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Woke Up On The Wrong Side Of The Bed? 4 Stretches To Alleviate Back And Neck Pain

Woke Up On The Wrong Side Of The Bed? 4 Stretches To Alleviate Back And Neck Pain

by Brandon Bowers, PT, DPT, Astym Cert.Leave a Comment

Do you ever wake up in the morning with a stiff neck or lower back? Maybe you can’t get comfortable in bed at night or “slept on your neck wrong”. Tightness in your neck or stiffness in your back is the last thing you want to start your day. You get up ready to go to work or school and your neck or back slows you down. Let’s look at four stretches you can do to start your day off right.

Side Of The Neck Stretch

Sitting up tall in a chair, rest your hand over the top of your head to the other side. Using this hand, gently guide your head towards your shoulder. The stretch should be felt on the side opposite of the hand you are using to guide your head.
To intensify the stretch:

  • Grasp the chair with your opposite hand.
  • Hold this position for 30 seconds and then repeat on the other side.
  • Perform four repetitions per side.

Woke Up On The Wrong Side Of The Bed? 4 Stretches To Alleviate Back And Neck Pain Woke Up On The Wrong Side Of The Bed? 4 Stretches To Alleviate Back And Neck Pain

Back Of The Neck Stretch

Sitting up tall in a chair, rotate your head 45 degrees to one side. Using the hand on the same side, turn your head toward your armpit. The stretch should be felt on the side/back of the neck on the side opposite which you turned. To intensify the stretch, grasp the chair with your opposite hand. Hold this position for 30 seconds and then repeat on the other side. Perform four repetitions per side.

Woke Up On The Wrong Side Of The Bed? 4 Stretches To Alleviate Back And Neck Pain Woke Up On The Wrong Side Of The Bed? 4 Stretches To Alleviate Back And Neck Pain

Lower Back Stretch

Start by lying flat on your back with your knees bent and feet together. Slowly let your knees move together to one side toward the surface you are lying on. The distance the knees need to move to feel a stretch depends on the individual. Some individuals move their knees very little to feel a stretch, and others have to move their knees much further. The stretch should be felt in the lower back/hip region on the side opposite the knees are moving. Hold this position for 30 seconds and then repeat on the other side. Perform four repetitions per side.

Woke Up On The Wrong Side Of The Bed? 4 Stretches To Alleviate Back And Neck Pain Woke Up On The Wrong Side Of The Bed? 4 Stretches To Alleviate Back And Neck Pain

Hip Stretch

Start by lying flat on your back with your knees bent. Next, cross one leg over the other so the outside ankle bone rests on the thigh of your other leg. With both hands, grasp the back side of the thigh of the uncrossed leg and pull your legs towards your chest. The stretch should be felt on the outside of the hip of the crossed leg. Hold this position for 30 seconds and then repeat on the other side. Perform four repetitions per side.

Woke Up On The Wrong Side Of The Bed? 4 Stretches To Alleviate Back And Neck Pain Woke Up On The Wrong Side Of The Bed? 4 Stretches To Alleviate Back And Neck Pain

Don’t Let Pain Get In The Way Of Your Day

Have you tried these stretches and can’t seem to shake your neck stiffness or lower back tightness? Physical therapy can help manage pain, stiffness, tightness, range of motion limitations, and strength. Contact your nearest Athletico team to schedule a free assessment with one of our talented professionals to begin your journey and start feeling like you again!

Schedule a Free Assessment

*Per federal guidelines, beneficiaries of plans such as Medicare, Medicaid, Tricare, VHA and other federally funded plans are not eligible for free assessments.

The Athletico blog is an educational resource written by Athletico employees. Athletico bloggers are licensed professionals who abide by the code of ethics outlined by their respective professional associations. The content published in blog posts represents the opinion of the individual author based on their expertise and experience. The content provided in this blog is for informational purposes only, does not constitute medical advice and should not be relied on for making personal health decisions.

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Brandon Bowers is a doctor of physical therapy and clinic manager at our Cincinnati - Oakley clinic location. He has a passion for treating patients with shoulder injuries and individuals all across the age spectrum. Brandon utilizes blood flow restriction and Astym on a regular basis to help patients get back to living their lives pain free. During the fall he contributes to the Athletico blog as a fantasy football injury expert and has previously spent time in the same role with CBS Sports.

Read more health resources related to these topics:

Back PainNeck PainStretchingback stretchesmuscle tightnessrange of motion

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