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Importance of Lower Extremity Strengthening for Overhead Athletes

Posted on by Tara Hackney, PT, DPT, OCS, KTTP
Overhead athletes play a variety of sports, including baseball, lacrosse, football, volleyball and even tennis. These athletes require power and strength in their dominant extremity for overhead positions. However, it is important to also consider the lower extremities of these athletes in a strengthening program. (more…)

Best Sleeping Positions for your Neck and Back

Posted on by Tara Hackney, PT, DPT, OCS, KTTP
In my experience as a physical therapist, one of the most common reasons patients seek out physical therapy is due to pain of the spine. Although certain factors related to neck or back pain are outside of our control (such as aging or arthritis), there are many factors that we do have influence over – including sleeping position.


Stretch of the Week: Curtsy Shin Stretch

Posted on by Athletico
For the second week of January, we will be performing a Curtsy Shin Stretch. You will feel this stretch in the muscles from the bottom of your knee to the top of your foot. (more…)

Winter Workouts: Cold Weather Considerations

Posted on by Tara Hackney, PT, DPT, OCS, KTTP
Winter is here and the weather is cold and snowy, but your workouts do not have to stop. Cold weather athletes participate in events that include skiing, cold weather running and triathlons. (more…)

5 PT-Approved Life Hacks for Healthier Days

Posted on by Athletico
When setting health goals, it is important to keep in mind that these changes don’t happen overnight. Rather, becoming healthier is a lifestyle change that needs to be maintained. (more…)

Stretch of the Week: Seated Shin Stretch

Posted on by Athletico
Happy New Year everyone! I can’t believe it’s already 2018! Have you set any goals for yourself for the coming year? Hopefully one of them is to add more stretching to your life! (more…)

Athletico Gives Back: 2017 Year in Review

Posted on by Athletico
Athletico is committed to providing personal and professional growth opportunities for our staff through our involvement with numerous charitable organizations. Through these opportunities, our enthusiastic and dynamic staff take an active role in building better communities where we live and work. (more…)

Stretch of the Week: Trapezius Release Self-Massage

Posted on by Athletico
For 2017’s final stretch, we will actually be performing a self-massage. You will need a tennis ball or something similar, as well as the corner of a wall to perform this Trapezius Release technique. (more…)
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