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High Heels and Sandals: To wear or not to wear?

Posted on by Athletico
Summer is finally here and that means it is time to let our feet breathe and breakout the summer sandals from our closet. Although your favorite pair of high heels or summer flats may look very cute and summery, they may not be the best for your body. (more…)

Strengthen and Stretch: It’s what the Glutes and Piriformis Need

Posted on by Athletico
When most people picture running, they think “Chariots of Fire.” They see long, forward strides (and maybe a pretty cool soundtrack). In reality, a long distance runner’s main thrust happens behind his or her body. (more…)

ACL Injuries and Return to High-Level Basketball

Posted on by Athletico
Editor’s Note: Today’s post is written by Jeff Stein, PT, DPT, MS, ATC, who is the team physical therapist for the Chicago White Sox and was the Head Team Athletic Trainer/Physical Therapist for the Purdue Men’s Basketball Team from 2006-2012. Stein helped rehabilitate All-American basketball player Robbie Hummel of Purdue and NBA player Carl Landry after ACL injuries, among many other athletes. Derrick Rose had done it thousands of times before, a simple jump stop for a shot or pass, but this one was different. With one wrong movement, his season was over. On that fateful night, Rose tore the Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) in his knee, and immediately the questions arose. How long will he be out? Would he ever be the same? Is his career over? The good news is, despite the abrupt ending to the season, with the surgical repair and the rehabilitation Rose undergoes with the Bulls’ athletic trainers and physical therapists, the odds are good that he’ll regain his form and be the MVP-caliber player he was before. (more…)

IT Band Syndrome: The Top 5 Causes and Solutions

Posted on by Athletico
Running season has arrived and a lot of you wanted to hit the ground running, but instead, you hit the ground hurting…hurting on the outside of your knee. If that’s the case, you could have iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS) or IT band syndrome for short. IT band syndrome is an overuse injury that is common in endurance athletes like runners and bikers. It affects a tissue that runs from the side of your hip all of the way down past your knee. Most of the time, the inflammation manifests itself as pain on the outside of the knee. It can be incredibly painful and is typically a frustratingly stubborn injury to deal with. (more…)

Medical Mission to Honduras Changes Lives

Posted on by Athletico
* Editor's Note: For the past 5 years, Athletico has supported and participated in a week-long medical brigade in Honduras through Global Brigades. Athletico volunteers have helped in supportive roles such as interpreting, running the pharmacy, triage, dental staffing, and this year, formal physical and occupational therapy. Over 600 patients were seen this year by Athletico volunteers, physicians, nurses, dentists, and other volunteers. This special entry is written by Athletico physical therapist Sarah Holt, who shares with us her experience as a volunteer with this year's brigade. (more…)

Exercise after Baby: Yes, it can be done.

Posted on by Athletico
Let’s be honest, with a newborn at home, exercising may be the last thing on your mind, but there are many benefits to exercise after pregnancy. Exercise can promote weight loss, improve cardiovascular fitness, improve your energy level and mood, relieve stress, prevent or improve the recovery from baby blues or 4th trimester depression, improve the strength and condition of abdominal muscles, and even give you a much needed break from your little bundle of joy. (more…)

Tips to Help Avoid Arthritis

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In honor of May being Arthritis Awareness Month, I visited the Arthritis Foundation’s website for some inspirational thoughts for this blog post. There is a wealth of information on their website including practical tips for individuals living with arthritis. After perusing through many different articles and pages of information, there seemed to be one underlying message to help avoid arthritis: Stay active! This seems simple enough, but we must make sure we stay active in a safe way to ensure our joints are well protected. (more…)

5 Free and Easy Solutions for Plantar Fasciitis

Posted on by Athletico

Plantar fasciitis can be a real pain in the foot. Plantar fasciitis is the medical term for inflammation of the plantar fascia, which is the connective tissue that runs along the bottom of your foot. If you’ve ever had pain in the bottom of your foot with the first few steps out of bed in the morning, you’ve probably had some experience with this painful condition. (more…)

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