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6 Warm-Up Stretches for Overhead Athletes Before a Game

Posted on by Josh Lawrence, MS, L/ATC
“Go get your arm warmed up!” This is a phrase I hear all the time for overhead athlete sports, whether it’s the relief pitcher in baseball, the center fielder in softball, the ACE server in volleyball, or the star QB. This is solid advice; it’s never a good idea to go into aggressive overhead activity without a proper warm-up, but what makes a good warm-up? That can be a very loaded question! Fortunately, by understanding the anatomy of the shoulder and the requirement by its muscles to work optimally overhead, it can be simple to get an athlete ready for action and, more importantly, lower their risk for injury. (more…)

Workout 101: Top Tips for Beginners

Posted on by Rebecca Pudvah PT, DPT, CSCS, OCS
Have you set some fitness goals as your new year’s resolutions and don’t know how to follow through? Nervous about entering the gym and looking like a beginner? Unsure how to lose that unwanted weight? Look no further; here are five short and sweet tips to help get you on the right track. (more…)

You’ve Pulled Your Back, Now What?

Posted on by Brandon Bowers, PT, DPT, Astym Cert.
Something didn't feel quite right. You were shoveling snow or helping a friend move a heavy couch, and there it went. Your lower back tightens up or seizes up on you. It was hard to move normally, and your back just felt "off." You "pulled" your back; now what? Let's first take a brief look at the anatomy of the lower back, then a couple of lower back injuries, followed by what to do next. (more…)

4 Easy Steps to Improve Offseason Training Tips for Young Pitchers

Posted on by Scott Snyder PT, DPT
With winter in full effect, it is time to shift the focus of training for our throwers toward preparation for the spring. As the demand for increased pitch speed increases, it is important that throwing athletes make the most of the winter to reduce their risk of injury before ramping up their throwing in preseason training. Although most throwing injuries occur in the arm, athletes can minimize injury risk and increase pitch count by focusing on leg strength and core stability in addition to mechanics. (more…)

2023 Athletico Wellness Challenge

Posted on by Peter Batz, PT, DPT, OCS, CMTPT, AIB-VRC
Need some inspiration to keep up with your new year’s health and wellness goals? We’ve put together monthly challenges to help you improve your physical and mental well-being. (more…)

Most Common Pickleball Injuries

Posted on by Tara Hackney, PT, DPT, OCS, KTTP
Even though pickleball was invented in 1965, it has been gaining popularity very quickly since the early 2000s. Pickleball was the fastest-growing sport from 2019-2022. Pickleball is played both indoors and outdoors and has both singles and doubles. Though it resembles tennis, pickleball is played on a much smaller court and using solid-faced paddles and the rules differ from tennis as well. As with any sport, as the popularity grows, so do the injuries. Here are some of the injuries that can occur in pickleball and ways to prevent injury: (more…)

How to Make Small Changes to Your Exercise Routine That Have a Big Impact

Posted on by Allison Kosinski PT, DPT
When starting or changing up your exercise routine, there can be an overwhelming amount of information and voices coming at you. It can be hard to decide which path to choose. What will work best for me? Am I doing the right thing? Can I do this? While there is no perfect exercise prescription for everyone, there are a few simple things to consider when compiling your ideal exercise routine! (more…)

Tips for Better Ergonomics at Work

Posted on by Erik Krol, MOT, OTR/L
Every job presents its own set of physical and mental challenges. However, no matter what demands our ergonomics or how we use our bodies while interacting with our work environments and surroundings, it affects how we feel during and after the day. It can be helpful to think of our bodies as tools with specific jobs and purposes and should be used as efficiently as possible to prevent injury and pain. Thinking about ergonomics from a few fundamental themes can help keep safety and efficiency at the forefront of our minds. Themes such as posture, positioning, and performance are married to ergonomics, and if we think of these ideas proactively, we can stay safe while at work. (more…)
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