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Stretch of the Week: Revolved Head of the Knee

Posted on by Athletico
Welcome back for week two of February! This weekly inner thigh stretch is called Revolved Head of the Knee. It simultaneously targets the inner thigh musculature in both straight and bent leg positions. In addition, this exercise also stretches the side of the body. (more…)

Medical Missions: A Painful Truth

Posted on by Athletico
Typical Medical Mission: There are many types of medical mission trips, through many different organizations, traveling to countries without access to medical professionals. There are organizations that rally volunteers which are most often students, current and/or retired medical professionals, and likely others just trying to make a difference or beef up their resumes. (more…)

Stretch of the Week: Reclined Cobbler’s Stretch

Posted on by Athletico
February's focus for our weekly stretches will be for the inner thighs. The inner thighs are largely composed of five muscles: Pectineus, Adductor Longus, Gracillis, Adductor brevis, and Adductor magnus. These muscles are primarily responsible for adduction, such as when crossing the leg past the mid-line of the body towards the opposite side. They play a critical role in our day to day functions including standing and walking. Therefore, it is important to maintain both their flexibility and strength to help prevent injuries. (more…)

Take Care of Your Injury Sooner Rather Than Later

Posted on by Athletico
We've all been there at one point or another. Dealing with daily pain can be a constant ritual of our day just like eating breakfast or combing your hair. (more…)

What’s the Bump on My Foot?

Posted on by Dorothy Cohee
Have you ever noticed a bump on the top of your foot or along the side of your big toe? What is it? (more…)

Stretch of the Week: Cobra on the Wall

Posted on by Athletico
The final back bending exercise for January is an advanced stretch called Cobra on the Wall. It is similar to the stretch highlighted in the first week of January, but with the assistance of a wall. (more…)

Stretch of the Week: Basic Bridge

Posted on by Athletico
We are into the third week of January! I hope your back muscles are feeling stronger and the muscles along the front or your body are feeling more flexible! (more…)

Coaching Body Contact in Hockey: Defense & Working the Boards

Posted on by Steve Chmielewski, PT, DPT, Level 5 USA Hockey Coach
Hockey is a graceful game that requires players to participate in manner that requires body contact regardless of whether checking is permitted. Any avid hockey player can acknowledge the difference between a “body check” and “body contact” but occasionally the line can be blurred when a player’s skill level is questionable and when an official’s subjective interpretation is applied to the game. (more…)
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