Offseason Training Tips for Cheerleaders
Posted on by Sarah Canciller
Once competition and tryout seasons are over, you may be thinking it is time to relax until next season… but this is incorrect! Offseason months are the perfect months to make sure you and your team are healthy and ready for a great season next year.
Dads, Looking to Improve Your Golf Game?
Posted on by Athletico
Look no further… our Golf Performance Center has you covered!
4 Weekday Prep Tips for the Weekend Warrior
Posted on by Tara Hackney, PT, DPT, OCS, KTTP
Weekend warriors are those that participate in higher levels of physical activity on the weekends with minimal activity performed during the week. In order to prevent injury, weekend warriors need to be aware of the risks their activity choices make on their bodies.
Does Kinesio Tape Application Help Following Surgery?
Posted on by Athletico
Following surgery, trauma to the tissues surrounding the surgical site is likely present, resulting in swelling and /or bruising. This can be a hindrance to the recovery and early phases of healing, as it can limit motion, increase pain, and – depending on body part/joint – affect walking and function.
Minimizing the Risk of Running Injuries with Strength Training
Posted on by Athletico
The days are longer and the weather is finally nicer, which means more people will be out running. Thinking about running a virtual 5k or half marathon this summer? When deciding between which training program to follow, make sure you don't forget to incorporate strength training. Strength training is believed to help with injury prevention in runners.
Decreasing the Risk of Injuries for Weekend Warriors
Posted on by Tara Hackney, PT, DPT, OCS, KTTP
Who are the “Weekend Warriors?” Many people find themselves with little time during the week due to work, family, kids and the day-to-day grind. Therefore, workouts fall to the weekend days to cram in a full week of physical activity into two days.
Stretching Safely in Gymnastics
Posted on by Tara Hackney, PT, DPT, OCS, KTTP
Gymnasts require more flexibility than the general athlete to perform the necessary skills of their sport. Summertime is a great time to focus on increasing flexibility. Since stretching is an important component of training, it is a good idea to review some of the safest ways to stretch to prevent injury and progress flexibility.
4 Ways Physical Therapy Can Help Those Who Suffer From Osteoarthritis
Posted on by Athletico
Osteoarthritis (OA) can have a major impact on essential and functional activities of daily living. It can reduce or hinder a person’s ability to walk, ride a bike, climb stairs or get on the ground to play with children and grandchildren.