9 Exercises to Help Overhead Athletes Prepare for their Season
Posted on by Tanner Neuberger, PT, DPT, TDN Level 1
Overhead athletes are required to have tremendous strength and stability in not only their shoulder, but their entire body. The forces that go through the shoulder during a pitching motion are some of the highest that occur within the sports realm, with the fastest motion recorded at over 7000 degrees of rotation per second (that equates to 20 full arm revolutions in a second). It makes sense that these forces require tremendous strength and stability throughout the whole body (often referred to as kinetic chain with throwing), and special care for the arm is to be taken through all seasons of play. What follows will be exercises and stretches that are key to helping provide strength and stability required for throwing.
How PT Can Help Manage Long-Term COVID-19 Symptoms
Posted on by Athletico
As the vaccine combatting COVID-19 continues to be distributed, we await the days where we could potentially return to our normal world. Gathering in groups to eat at restaurants, attend sporting events and concerts, and go to work without masks. Until that day returns, we are still faced with the current pandemic as people you know or even yourself may have become infected with COVID-19. Some of the common symptoms include sore throat, cough, loss of taste and smell but COVID-19 has also been leaving individuals with long-lasting symptoms. We probably will not know the full long-term impacts of this virus until many years from now. However, there are many symptoms of the coronavirus present today, and it may surprise you to hear that physical therapy can help manage many of those.
3 Ways Physical Therapy Can Improve Intimacy
Posted on by Athletico
Sexuality and its link to our emotional wellness is critical in fulfilling our need for human connection. Sexual intercourse is natural and healthy, but when sex isn’t pleasurable due to functional impairments, what was created as a source of human connection and emotional intimacy can quickly become a source of isolation and even depression. While many people are able to adapt and adjust to certain physical impairments, for others it can put a strain on their relationships and lead to resentment and guilt. Physical Therapy is proven to be helpful in bridging the gap between functional impairment and emotional wellness. As functionality improves, emotional wellness increases. Here are three ways that physical therapy can improve your sex life along with your emotional wellness.
The Importance of Physical/Occupational Therapy after a Crush Injury
Posted on by Rose M. Heacock-Smith, MOT, OTR/L
Accidents can happen in a matter of seconds and can be devastating. Worker’s compensation accidents are no different. However, a crush injury is one of the more traumatic worker’s compensation accidents. A crush injury occurs when force or pressure is put on a body part. This type of injury most often happens when a part of the body is squeezed between two heavy objects.
How to Achieve a Full Body Workout At Home
Posted on by George Zakharia, DPT
If you’re unable to go to the gym or don’t have enough time to exercise, you’re in luck! The key to success is having some space in your home, some household equipment, and a little bit of time to dedicate to a quick workout. If you have additional exercise equipment available or more time to spare, you can benefit even further with these quick at-home workouts.
What is Skier’s Thumb?
Posted on by Shelia M. Tenny, OTR/L, CHT
The stability of the human hand relies on the ligaments to stabilize both the thumb and fingers. An injury to these structures can greatly affect the ability to grip, write and impair the functional use of the hand for everyday tasks such as fastening clothing, opening containers and performing daily tasks at home, work or for leisure. An injury to the ligament between the two bones on the interior side of the thumb is often referred to as Skier's thumb. The term Skier's thumb originates in the event a skier tries to brace from a fall and lands on an outstretched hand and thumb, while holding on to a ski pole. This causes the thumb to bend sideways, causing a sprain or even a tear in the Ulnar Collateral Ligament, or UCL of the thumb.
Dr. Mary Louise McKinney Edmonds & Her Impact on the Physical Therapy Profession
Posted on by Leython Williams, PT, DPT, CMTPT
Black History Month is important because it provides an opportunity to recognize, remember, and celebrate the accomplishments of individuals with African and African American descent that have pushed boundaries, broken down barriers and influenced the development of our nation. Often overlooked in American history are the integral contributions from Black Americans that have evolved healthcare, including the field of physical therapy.
New Year’s Resolutions Your Physical Therapist Wants You to Stick To
Posted on by Tanner Neuberger, PT, DPT, TDN Level 1
With the New Year well underway, there are many individuals committed to New Year’s resolutions. Of course, it’s easy to come up with some simple ones and say you’ll stick with them, but reality is often different than our intentions, with sources showing that a large percentage of people give up on their resolutions by February. The good news is that recent research has shown that those of us who pick an approach-oriented goal (new behavior) will be more successful than those who pick an avoidance-oriented goal (trying to stop something).