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5 Tips for Your First Marathon

Posted on by Athletico
So you’ve decided to run your first marathon. A decision not taken lightly, with preparations likely well under way. You probably have many thoughts and emotions running through your head and might not be sure what to expect come race day. Whether you’re just starting out or are already well into your training, these tips will help to you prepare well and make your first marathon experience a success. (more…)

Why is this Scar Still Bothering Me? Understanding and Decreasing Scar Tissue

Posted on by Athletico
Great news: your body has done some healing after an injury or surgery. Not so great news: now you are looking at a scar. The scar might be long or short. It might be raised, flat or indented. It could be a range of colors. It might be painful or sensitive. But, for whatever reason, it is still bothering you. (more…)

How Safe Are Scooters?

Posted on by Athletico
Being a kid both in body and spirit, a few years ago I asked for a Razor scooter for Christmas. With the same child-like zeal, I took the scooter on a few errands one nice day in January and was shocked at how fast it flew. While my scooter was limited by the speed I could generate, a new kid, the electric, or e-scooter, has now come to the playground. (more…)

Should I Schedule a Free Assessment or a Physical Therapy Appointment?

Posted on by Athletico
At Athletico, our experts are passionate about helping patients live pain-free lives, which is why providing access to exceptional care is among our top priorities. Every patient is unique. Because of this, we offer a variety of ways to help patients get started with their journey into recovery, including free assessments, virtual free assessments and scheduled physical therapy appointments. (more…)

Are You Ready for the Bottle Cap Challenge?

Posted on by Leython Williams, PT, DPT, CMTPT
If you have been on social media over the last few weeks, chances are you have seen the bottle cap challenge. This internet challenge requires you to unscrew a bottle cap with your foot, typically with a roundhouse kick. (more…)

Emoji Quiz: Guess the Athletico Service

Posted on by Athletico
At Athletico, our clinicians have advanced training and specializations that give them the expertise to treat all parts of the body. So whether you’re trying to get back to everyday life, your job or your favorite sport, our team can help you reach your goals. Learn more about our available services and how they can help you get back to doing the things you love to do by taking our emoji quiz below! (more…)

Blood Flow Restriction for Knee Osteoarthritis

Posted on by Tanner Neuberger, PT, DPT, TDN Level 1
Knee pain can be a very troublesome nuisance to a majority of the population; whether knees are sore from a long day of activity or have been persistently sore from those glory days long ago. Knee pain can affect quality of life in many different ways including decreasing activity levels, making it uncomfortable to maintain certain postures for prolonged periods of time, or making it bothersome to go up and down stairs at home. Knee osteoarthritis (OA) is among the common knee-related conditions affecting quality of life – especially in the older population. In fact, knee OA is present in nearly 40 percent of individuals older than 60. (more…)

Squat Mobility and Movement Prep

Posted on by Zach Kirkpatrick, PT, MPT, SCS
The squat is one of the most fundamental movements a human needs to be able to perform both in life and in sports. In life we use the squat to sit down and stand up from chairs or going down to the floor to reach for objects. In sport we use squat movements when preparing to jump and land, as well as when getting into an athletic position. The squat is also used in the strength training realm as it has tremendous carry over to all other aspects of sport. (more…)
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