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Winter Falls and Distal Radius Fractures

Posted on by Athletico
When it's cold and slippery, many of us struggle with keeping our balance and maintaining an upright position. When this happens, we often fall onto our outstretched hand, which can result in serious injury. (more…)

What is the “Core” of My Body?

Posted on by Dorothy Cohee
The term “core” is frequently referenced when talking about strengthening. For example, you may have been told you need to “strengthen your core,” but what does this mean? (more…)

Stretch of the Week: Beach Ball Hug & Expansion Dynamic Stretch

Posted on by Athletico
February is here! Since Valentine's Day is around the corner, this month’s theme will be chest stretches – also known as "Heart Openers.” (more…)

Stronger than Yesterday: The Deadlift

Posted on by Athletico
Improved daily function is one of the main benefits of exercise. Becoming stronger by participating is strength training is an example of the body working to reach a higher level of ability. Strength goes beyond the gym, seeping into everyday life. Becoming stronger also helps you to become more capable to do the things you love to do! (more…)

Bonus Stretch of the Week: Butterfly Stretch

Posted on by Athletico
We are offering a bonus stretch as we close up the first month of 2017. This month’s last inner thigh stretch also gets into the backside of the hips, the glutes and piriformis muscles. It is called the Butterfly Stretch. (more…)

8 Small Tips for Living a Healthier Lifestyle

Posted on by Athletico
On January 1st, many of us resolve to live a healthier lifestyle in the upcoming year. Although there are good intentions behind this resolution, changing and maintaining daily habits can be overwhelming. It is important to keep in mind, however, that living a healthier lifestyle doesn’t mean changing your entire routine in one fell swoop. By modifying small things in your daily life, you will be taking big steps toward fulfilling your New Year's health goals. (more…)

Stretch of the Week: Wide Legged Straddle (Prone Position)

Posted on by Athletico
In the fourth week of January we are revisiting the Wide Legged Straddle Stretch, but this time we are performing it in the prone position (or face down). This position provides a slightly different way to stretch the inner thigh. (more…)

Stronger than Yesterday: The Squat (Infographic)

Posted on by Athletico
Beginning a new strength training routine can seem overwhelming, especially when deciding what movements to incorporate. (more…)
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