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Athletico Fantasy Football Injury Report 2023: Week 6

Posted on by Brandon Bowers, PT, DPT, Astym Cert.
If you find yourself trying to fill gaps in your roster as we enter week six due to player injuries and bye weeks, we’ve got you covered. For a look at who to play and who to bench this week, Brandon Bowers, PT, DPT, Astym Cert. provides the following tips in this week’s Athletico Fantasy Football Injury Report. (more…)

How To Avoid Injury In Competitive Swimming

Posted on by Zach Kirkpatrick, PT, MPT, SCS
A common misconception about swimming is it is not considered an overhead athlete sport due to the total body nature and cardiovascular changes it can create in athletes. Yes, while swimming involves your total body, a large portion of the swimming force is derived from the shoulders and arm, all while under the water’s constant resistance. Something else to consider is the year-round nature of competitive swimming, as it can be performed outside during the summer and inside during the winter. If you are a competitive swimmer or aspire to be an elite swimmer, here are some things you can do to minimize risk of injury and improve your longevity in the sport of swimming. (more…)

Mental Health Tips After A Marathon

Posted on by Rebecca Pudvah PT, DPT, CSCS, OCS
Congratulations! You did it! 26.2 is a long way, particularly on foot. Take some time to embrace your journey, your success, and the obstacles you overcame. Take a look below for the top 3 tips of how to embrace your mental health after running a marathon and avoid the post-marathon blues. (more…)

3 Hand Injuries Commonly Seen During The Football Season

Posted on by Erik Krol, MOT, OTR/L
The fall season is a wonderful time of year for annual traditions. With fall comes back to school, which also means football. Football is a sport that so many people love to rally around, as it offers opportunities for gatherings and helps create an identity for a team, school, and town. That is the beautiful truth about football. Like all sports, the ugly truth is that it can lead to injury. Here are three common upper extremity injuries football players face and the causes for each. (more…)

Athletico Fantasy Football Injury Report 2023: Week 5

Posted on by Brandon Bowers, PT, DPT, Astym Cert.
As we enter week 5 of the football season, fantasy football players may be scrambling to fill the gaps in their roster due to injuries affecting their team. To help you decide who to sit and who to start, Brandon Bowers, PT, DPT, Astym Cert. provides the following tips in this week’s Athletico Fantasy Football Injury Report. (more…)

Quiz: Is PT The Right Profession for You?

Posted on by Rebecca Pudvah PT, DPT, CSCS, OCS
Are you uncertain on which career path is right for you? Are you considering pursuing healthcare, but unsure which track is most suited towards your preferences? Take this short quiz to see if the Physical Therapy profession is right for you. (more…)

6 Tips For Practicing Safe Stretching In Dance And Gymnastics

Posted on by Paige Gibbens, PT, DPT
Dance and gymnastics are two sports that require an extreme amount of mobility and flexibility, as well as strength, power, and endurance to be successful. Mobility is different from flexibility and flexibility is not an indicator of good mobility. Flexibility is defined as the muscles’ ability to stretch temporarily. An example of flexibility would be a rubber band; it can temporarily lengthen but returns to a normal resting rate. Mobility is a joint's ability to actively move through a specific range of motion. To simplify this explanation of flexibility versus mobility, flexibility is related to muscle length and mobility is related to a joint’s ability to move. (more…)

Athletico Fantasy Football Injury Report 2023: Week 4

Posted on by Brandon Bowers, PT, DPT, Astym Cert.
If your fantasy football team didn’t perform as well as you hoped for in Week 3, it may be time to make some changes to your lineup! Athletico’s Brandon Bowers, PT, DPT, Astym Cert. highlights injuries within the professional league each week in the Athletico Fantasy Football Injury Report so you know who to sit and who to start. (more…)
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