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International Women’s Day: Accelerate Action

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March 8th signifies International Women’s Day (IWD), a global day celebrating women’s social, economic, cultural, and political achievements. It is one of the most important days to celebrate women’s accomplishments and raise awareness about women’s equality.

At Athletico, we believe in the power of advocacy and are committed to building an inclusive environment for all our patients and employees.

To celebrate this day, we asked leaders and members of our Women and Allies Employee Resource group to speak on the importance of taking swift and decisive steps to achieve gender equality and how they plan to support the movement to accelerate action.

Tracey, Vice President of Clinical Operations – Michigan

“So often as female leaders, we tell ourselves a story about why we weren’t invited to a meeting, offered a role, or felt our voice wasn’t heard. Based on my experience, some of the best advice I received was to “not assume you are not invited to sit at the table, but rather to ask to have a seat.” When I have been courageous enough to do this, I been warmly welcomed to join the discussion and helped move the work forward.”


Megan, Senior Vice President, Payor Relations

“It is easy to think that others are going to take the lead in achieving gender equality, but we cannot just wait and hope for forward progress; all of us need to accelerate progress. I am going to be a present female leader at Athletico, continue to mentor, and be a part of the Employee Resource Groups (ERG’s). I will also be part of the day-to-day by supporting my female colleagues before, during, and after meetings, engaging in hallway conversations, and being there on the good and bad days. These little things coupled with the bigger, broader initiatives will allow for continual momentum forward towards gender equality.”

Anne, Director of Clinical Services

“Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are.” This powerful quotation underscores the urgency of addressing gender inequality, reminding us that true justice requires collective action. The number of injustices in our country and world right now is overwhelming. While I may not be able to control those, when I see something in our company or community, I’m quick to speak up, create awareness around the issue, and demand swift, decisive steps to break down barriers and ensure equal opportunities for all. I plan to support this movement by advocating for systemic change, empowering women in leadership, and fostering inclusive environments where every individual, regardless of gender, can succeed.”

Jason, Vice President

“Gender equality is not a goal to be achieved in the distant future, but an urgent matter that demands swift, decisive action today. Every step we take towards dismantling systemic barriers, empowering women, and promoting inclusivity is vital for progress. I am committed to supporting this movement by advocating for equal opportunities, amplifying underrepresented voices, and actively challenging stereotypes. Together, through purposeful actions, we can create a world where everyone, regardless of gender, can thrive equally.”

Keyah, VP, People & Talent Development

Achieving gender equality is critical for creating a fair and prosperous world. Taking swift action to address gender equality expedites the individual, community, and societal repairs created by injustice to women. When women and girls have equal access to education, healthcare, and workforce advancement, the entire world will benefit. Educated women are more likely to educate their children. Appropriate access to healthcare services for women contributes to better maternal and, subsequently, child health, and ensuring gender equality in the workplace helps to eradicate discrimination and will result in a more productive workforce that can improve overall economic performance.

Joanne, Chief Compliance Risk Officer

“Gender equality is the foundation of a healthy and safe society. I support the movement by educating myself, encouraging others to collaborate to advance the movement, fostering diversity of perspectives, and speaking up against gender stereotypes and practices that have the potential to erode equality.”

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Life at AthleticoInternational Women's Day

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