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5 Pumpkin Carving Safety Tips

Posted on by Shelia M. Tenny, OTR/L, CHT
As the weather becomes cooler and fall approaches, many are looking forward to autumn activities, like going to apple orchards, corn mazes and of course – decorating pumpkins! The hand therapists at Athletico would like to help you avoid any injuries when getting in the Halloween spirit this fall, so save your hands and fingers from a scary situation by following these tips! (more…)

Athletico Fantasy Football Injury Report 2019: Week 5

Posted on by Athletico
As we head into week 5 of the football season, fantasy players are either looking to maintain their team’s winning record or turn around a losing record. To help you start your best roster this week, we are sharing tips from Athletico’s Brandon Bowers, PT, DPT. These tips provide insight into player injuries and are put together within the Athletico Fantasy Football Injury Report on a weekly basis. (more…)

Get Moving! Take Our PT Month Movement Challenge

Posted on by Athletico
In celebration of National Physical Therapy Month occurring this October, Athletico is inviting you to participate in a 31-day movement challenge! To participate, take a photo or video based on each prompt for the given day below – one movement a day for the entire month. Get creative and have fun – this challenge is all about celebrating the healthy habits that keep us moving! (more…)

6 Stretches to Try Before Raking the Leaves

Posted on by Athletico
After a summer of hot weather and mowing lawns, we now look forward to the changing colors of the trees and the inevitable downfall of leaves. While this may invoke memories of children making piles of leaves to jump in and enjoy, for those of use with larger trees near our yards, it can mean something much different. Raking is a repetitive task that can cause real aggravation to some of the more vulnerable structures in our lower back and shoulders. Luckily, you can always limit your risk of injury or strain with a proper stretch and warm up before picking up the rake. Here are a few stretches to try: (more…)

I Slept Funny, Now What?

Posted on by Tara Hackney, PT, DPT, OCS, KTTP
It’s happened to all of us – you wake up and go to turn your head but then you feel pain. You may not be able to comfortable move your head or neck as a result. Some people have a headache or feel tight across their shoulders. Usually these symptoms resolve in a couple of days but waiting for them to get better can be uncomfortable. (more…)

Athletico Fantasy Football Injury Report 2019: Week 4

Posted on by Athletico
As we head into week 4 of the 2019 football season, injuries are beginning to impact many fantasy football teams. To help you start your best lineup this week, Athletico’s Brandon Bowers, PT, DPT, is shedding light on significant player injuries in our weekly Fantasy Football Injury Report. (more…)

What to Expect when Recovering from Rotator Cuff Surgery

Posted on by Athletico
The rotator cuff is made up of four small muscles that surround the shoulder joint. These muscles work as stabilizers to keep the ball of the humerus (which is the long bone in the upper arm) in the right position at the center of the shoulder joint. (more…)

Ankle Strengthening for Tumbling Athletes

Posted on by Tara Hackney, PT, DPT, OCS, KTTP
Gymnasts and cheerleaders are two types of athletes whose sports require tumbling. Tumbling can range from cartwheels to more complex flips and twists. Regardless of the difficulty of the tumbling, strong ankles for pushing off and landing are important. Weakness in ankles can result in injury such as an ankle sprain, ankle fracture, or tendinitis in muscles surrounding the ankle. (more…)
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