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Stretch of the Week: Big Toe Grab Stretch

Posted on by Athletico
For the month of July, we will focus on "IT Band" Stretches. I use quotations because the IT band is not really a muscle, it's a connective tissue. The muscle that really gets the benefit of these stretches is mostly the vastus lateralis. In most cases if you have an outer knee issue or "tight IT Band" it's coming from this lateral(outer) quadricep muscle. Sometimes it's the biceps femoris, that's the lateral(outer) hamstring on the back of the thigh, as well. So if your having generalized IT band issues those are the muscles to focus on. And these stretches should help! (more…)

Let’s Do The Twist: Maintaining Posture Throughout the Golf Swing

Posted on by Athletico
Today’s blog post is written by guest blogger Joe Estes, PT, DPT, CGFI.  Joe is a physical therapist and Certified Golf Fitness Instructor at Athletico's Golf Performance Center. The summer is underway, and so are most people’s golf games. Like the weather so far this spring and summer, the condition of your swing may not be the best you have seen. From a golf fitness and biomechanical perspective, I talk to my patients and clients a lot about maintaining posture throughout the golf swing. This mostly refers to maintaining the spine angle from your set-up position through just after impact.  Maintaining posture helps with both consistency of ball striking, as well as power production. (more…)

Summer Injury Prevention: Tools to Avoid Pain

Posted on by Lori Diamos
Regardless of the time of year each season brings certain risk factors for injuring your back.  In the Spring and Summer many people get outside and become more active drastically increasing work or exercise intensity and frequency.  In a past post I discussed how physical therapists can help your back pain but today I thought we could focus more on prevention.  Below you will learn some common sense strategies, postures, and or body mechanics to help you minimize risk of back injury in the first place. (more…)

Stretch of the Week: Forward Fold IT Band Stretch

Posted on by Athletico
Stretch of the week: Forward Fold IT Band Stretch. This stretch is simple but very effective. You won't need anything for this stretch. The only contradiction for this stretch would be if you have low back pain. Be conscious of how your body feels and please don't overly push yourself in the stretch. (more…)

Adjusting Your Bicycle to Alleviate Pain

Posted on by Athletico

Due to the repetitive nature of cycling, cyclists are at a higher risk for repetitive stress injuries. Some of these injuries may be caused by an improperly adjusted bicycle. When a bicycle is not ideally adjusted to fit you, you will experience higher levels of stress in certain areas of the body. This will eventually lead to tissue injury and pain. Think of it this way: if you were to use your finger to push on one small area of your skin 10 times, your body is able to adapt to that stress and there is no injury. If you were to push on that same area of your skin 1,000 times, you end up with a bruise, which indicates tissue injury. (more…)

Deep Tissue Massage: What is it and do I need it?

Posted on by Athletico
It seems like people who call to get a massage fall into 2 camps: those who want a deep tissue massage, and those that are afraid of it. I have heard a lot of interesting stories of people getting a massage on vacation and barely being able to move the next day. Or people who think they should be sore for a week after a massage “if it’s a good one”. Well I think it is time we went over what Deep Tissue Massage (DTM) is, and when it is indicated. (more…)

Stretch of the Week: Rabbit Pose

Posted on by Athletico

The final week of June brings us to a yoga posture called Rabbit pose. Please proceed with caution if you have neck issues. (more…)

Stretch of the Week: Combination Stretch

Posted on by Athletico
Is it week 4 of June already!? That means summer has officially started, yay!  Ok let's get back to stretching :) The fourth stretch of the week brings us to a combination stretch, with some ROM (range of motion). If you have some neck issues I would encourage you to give this one a try.  (more…)
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