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Upper Back Pain during Pregnancy

Posted on by Athletico
There is a lot of focus on pre-natal lower back pain, but clinically I treat many women in this population that experience upper back (thoracic spine) pain as well. Upper back pain during pregnancy can occur at any point, but is most common in the third trimester. This occurs for several reasons. (more…)

It’s All in the Hips: Part 2

Posted on by Athletico
In my last post, I made the case for 2 muscles in your hips being integral for optimal health and performance. The first post focused on the gluteus medius, but now it's time to take a look at the gluteus maximus. Our 2 gluteus maximus muscles (glutes for short) make up a majority of our rear and are probably the most famous muscles in the body. It has been focused on in the famous “Buns of Steel” workout and has inspired more than its fair share of songs. The glutes' main action is extending our legs backwards, which is incredibly useful for anything from walking and standing up to sprinting and lifting. The problem is that since most of us spend a majority of the day sitting, our glutes are rarely used and are often weak. (more…)

Physical Therapy after a Hip Replacement

Posted on by Athletico
Hip replacements are one of the most commonly performed orthopedic surgeries. Having been performed since 1960, the surgical technique and prosthesis used have been perfected to allow the patient optimal recovery of functioning with less pain. Having the surgery is only half the battle when it comes to the new joint. Physical therapy is the other important aspect in a full and successful recovery. (more…)

The Science behind Massage: Why does it work?

Posted on by Athletico
For thousands of years, we have known that massage ‘works’. We know from millions of subjective reports and hundreds of research studies that massage therapy reduces pain. What we have not realized, until recently, is why massage therapy works. Not knowing the 'why' behind results does not demand a lot of respect from the medical community. In the past, doctors have treated massage therapy as something they didn’t discourage, but didn’t necessarily prescribe either. Most of the general public saw massage therapy as a luxury or a special treat. (more…)

It’s All in the Hips: Part 1

Posted on by Athletico
“It’s all in the hips. It’s all in the hips.” – Chubbs, Happy Gilmore Chubbs knows what he’s talking about. In my time working in athletic training, I've worked with a wide range of athletes – from pros to weekend warriors. No matter what skill level I’m working with, one consistent problem I find is weak hip muscles. Weak hip muscles put excess strain on several other structures on your body, which can lead to injury or impaired performance. Two of the hip muscles that are consistently under-utilized are the gluteus medius and gluteus maximus. Today, we'll go over the gluteus medius and hold off on its bigger brother, the gluteus maximus, for the next post. (more…)

Tips for Shoveling Safely

Posted on by Athletico
Although falling snow is very pretty and makes for a festive feel, it leaves us the task of having to clear our driveways and walkways. Shoveling can be very taxing on the body, leading to injuries, sore muscles, and even catastrophic events. Below are some safety tips on how to avoid injury. (more…)

Interstitial Cystitis/Painful Bladder Syndrome: Symptoms and Management

Posted on by Athletico
Painful bladder syndrome (PBS), also called Interstitial cystitis (IC), is a condition that causes recurring discomfort in the bladder or pelvic region. It can affect children, men, and women, but is much more common in women. Interstitial cystitis can have a significant impact on quality of life. While there are no treatments to cure the condition, there are many interventions available to manage symptoms and improve quality of life. (more…)

Five Reasons to Get a Massage during the Holiday Season

Posted on by Athletico
The holidays are here and this time of year is all about giving, making other people’s holiday wishes come true, and selflessness. But what about you? What have you done for yourself lately? Certainly it wouldn’t hurt to treat yourself while you are out taking care of everyone else. These are the top 5 reasons to get yourself a massage this holiday season. (more…)
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