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Patient Comeback Stories: Overcoming ACL and Back Injuries

Posted on by Athletico
Some of the greatest comeback stories never show up in the sport’s section. At Athletico, our physical therapists help people overcome pain and discomfort so they can get back to doing the things they love. (more…)

Stretch of the Week: Bosu® Ball Lunge

Posted on by Athletico
For the month of May we are adding a stability component to our weekly stretch. This month we will be using a Bosu® Ball! If you don't have one available, you can still do all of these stretches without one. The Bosu® Ball will just be adding a bit of core strength to the stretches. (more…)

Put Your Phone Down. Your Arms Will Thank You!

Posted on by Athletico
How many times would you estimate that you check your smartphone every day? Twenty? Thirty? Forty? Fifty times or possibly more? (more…)

Occupational Therapy: Celebrating 100 Years

Posted on by Athletico
Janine Palino, MOTS University of St. Augustine Occupational therapy helps people of all ages participate in the activities and tasks that are meaningful to them. These tasks range from washing hair and getting dressed to gardening and playing tennis. (more…)

Stretch of the Week: Seated Straight Leg Twist

Posted on by Athletico
April’s fourth and final stretch is very similar to week one’s Reclined Straight Leg Twist, but is performed in a sitting position instead of laying down. This stretch is called Seated Straight Leg Twist and will stretch the side, back, and hamstring muscles. (more…)

Warming Up vs Cooling Down: Things To Know

Posted on by Athletico
Picture this – you walk into your local gym after carving out time in your day to  work out.. You come prepared with your headphones in, new favorite song turned up, and a game plan full of all the exercises you’re going to accomplish that day. You scan the gym and see your favorite machine with no one else on it calling your name. You scurry to it, get settled in, and just as you’re about to start you think to yourself, “I probably should warm up, shouldn’t I?” (more…)

3 Ways to Avoid Overuse Injuries in the Kitchen

Posted on by Alison Hogan, OT
Cooking can be a great, stress relieving activity. Over time, however, it can lead to overuse injuries if proper body mechanics are not used, including Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. (more…)

Athletico Gives Back: March 2017 Fundraising & Volunteer Initiatives

Posted on by Athletico
Athletico Physical Therapy makes it a priority to give back to the community through a variety of initiatives each year, including charitable donations and volunteerism. This past March, Athletico’s staff came together to raise money for multiple charities. Read more about all of these initiatives below: (more…)
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