for Protecting Your Hands When Gardening.
  1. Go golfing. For many, there is no better warm-weather activity than golfing – whether it’s hitting balls on the driving range or playing a game on the course. To make sure your golf game doesn’t give you low back pain this season, read Athletico’s “Techniques for Preventing Low Back Pain in Golf.
  1. Keep up with your favorite sport to keep you moving and enjoying the season’s warmer weather! Whether it’s basketball, soccer, or golf, take time to enjoy what makes you happy and keeps you moving.

Stay Safe

There is risk of injury with any activity, so make sure you take the proper precautions before jumping head first into something new. If an injury does occur, make sure to schedule an appointment for a free assessment at your nearest Athletico location or virtually now with our telehealth treatment options.

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