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Tips for Preventing Common Skiing Injuries

Posted on by Tara Hackney, PT, DPT, OCS, KTTP
Skiing is a popular outdoor winter activity that we tend to hear a lot about during the Winter Olympic Games. With the Winter Olympics occurring in PyeongChang this year, it is expected that the skiing will be making headlines in the coming weeks – from discussing amazing performances to unpredictable injuries. (more…)

Stretch of the Week: Assisted Toe Touch Stretch

Posted on by Athletico
Welcome to February, our partner stretch month! With Valentine’s Day around the corner, we are going to grab our favorite person and help each other stretch! (more…)

Common Figure Skating Injuries

Posted on by Tara Hackney, PT, DPT, OCS, KTTP
I am a self-proclaimed Olympics junkie! I love that we get to highlight athletes of all sports and countries and come together to cheer for the USA! (more…)

Stretch of the Week: Shin Massage with Foam Roller

Posted on by Athletico
For January’s last stretch of the week, we will be performing a Shin Massage with a Foam Roller. This is also an abdominal exercise, so you will get two for one with this stretch! (more…)

Who is at Risk for Jumper’s Knee?

Posted on by Tara Hackney, PT, DPT, OCS, KTTP
Sports that involve high levels of running and jumping can leave athletes at increased risk for certain injuries. Basketball is an example of a sport that can predispose athletes to knee pain. Several studies have shown that the knee is the most common site of injury reported in adolescent basketball players, both male and female.1,2 (more…)

Stretch of the Week: Kneeling Shin Stretch

Posted on by Athletico
For the fourth week of January, we will be performing a Kneeling Shin Stretch with a foam roller. (more…)

Reaching the Top: Tips for Your Next Stair Climb

Posted on by Athletico
I registered on a whim for my first Hustle Up the Hancock stair climb thinking it would be something cool and unique. However, my rationale for registering did not provide the best parameters for designing a training program. (more…)

Stretch of the Week: Side Lunge Shin Stretch

Posted on by Athletico
For the third week of our shin series we will be performing a Side Lunge Shin Stretch. You will feel this stretch in your inner thigh muscles as well as in the muscles from the bottom of your knee to the top of your foot. (more…)
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