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AC Sprains and Clavicle Fractures in Ice Hockey: Bio-mechanical perspective

Posted on by Steve Chmielewski, PT, DPT, Level 5 USA Hockey Coach

AC Sprains and other upper body injuries:

Research in the past has identified that approximately 70% of upper extremity injuries in ice hockey occur during games and that approximately 50% of them can be defined as a sprain, strain, or a fracture.3 The most common diagnosed injury of the shoulder in hockey today is a sprain of the Acromioclavicular (AC) joint, or AC Sprains. (more…)

Stretch of the Week: Self-Massage Technique

Posted on by Athletico

Five Weeks in March Means a Bonus Self-Massage Technique

For this self-massage technique we will focus on releasing the tight fascia and muscles of the low back. You will need a tennis ball for this technique. As with beginning any exercise program, it is recommended to contact your physician, physical or occupational therapist to find out what is best for you. (more…)

Stretch of the Week: Pelvic Tilts

Posted on by Athletico

Pelvic Tilts: Therapeutic Stretches for the Lower Back

Welcome to the weekly stretch for March! This month we have been focusing on more therapeutic stretches for the low back. If you have ever been in therapy for low back pain you may have recognized one or two of these. Let’s continue this with Pelvic Tilts for week 4! (more…)

Stretch of the Week: Crossed Legged Low Back Reclined Twist

Posted on by Athletico

Crossed Legged Low Back Reclined Twist

The third week of March brings us to the gentle Crossed Legged Low Back Reclined Twist stretch. It is simple despite its long name. This stretch will help you to gain flexibility in those stiff lumbar muscles that can cause muscle imbalances and contribute to low back pain. You will not need any equipment for this stretch. (more…)

Shin Splints: Who is at Risk?

Posted on by Athletico
From basketball players in the NCAA tournament to middle age runners on the sidewalk, who is at risk and why? If you have lived an active lifestyle, participated in sports or even follow sports you’ve probably heard of or experienced ‘shin splints’ at some point. But what are shin splints? In the physical therapy world, it is referred to as medial tibial stress syndrome (MTSS).


I Run. Why do I need to strengthen, especially the legs?

Posted on by Dorothy Cohee
As runners, we need to do more than just run. Without strength training, injuries are more likely to occur even when using good running form. Statistics vary but state anywhere from 20-80% of runners are injured annually1. Many of these are overuse injuries and often occur because runners are not listening to their bodies and continually doing prehab. (more…)

Skier’s Thumb

Posted on by Athletico
Skier's Thumb, Gamekeeper's Thumb..... Baseball Player's Thumb? Ulnar Collateral Ligament Injuries of the Thumb:  An injury for all seasons. (more…)

Stretch of the Week: Figure 4

Posted on by Athletico
The second week of March is all about reducing stiffness throughout the hip region. Sometimes low back pain can be a result of hip tightness. It may also contribute to movement dysfunction, nerve compression and symptoms in to the thigh and lower leg. (more…)
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