What Does It Really Mean When You’ve Rolled Your Ankle?
Posted on by Tony Matoska, PT, DPT, CMPT
Have you ever been walking, looking at the world around you, followed by a quick moment when you feel your foot catch the edge of the sidewalk and roll your ankle? It’s a pretty common injury and has the potential to cause some pain and swelling with varying degrees of injury. An inversion ankle sprain is the most common way to roll your ankle. This type of sprain involves inward movement of your foot, resulting in a sprain to the ligaments on the outside portion of your ankle.
Easy to Moderate Outdoor Activities Anyone Can Do
Posted on by Brandon Bowers, PT, DPT, Astym Cert.
With the warm weather across the country, there will be plenty of opportunities to spend some time outdoors. Why not use some time to exercise while you’re at it? Below you will find a handful of easy to moderate level exercises that anyone can perform outside.
Ankle Strengthening Exercises to Try at Home/Work/Anywhere
Posted on by Paige Gibbens, PT, DPT, MHA
The foot and ankle complex are the powerhouse of the body. It is the first thing touching the ground and absorbing everything the body does. While the foot and ankle are very important structures for the body, they are also very complex. There are 26 bones, 30 joints, and more than 100 muscles, ligaments, and tendons that help to support the foot and ankle. Having a strong foot and ankle is essential for injury prevention. How can you increase the strength of your ankles on the fly? Try doing 3 sets of 10 repetitions of these 5 exercises on the go.
4 Kettlebell Strengthening Exercises
Posted on by Tanner Neuberger, PT, DPT, TDN Level 1
Kettlebells are some of the most efficient training modalities available. You only need one kettlebell to perform the exercises, which can be done anywhere you take the kettlebell. The exercises are also very easy to set up and transition from one to another, making it an effective cardiovascular activity. There are many options of exercises to choose from, some exercises being more challenging or easier than others and can be scaled to your fitness level. Below I will highlight four exercises that hit just about every muscle in the body, and a full workout can be done in just 20 minutes. These basic exercises should be done for 2-3 months before increasing the technical difficulty of more advanced exercises. A simple routine would be to perform each of these exercises three times per week, doing three sets of each exercise for 15 repetitions.
The Basics: Sprains, Strains, and Fractures…What’s The Difference?
Posted on by Owen Campbell, PT, DPT, OCS
“I sprained my hamstring!” “I didn’t break it. I fractured it.” “He had a bad ankle strain.” Physical therapists, occupational therapists, and most medical professionals cringe when we hear this at parties, in the media, or our clinic. The tactful among us do their best to resist the urge to correct, but let’s face it, we are only human.
Why Does My Hand Fall Asleep at Night?
Posted on by Tara Hackney, PT, DPT, OCS, KTTP
Numbness and tingling in your hand can be described as “your hand falling asleep.” But what does this really mean? Tingling and numbness is a type of nerve pain that typically subsides with the limb’s movement. In this case, the pain is usually due to restricted blood flow. The tingling can feel uncomfortable and unpleasant, but it is only temporary. Sometimes people complain of waking up in the middle of the night with numbness or tingling in their hand or arm, they may not experience these symptoms during the day, or the symptoms are not as noticeable.
Why You Shouldn’t Put Off Your Ankle Pain
Posted on by Owen Campbell, PT, DPT, OCS
We’ve all tweaked our ankles at some point in our lives. Some of us have even done it so forcefully that we have sprained a ligament, broken a bone, or strained a muscle. Hopefully, you took appropriate care and are feeling better, but often in my practice, I hear the dreaded phrase, “oh yeah, that’s my bad ankle. It never got better after I did (insert something youthful and nostalgic here).”
There are two forms of untreated ankle issues I see in the clinic regularly. The painful ankle that is effectively avoided or the stiff ankle that the patient thinks is normal. Both can have long-term effects on ankle health and wear and tear on the knees, hips, and even low backs.
Body Weight Exercises for Beginners
Posted on by Brandon Bowers, PT, DPT, Astym Cert.
Are you getting back into exercise after a long time off? Or maybe you’ve never exercised before and aren’t sure where to start. For some, the thought of lifting weights can be a little daunting. For others, getting to the gym can be tough due to the time commitment or schedule conflict. A research study performed in 2021, showed that body weight exercise improved cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF). CRF has a direct correlation with mortality and disease risk. Simply put, if someone has better CRF, their risk for disease should lower. These bodyweight exercises can be performed at home and will provide a nice starting point for beginners on their fitness journey.