3 Tips for Hill Running
Posted on by Athletico
Does the thought of running up hills deter you from signing up for a race or running a specific route? Hills can be intimidating to novice runners and expert runners alike, however, training on hills has been shown to increase cardiovascular fitness, power and strength.1 It also enhances variability on training surfaces, which can reduce the risk of overuse injuries.
Knife Safety 101
Posted on by Shelia M. Tenny, OTR/L, CHT
We probably all know, or think we know, the basics of dealing with sharp objects, including carrying a knife or scissors with the pointed end down and never running with them! Despite these well-known safety tips, about 1,200 injuries occur daily in the United States from kitchen, pocket or utility knives.1
Take Control of Your Feet
Posted on by Jeff Hubka, PT, DPT, OCS
The human body is an incredibly efficient machine that, over time, will adapt to loads and stresses by increasing the strength of its tissues. Walk around any weight room in America and you will see examples of tissue adaptation (think Arnold Schwarzenegger). Conversely, if there is a lack of stress or demand placed on muscle or bone, tissue wasting can occur. A perfect example may be right underneath you: your feet. Imagine someone that sits at a desk while wearing dress shoes for eight hours a day, year-after-year. One evening, he goes for a walk but limps the final steps to his house as his feet have become painful. Some will say this is due to bad arch supports, worn out shoes, or even bad feet. Or, could it be that the muscles in his feet are weak?
Athletico Culture: Coming Together for the J.P. Morgan Corporate Challenge 2019
Posted on by Athletico
As Chicagoland’s leading provider of physical and occupational therapy, Athletico is committed to educating the public about the importance of health and fitness. One of the ways our company encourages employees to live a healthy lifestyle is by participating in the annual J.P. Morgan Corporate Challenge, which is a 3.5 mile run/walk that celebrates corporate teamwork, camaraderie and community!
5 Important Stretches for Dancers
Posted on by Athletico
While dancers are known for their flexibility, they are not immune to overworked muscles, which can lead to increased muscle tightness. Because dancers are often very flexible, sometimes it’s easy to bypass the stretch to the muscle through hypermobile joints. Here are some tips and tricks to help dancers’ stretch commonly tight muscles.
5 Tips for the Aging Athlete
Posted on by Tara Hackney, PT, DPT, OCS, KTTP
Like it or not, we are all getting older. For many, the changes associated with aging can affect their workouts. Some of the changes with aging include a decline in muscle strength, decreased muscle flexibility and less energy. In addition, aging leads to decreased sensation, decreased balance, and decreased bone strength. However, these changes do not have to affect your active lifestyle. In fact, staying active has documented health benefits for both your physical, mental, and emotional health.
My Physical Therapist Helped Me Break Up With John
Posted on by Jovie Murtha, PT, Women's Health Specialist
“Gotta go, gotta go, gotta go right now?” Frequent urination is a real problem for millions of Americans. It can interfere with so many aspects of life, like school, travel, shopping, work and sleep! Urinary frequency can have many causes, and the good news is that it is typically easy to remedy. Oftentimes the culprit is something as easy as looking at what is in your glass or on your plate!
How to Heal Heel Pain
Posted on by Tara Hackney, PT, DPT, OCS, KTTP
Heel pain is a common complaint that can have several causes. This type of pain can affect your ability to stand and walk due to the pressure on the sore area. And at times, if your feet hurt you might feel like you hurt all over. Your normal activities can be greatly affected if you are unable to walk without pain.