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My Doctor Recommended Physical Therapy, Now What?

Posted on by Brandon Bowers, PT, DPT, Astym Cert.
Physical therapy is a comprehensive treatment option performed by physical therapists and physical therapy assistants to address pain and functional limitation. There are many physicians and other health care providers who recommend physical therapy to their patients, but what happens after this recommendation is made? How do I choose a good physical therapist? How soon can physical therapy begin? Look no further, answers to all of these questions can be found right here. (more…)

Tips for the Hips: 7 Flexibility & Strengthening Exercises

Posted on by Tanner Neuberger, PT, DPT, TDN Level 1
Your hips are some of the most unique structures within your body. Not only do 17 muscles cause movement of the hip, but also the joint itself is very diverse in its movement capabilities. Unique groups of muscles that control these movements at the hip are able to move in all three planes of motion. These planes include frontal plane (or side-to-side), sagittal plane (or forward/backward), and transverse plane (twisting or rotational movements). Because of the diverse nature of the joint, maintaining strong muscles and flexibility are key in optimizing hip health as we age. The following will be a set of exercises that are good starting points to target hip strengthening and flexibility. (more…)

What’s The Difference between Osteo and Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Posted on by Shelia M. Tenny, OTR/L, CHT
Arthritis is a common condition of the joints, which leads to pain, stiffness, swelling, and inflammation due to changing joint surfaces. According to the CDC, 23% of adults have arthritis, and nearly half of those are limited in their activity due to arthritis. The two most common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). In this blog we’ll discuss the difference between these two forms of arthritis as well as recommendations for treatment options. (more…)

5 Benefits to Exercising with a Partner

Posted on by Tara Hackney, PT, DPT, OCS, KTTP
Getting started working out or staying motivated to your routine can often be challenging. Having a partner or friend can help. Let’s take a look at the benefits of working out with a partner or friend. (more…)

Do Massage Guns Really Work?

Posted on by Paige Gibbens, PT, DPT, MHA
A massage gun is a tool commonly used today to help improve muscle soreness and mobility, as well as aid in muscle recovery. There are a variety of brands of massage guns that have quickly become a growing “fad” within the health and fitness industry. But what exactly do massage guns do and do they really work? Relief may be as simple as a small device that fits in the palm of your hand! (more…)

Thrower’s Shoulder: Somewhere Between a Flexible and Stable Place

Posted on by Erik Krol, MOT, OTR/L
The start of the spring season means that it is finally time for many athletes to implement off-season drills, workouts, and preparation for competition. For baseball players and other throwing athletes, especially pitchers, this means a lot of throwing. (more…)

Injuries Virtual Physical and Occupational Therapy Can Treat

Posted on by Brandon Bowers, PT, DPT, Astym Cert.
Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have been proud to offer a service to reach patients who aren’t physically in an Athletico clinic. Telehealth is a virtual means to receive physical or occupational therapy from your living room, basement or other comfortable area in your home. Patients work with a licensed physical or occupational therapist via a secure video call to establish a comprehensive therapy plan of care. (more…)

How Much Is Too Much? What You Need to Know About Urinary Frequency

Posted on by Athletico
How much is too much? This is the question hidden in my patients’ jokes about having “the smallest bladder on earth” or comments that they wake up frequently at night “but that’s just part of aging.” These patients often feel like their bladder runs the show and they have little to no control over how often they go to the bathroom. It interferes with sleep, work, exercise, and even social activities. (more…)
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