Stretch of the Week: Seated Cat Cow with Arm Rotation
Posted on by Athletico
For week two of our dynamic stretching month we will be performing the Seated Cat Cow with Arm Rotation.
Back to School Safety Guide
Posted on by Athletico
After enjoying months of summer fun, heading back to school can be a difficult transition for kids, whether it's through an e-learning format or back to the classroom.
Stretch of the Week: Dynamic Spinal Circles
Posted on by Athletico
The Weekly Stretches for August will focus on dynamic stretching. Typically we are doing static stretching, which is the optimal way to increase flexibility in our muscles. However, dynamic stretching shouldn't be overlooked!
3 Ways to Combat Low Back Pain in Runners
Posted on by Athletico
Low back pain is the largest cause of disability, affecting nearly 80 percent of people in the United States at some point in their lifetime.1
5 Health Tips for Your Next Trip to the Ballpark
Posted on by Athletico
Baseball season is in full swing, but some of the hottest and most humid days of the year are still to come. With that in mind, here are some tips to make sure that you can enjoy the game and don’t suffer any ill effects afterward.
Stretch of the Week: Reclined Pigeon
Posted on by Athletico
The final week of July's stretch is called Reclined Pigeon. This will stretch the outer hip, piriformis, gluteal, and low back musculature. You will get a bonus stretch through the front hip flexors as well!
Heating Up: Exercising in the Heat
Posted on by Tara Hackney, PT, DPT, OCS, KTTP
Summer has arrived and so has the heat. As you continue exercising this summer, remember to protect your body from injury due to overheating. When the environmental temperature rises, the body has increased difficulty cooling itself through its normal means. Heat stroke from exercise is one of the three leading causes of sudden death in sports activities.1
6 Water Activities to Try this Summer
Posted on by Athletico
Swimming is a fun, recreational activity that can also be an effective workout. Even if you are a non-swimmer, you can still enjoy and benefit from exercise in the water. And if you are already a swimmer, why not take it to the next level?