12 Things You May Not Know About Athletic Trainers
Posted on by Kele Cioflec
March is not only a time for the weather to get warmer, it’s also National Athletic Training Month!
Stretch of the Week: Wall Clock Arm Stretch
Posted on by Athletico
For the month of March we are stretching our biceps muscles. The bicep has two "heads" that form into one single muscle belly, which lays between the elbow and shoulder joint. The biceps flexes the arm (bringing wrist to shoulder), helps abduct the shoulder (lift it away from your side) and rotates the forearm outward. It's a muscle we commonly use and thus it can become tight. In fact, the biceps can be so tight that extending the arm fully straight is restricted. Our March stretches will help to loosen the arms.
Stronger than Yesterday: Lifting and Learning
Posted on by Athletico
The definition of health is not one-dimensional. Health(y) is a state of complete well-being, not only the absence of disease or illness.1
Back Pain? Your MRI May be Showing Wrinkles on the Inside
Posted on by Athletico
As a physical therapist, I see a lot of patients with neck and back pain. In my experience treating these patients, the majority have MRI findings that they want to discuss prior to treatment. However, it is important to take a closer look at what our MRIs may or may not be saying.
Athletico Gives Back: Supporting Operation Walk
Posted on by Athletico
Athletico Physical Therapy makes it a priority to give back to the communities we serve through a variety of initiatives each year, including donations and volunteerism.
Stretch of the Week: Bridge with Interlaced Fingers
Posted on by Athletico
Although the fourth stretch in February looks very similar to week two, it is different. This stretch, called the Bridge with Interlaced Fingers, gives more stretch across the chest and also works the biceps.
Stronger than Yesterday: Progressing a Push-Up
Posted on by Athletico
As mentioned in Stronger than Yesterday: Progressing a Pull-Up, our modern society spends much of the day sitting. This behavior can effectively change the natural posture of the body, leading to weaker and tighter muscles. Adding simple strength training moves into your exercise routine can be a wonderful way to reinforce good posture and reduce chronic pain or injury.
Common Overuse Injuries in Young Athletes
Posted on by Athletico
Children are susceptible to certain injuries because their growth plates are still open. Sever’s Disease, Osgood-Schlatter or Sinding-Larson-Johannsen (SLJ), and Little League Elbow are just a few diagnoses that children can acquire at the growth plates. Typically children diagnosed with these injuries are very active in sports, which may cause the overuse injury in the growth plate.