How Physical Therapy Can Get You Stronger for Your Next Marathon
Posted on by Athletico
The running landscape has changed quite a bit as a result of the global pandemic. Running a marathon, even virtually, is perhaps one of the most challenging accomplishments that a person may embark on in their lifetime, requiring both physical and mental strength. During training and on race day, physical limitations are pushed to the brink via muscular and respiratory fatigue. Mental willpower is tested as oftentimes you keep going when everything else in your body is telling you to “stop.” Preparation is paramount for success in running a marathon, and though choosing a correct endurance plan and running group is important, there are other components that will help you run your next 26.2-mile journey with even greater success.
3 Ways to Increase Your Well-Being during the Pandemic
Posted on by Paige Gibbens, PT, DPT, MHA
Physical activity is important now more than ever with trends in COVID-19 cases being related to chronic illness. Physical activity not only helps with preventing chronic disease, it also improves daily life and mental health. By staying active, you are able to maintain and improve your range of motion and strength to perform the activities that make up your day. Here are three recommendations to help increase your health and well-being while staying at home during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Athletico Fantasy Football Injury Report 2020: Week 5
Posted on by Brandon Bowers, PT, DPT, Astym Cert.
As fantasy football players enter week 5 of the football season, many are scrambling to fill gaps left in their roster due to injuries and bye weeks.
To help you decide who to start and who to sit this week, Brandon Bowers, PT, DPT provides the following tips in our weekly Athletico Fantasy Football Injury Report.
When to Ice for Injuries
Posted on by Athletico
Have you ever experienced an injury and wondered if you should ice? It’s usually a great idea, but there are some rules you need to follow so you don’t worsen your injury. Read below to learn, “is ice helpful?” and “when do I ice for an injury?”
The Benefits of Physical Therapy Throughout Your Life
Posted on by Clinton Boone, PT, DPT, CMTPT/DN
Physical therapy can be a wonderful treatment for mild aches and pains to severe and crippling conditions. In most states, you have the ability to see a physical therapist first without the need of a referral making it easier than ever to treat your pain and symptoms. There are many benefits to physical therapy throughout the course of your life.
Wrist Pain in Tumbling Athletes
Posted on by Tara Hackney, PT, DPT, OCS, KTTP
Tumbling athletes, including gymnasts and cheerleaders, place unique demands on their upper body. When tumbling, the athlete places not only their entire body weight through the hands but can have up to 16 times their body weight in force going across the wrist.1 Due to these extreme conditions, pain in the wrist can occur.
Athletico Fantasy Football Injury Report 2020: Week 4
Posted on by Brandon Bowers, PT, DPT, Astym Cert.
We’re already into week 4 of the 2020 football season and seeing the injuries that are beginning to impact many fantasy football teams.
To help you start your best lineup this week, Athletico’s Brandon Bowers, PT, DPT, is shedding light on significant player injuries in our weekly Fantasy Football Injury Report.
Cross-Training for Runners
Posted on by Paige Gibbens, PT, DPT, MHA
Running is a demanding activity, both physically and mentally. Thirty to seventy five percent of runners are hurt annually. But why? Shoe wear, stretching, biomechanics, weight and muscle imbalance can all be contributing factors in running-related injuries. A common reason for injuries in runners is repetition. Recent studies have shown multi-sport athletes have improved longevity of sport and reduced risk for injury due to variation. One simple way to reduce injury risk for runners is cross-training. Cross-training is a form of exercise, which utilizes a variety of different training mechanisms to improve physical fitness. Runners utilize cross-training for injury prevention and rehabilitation, a change of pace and increased physical fitness.