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6 Outdoor Winter Running Tips

Posted on by Matthew Klayman, PT, DPT, OCS, Cert. DN
With winter kicking into high gear and limited indoor options for workouts, people are increasing their walking and running outside as forms of new exercise. As you prepare to bundle up and either ramp up your running or start a new hobby, planning the appropriate training plan is key! As a Physical Therapist, this is the time of the year where I often see people get injured from improper running training. Here are just a few tips to keep you running strong all winter long! (more…)

Workplace Ergonomics: Long-Term Tips for Working from Home

Posted on by Clinton Boone, PT, DPT, CMTPT/DN
This year has seen a drastic increase in the number of people working from home. This change was sudden and unplanned for many people. Therefore, scores of people have turned their kitchen countertops and dining room tables into a home office. Many have gone from more ergonomically-sound setups in an office to a quick makeshift setup at home. The following are long-term tips for those working from home for the foreseeable future. (more…)

How Physical Activity Can Help In Your Defense Against COVID-19

Posted on by Brian Whittington, PT, DPT, CMTPT
Remaining safe during a global pandemic is a top priority for most people, and many of us are now overly-familiar with the common practices to reduce the spread of COVID-19. These recommendations, including social distancing, hand hygiene, wearing masks and limiting the size of gatherings, are all mitigation techniques to assist in the defense of COVID-19. Yet another important aspect to consider in the fight against COVID-19 is the role that physical activity and metabolic health plays if you contract the virus. (more…)

12 Tips for New Runners

Posted on by Clinton Boone, PT, DPT, CMTPT/DN
Perhaps running is one of your fitness goals and why not – it’s a great way to maintain your fitness, relatively inexpensive and something you can easily do as we remain socially distant in the current pandemic. Whether you are completely new to running or just picking it up after a couple year hiatus, we’ve got some tips to help you get started! (more…)

Seven Sledding Safety Tips

Posted on by Tara Hackney, PT, DPT, OCS, KTTP
Sledding is a fun and common winter activity. However, it can lead to injuries if you are not careful. Sleds can travel at fast speeds over ice and snow. More than 20,000 kids younger than 19 are treated for injuries related to sledding each year. The most common injury seen from sledding is head injuries. Before you and your little ones head to the hills, here are seven tips to help keep you safe. (more…)

4 Ways You Can Be a Successful Home Therapy Patient

Posted on by Kaitlyn McGlynn, PT, DPT, ICLM
As we continue to navigate the current pandemic, patients are seeking alternative methods of healthcare in order to limit their exposure to COVID-19. One such method that Athletico has fully embraced is a service called Home Therapy. This allows patients to be safely treated in home by a skilled Physical or Occupational Therapist. Read on to learn if this service is for you and how you can be successful. (more…)

The Ground Connection: Why You Should Be Aware of Your Foot

Posted on by Matthew Klayman, PT, DPT, OCS, Cert. DN
26 bones, 33 joints, and over one hundred small muscles and tendons; and that’s just one of them. The human foot is one of the more intricate and fascinating parts of the human body. Our feet act as the sole connection from our bodies to the earth below. We rely heavily on our feet to guide us through our day and allow us to participate in all the activities we enjoy. The foot is almost always active. Every time we contact the ground, our feet need to respond to our environment. So why should we care about our feet if we’re not experiencing any pain or discomfort? (more…)

Learn How Physical Therapy Gave Me Peace of Mind

Posted on by Athletico
As a runner, I have been extremely fortunate to not have any major injuries over the ten years that I’ve been participating in this recreational activity. It’s become a passion and recently, a form of therapy to help curb stress and keep me active during the COVID-19 pandemic. This past summer, I completed many virtual runs - from 5Ks to half marathons. In November, I completed a 15K and was shocked when I started to feel pain and a “popping” in my hip. Fast forward to the New Year, I’ve committed to investing in my health and decided to get this long-standing problem checked out and more importantly, not wanting to re-injure myself the next time I take off on a long run. Knowing Athletico offers a Free Assessment at no cost and not needing a doctor’s referral to start, I went to my local clinic and this is what happened. (more…)
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