5 People Who Need a Massage Right NOW
Posted on by Athletico
Although massage therapy is often thought of as a luxury, there are many people who could benefit from the preventative care technique. Not only does massage therapy aid in relaxation, but the practice can also reduce stress, lower blood pressure and enhance mobility. While everyone could benefit from a massage, there are some people who would be wise to take advantage of the service on a regular basis, including:
Dry Needling: Runners can Relieve Pain and Continue to Train!
Posted on by Brian Whittington, PT, DPT, CMTPT
From indoor tracks and treadmills, endurance athletes and amateur runners are taking to the beautiful outdoors. As activity levels increase and miles add up, runners may experience pain, weakness, or fatigue, limiting their workout. Whatever the reason, runners can find themselves hitting a wall or plateauing throughout training. Many times symptoms are ignored and athletes push through. With that said, there are effective treatment options that can occur as training continues. One effective treatment for endurance athletes is trigger point dry needling.
#PokémonGO: Catch Them All Without Catching a Neck Cramp
Posted on by Athletico
Pokémon GO has taken the world by storm. In fact, data from SimilarWeb shows that within two days of the app’s launch, Pokémon GO was being used for an average of 43 minutes and 23 seconds a day, which is higher than time spent on popular apps like Whatsapp, Instagram, Snapchat and Messenger.
Stretch of the Week: Half Cow Face Arms
Posted on by Athletico
The second week of July brings us to a stretch that we call in yoga, Half Cow Face Arms. We are still focusing on the subclavius muscle that we discussed in detail last week, but you may also feel this in the upper chest and biceps muscles if you are tight there as well.
The Achilles Tendon: So Strong, but at Risk for Injury
Posted on by Athletico
What is the Achilles Tendon?
The Achilles tendon is the point of connection for primarily two muscles which make up the bulk of the calf. It is responsible for performing the motion of lifting the heel off the ground. The Achilles tendon is located just above the heel bone where it attaches. Although it can bare high loads, acute and chronic Achilles tendon pathology continues to be involved in 50 percent of all sports related injuries.5 In addition, there continues to be a rise in Achilles tendon ruptures (complete tear), of which 75 percent occur in men between the ages of 30-49 while participating in sports.5 (more…)Stretch of the Week: Seated Clavicle Stretch
Posted on by Athletico
Our focus for the month of July will be the subclavius muscle
This triangular muscle is attached to the first rib and clavicle (collarbone). It lies directly below the collarbone and draws it forward and downward, providing stability during shoulder and arm movements. (more…)Your PLAN for an Injury-Free Summer Dance Intensive
Posted on by Athletico
For many dancers, summers are filled with morning to evening dance classes. Sometimes learning new styles, other times perfecting their technique in a familiar style. Often these summer dance intensives are away from home allowing the dancer to stay in a dormitory and meet new friends who have the same passion. Auditions for these programs are held months in advance and attention from renowned dance teachers may arise from this experience.
Global Medical Brigades: Nicaragua
Posted on by Athletico
This trip down to Nicaragua was my first time ever doing anything like this, and I do have to say, it was one of the most eye-opening experiences I have ever had. In three days, we served over 1000 members of the San Luis de Limay community.