Stretch of the Week: Combination Stretch
Posted on by Athletico
Is it week 4 of June already!? That means summer has officially started, yay! Ok let's get back to stretching :) The fourth stretch of the week brings us to a combination stretch, with some ROM (range of motion). If you have some neck issues I would encourage you to give this one a try. (more…)
Minimalist Shoes vs. Maximalist Shoes
Posted on by Dorothy Cohee
What's the best shoe to wear when running? Minimalist shoes, maximalist shoes, or your current running shoe? Here are some things to consider.. (more…)
Stretch of the Week: Self Massage for the Neck
Posted on by Athletico
Physical Therapy and Scar Tissue
Posted on by Athletico
A former patient recently approached me with questions about whether Athletico could help him overcome a challenge that had recently developed for him. We talked through some of the options and, with his permission, I wanted to share his story here in hopes it helps others. Physical therapy can help in more ways than just bumps and scrapes. (more…)
Physical Therapy for Headaches
Posted on by Athletico
Physical therapy is often utilized in the comprehensive treatment for headache sufferers. For certain types of headaches, physical therapy has proven to be successful in decreasing and/or resolving the intensity and frequency of symptoms, improving an individual’s function and mobility, and improving an individual’s quality of life. A common type of headache seen in clinical practice that responds well to physical therapy is cervicogenic headache (more…)
Stretch of the Week: Assisted Neck Twist
Posted on by Athletico
Week 2 of June is here already! This year is flying by right!? This weeks stretch is an assisted neck twist. If you have neck issues you may still want to give this one a try because it's gentle and may even help your range of motion. Especially if you have trouble looking over your shoulder. (more…)
Correction of Muscle Imbalances for Gymnasts and Cheerleaders
Posted on by Athletico
Most people agree that gymnasts and cheerleaders must be very strong and flexible. Although each athlete is different, patterns of tightness and weakness are often found when screening gymnasts and cheerleaders. As with many sports, some muscles will become naturally stronger and more flexible, while others will be weaker and tighter due to the positioning of the skills practiced. Correction of these muscle imbalances is important to enhance skill level and prevent injury. (more…)
Stretch of the Week: Lateral Neck Stretch
Posted on by Athletico
For the month of June we will address our cervical vertebrae! There will be five weeks in June so I will be giving you some self massage techniques for the neck too, yay! As always if you have injuries please be cautious and only do what feels good. If you have stiffness in the neck these will be great ones for you! (more…)