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Stretch of the Week: Bosu® Ball Half Splits

by AthleticoLeave a Comment

For the second week of May we will be performing the Bosu® Ball Half Splits Stretch! Remember a Bosu® Ball is being used for added core stability and strength, but you certainly can do this stretch (and all of May’s weekly stretches) without one.

If you have a hamstring or low back injury, or difficulty getting up and down from the floor, please skip this week’s stretch.

How to perform:

  1. Place the Bosu® Ball on the floor near a wall. Come to a kneeling position with the Bosu® Ball in front of you. Take your right leg out in front of you and place the heel of the foot in the center of the Bosu®. You can hang on to the wall with one hand for support throughout the stretch if you find this a slightly unstable position.
  1. The right leg will be straight. Right toes will point up to the ceiling to engage the leg muscles. The left hip will be stacked over the left knee and the left foot will be directly behind the left knee creating a 90 degree angle. Don’t let your foot turn in! Draw your belly button to your spine to stabilize the core muscles, this is where the balance and strength comes in. If you’re already feeling a stretch in the right leg, stay more up right holding on to the wall with one hand if you need to.
  1. For a little more stretch, place your hands on the right thigh and start to fold until you feel a comfortable stretch as shown in the top photo marked “more stretch.” Again, hang on to the wall with one hand for more support if you need it. Otherwise just draw your belly in to stabilize the core.
  1. For additional stretch, fold more deeply by placing your hands to the Bosu® to stabilize, as shown in the bottom photo marked “most stretch.” Attempt to keep your back straight, hinging at the hips for the fold. Engage all muscles as listed above.
  1. Stay in the position that is most comfortable to you for 30-60 seconds. Then slowly, keeping your belly engaged, rise the torso back up. Come back to the kneeling position and repeat on the left leg.


Interested in learning more? Email me at

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StretchingBosu Ball stretchesBosu® Ball Half Splitsstretch of the week

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