4 Daytime Activities for the 4th of July
Leave a CommentFireworks are the highlight of any Fourth of July celebration, but there are also plenty of ways to celebrate the holiday during the daytime. From enjoying time at a local park to taking a dip in the pool, read below to discover four activities that you may want to incorporate into your holiday celebration this year.
Have Fun at the Park
Enjoy the summer weather at your favorite local park this holiday – whether you want to plan a picnic or simply enjoy a walk in the park. Check with your park to see if they are planning any daytime festivities for the holiday. Many park districts plan activities like scavenger hunts, outdoor concerts or parades that can keep you occupied until the nighttime firework show.
Take a Hike
If you are looking for more than just a walk in the park, plan out a daytime hike! Go online and find a new local trail to try. Plan for the day by checking the weather, finding a trail that correlates with your fitness level, and packing essentials like first-aid supplies, sunscreen, water and nutritious snacks. Keep in mind that you need to drink more water to stay hydrated during increased activity and in warm weather, otherwise you can put your body at risk for heat illness. Learn more about staying hydrated during activity by reading, “Hydrating for Performance and Health.”
Make Time for a Bike Ride
There’s plenty of time to get a good bike ride in ahead of the firework festivities at dusk! Get a group of friends to join you for a ride on a local bike trail. Just like hiking, it is important to plan for this day ahead of time by packing essentials for your ride. Additionally, you should make sure your bike is properly fitted before heading out on the bike path in order to reduce the risk of injury. After all, data shows that the prevalence for bicycle injuries is at approximately 88 percent.1 Learn more about proper bike fit by reading our “Bike Fitting Tips for Beginners” guide.
Enjoy the Pool
Is there anything better than a nice swim on a hot summer afternoon? The Fourth of July is a great day to enjoy some pool time. Not only is swimming fun, but it also provides an effective workout with minimal stress on the joints. However, it is important to keep safety top of mind before jumping in the pool. For example, it is a good idea to stretch before swimming in order to prepare your body for activity. Get a refresher on swimming safety basics by reading “Swimming 101: Having Fun & Staying Safe in the Water” before starting your swimming session.
Have a Happy and Safe Holiday
The Fourth of July is definitely a staple of summer and we hope you have a fun, safe and healthy holiday this year! If any of the aforementioned activities leaves you with lingering aches or pains, make sure to schedule an appointment at a nearby Athletico clinic so our experts can help you heal and get back to doing the things you love.
The Athletico blog is an educational resource written by Athletico employees. Athletico bloggers are licensed professionals who abide by the code of ethics outlined by their respective professional associations. The content published in blog posts represents the opinion of the individual author based on their expertise and experience. The content provided in this blog is for informational purposes only, does not constitute medical advice and should not be relied on for making personal health decisions.
1. Lee, Amy. “Bicyclists.” NHTSA. NHTSA.gov, 14 Feb. 2017. Web. 23 Apr. 2017.