Stretch of the Week: Hero Stretch
Posted on by Athletico
This weeks stretch is called the hero stretch. This one can be very difficult for many people because of tight ankles AND quads, so please go back to the last three weeks' stretches to warm up and prepare for this stretch. I do not recommend the stretch for people that have severe knee or ankle problems. The benefits of the stretch are: stretches thighs, knees, and ankles; improves digestion; helps to reduce swelling in the legs for pregnant women; helps to strengthen the arches of the feet.
Top 5 Ways to Stay Healthy this Season
Posted on by Athletico
The seasons are changing and it’s that time of year to keep your health top of mind as we enter cold and flu season. There are a few simple things you can do to protect yourself from getting sick this fall and winter. (more…)
Stretch of the Week: Low Lunge or High Lunge
Posted on by Athletico
Week 3 of our quad stretches is low or high lunge, depending on your comfort level. I know, you're going to say, "But Rachel this is almost the same stretch as last week, King Arthur!" I assure it is not ;) The benefits of this stretch are; it stretches all the hip flexors, (psoas, quadriceps, etc), stretches into the abdominal muscles and up into the chest. It's a deeper, whole front body stretch as opposed to King Arthur targeting more the quad. I don't advise this stretch for people with knee injuries. (more…)
Should we take the “Ice” out of R.I.C.E.
Posted on by Lori Diamos
R.I.C.E., which stands for rest, ice, compression and elevation, is an acronym familiar to many. Whether you are an "average Joe" or an athlete, coach, doctor, therapist or trainer it’s fairly common knowledge that if you are experiencing an acute soft tissue injury, R.I.C.E. is the standard operating procedure to get on track for a speedy recovery. As medicine becomes more evidence based we look to research to support much of our clinical decision making. Does current research still support the R.I.C.E. protocol? (more…)
Stretch of the Week: King Arthur Stretch
Posted on by Athletico
Week 2 of this months quadriceps stretches is the King Arthur stretch. Hopefully you have tried week one, frog stretch I, and you have gotten some insight as to how tight your thigh muscles really are. If you have not tried that stretch yet, please go back and attempt it, as it is a good warm-up for this stretch. I do not recommend this stretch for people that have knee injuries or severe chronic knee problems, as it is hard on the knee. The benefits of this pose are: it stretches the hip flexors and the quadriceps. (more…)
5 Tips for Running in Cold Weather
Posted on by Athletico
For the avid runners who are determined to keep their mileage up despite colder temperatures, it’s time to get prepared. Running in colder temperatures is not a problem as long as you stay smart, healthy and alert. Read our 5 Tips for Running in Cold Weather below: (more…)
Stretch of the Week: Frog Stretch I
Posted on by Athletico
This month we will be focusing on stretching our quadriceps and hip flexors. These group of muscles can be very tight on quite a lot of people because of all the sitting and driving we do as a society. This can sometimes lead to knee pain or hip pain. Even just the simple act of sitting back on our heels can cause a great deal of discomfort for some, so please be patient with yourself this month! Practice these regularly and the front of the thighs will eventually loosen up! Please listen to your body as always, and back off if you feel pain that is not a "stretchy" discomfort. (more…)
6 Tips for a Healthy High School Gymnastics Season
Posted on by Athletico
The gymnastics and cheer seasons’ are underway! Check out our second blog focusing on staying healthy during the gymnastics and cheerleading season. Our second blog by Melissa Winterhalter, PT, DPT, OCS, CSCS, specializes in gymnastics and performing arts. She is a Board Certified Orthopedic Specialist and a NSCA Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist. (more…)