Do I Need a Prescription for Occupational Therapy?
Posted on by Samantha Schneider, OTR
Occupational therapy “helps people across their lifespan to do the things they want and need to do through the therapeutic use of daily activities (occupations). Occupational therapy practitioners enable people of all ages to live life to its fullest by helping them promote health, and prevent—or live better with—injury, illness, or disability.” Receiving occupational therapy in Indiana however just got easier - read more below to find out how!
5 Exercises to Help Low Back Pain in Golfers
Posted on by Matthew Ventimiglia, PT, DPT, CMPT, IMPACT Fellowship Candidate, Dry Needling I
Golf is like any other sport or physical activity, regardless of how often you play or skill level, there are injuries that pop up. Injury prevalence studies have shown that the most common injury among amateur or recreational golfers is low back pain, ranging from 15-34% of active players. So whether you are someone who just picked up the game, a scratch golfer, walk the course, or ride in a cart, here are some tips on how to stay healthy and continue enjoying your time on the course!
4 Common Causes of Hip Pain in Runners
Posted on by Paige Gibbens, PT, DPT, MHA
Running is a common form of exercise that people of all ages can and do participate in. Mobility, strengthening, running mechanics, and stabilization are critical factors to consider when beginning a running program. Without proper mobility, strengthening, and stabilization, one can develop hip pain.
Hip pain is very common in runners, can vary from the front, side, or back of the hip, and has many different causes. Hip pain specifically could be caused by poor movement patterns and weakness in the hip, but also could be caused by poor core strength or an old injury to the low back, knee, or even ankle. Below you will find the four most common causes of hip pain and what you can do about it.
4 Common Ankle Injuries in Dancers
Posted on by Lizzy Miotti PT, DPT
In any sport or activity that puts demands on the body, injuries can occur, and dance is no different. Some of the most common injuries seen in physical therapy clinics in regards to dancers, are injuries related to the foot and ankle. The following information serves to help educate dancers on some of the more common ankle injuries, along with techniques that could be applied to help minimize the risk of these injuries. It is important to note that only a licensed medical professional can diagnose an ankle injury.
5 Tips to Prevent Common Running Injuries
Posted on by Paige Gibbens, PT, DPT, MHA
Running has become an increasingly popular activity for exercise among people of all ages. In fact, 60 million people within the United States participate in some form of running activity each year. People participate in running activities for numerous reasons including: improving fitness, weight concerns, running a race/competition, staying healthy, and having fun. Running for 5 – 10 minutes per day has shown to decrease the risk of death and cardiovascular disease. Running less than 50 minutes per week has also shown to reduce the risk of death from heart disease when compared to individuals who don’t participate in running at all. While running has many benefits, about 50% of people get injured each year from running. Running injuries can be caused by poor running technique, reduced strength and flexibility, improper footwear, as well as overuse.
The Orthopedic Growing Pains of Parenting
Posted on by Erik Krol, MOT, OTR/L
Have you ever paid attention to the amount of times you lift or handle your newborn child or toddler throughout the day? As a parent of two growing children under the age of two, I could not help but notice (and feel the effects of) the physical demands of my kids. The bulky-but-useful changing stations, running strollers, ergo-carriers, standing towers, and bassinets all require lifting and/or carrying the child while assisting them into some (not always desired but necessary) positions. You do what you must as parents, but how exactly are you getting the job done and at what orthopedic cost? Here is a list of some common overuse injuries as well as a few tips that may prevent them with just a few seconds of extra thought and planning!
No Big Toe, No Big Deal?
Posted on by Heather Strickland, B.S., PTA
Walking, running, jogging, dancing, are all functional activities we do daily without thinking about it. They simply come second nature to us and are essential to a healthy life. What if your big toe, also known as the hallux, was amputated? Would you still be able to do what you love at all or even with ease?
How Can Physical Therapy Help Your Headache?
Posted on by George Zakharia, DPT
Physical therapists are special health practitioners, but did you know they can treat people from head to toe? That certainly includes treating those dreaded headaches. Read on to learn more about headaches and the power physical therapy has in treating them.