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athletico physical therapy student webinar series

Gear Up for Graduation Webinar Series

Get ready to transition from student to professional with our “Gear Up for Graduation” webinar series! This series is designed to equip physical therapy, athletic training, and occupational therapy graduates with the knowledge they need to step into their careers confidently.

Support from Student to Professional

March 25th, 6pm-7pmCST

Check out our in-depth discussion on the importance of clinical mentorship, different types of mentorship, and what to look for in a mentor program.


Navigating the New Grad Landscape

February 26th, 6pm-7pmCST

Selecting and starting your first role out of school can feel overwhelming. Join us for insights and tips on achieving success as a new grad.

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Understanding the Total Value of Benefits Plans

March 5th, 6pm-7pmCST

There is so much more to a job offer than a salary. Join us to learn about common benefits and terminology from our Benefits Team to help you select plans that meet your needs.

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Roadmap to Residency

March 13th, 6pm-7pmCST

Are you considering Sports Residency Programs or Orthopaedic Residency Programs to achieve OCS or SCS certification? Meet some of Athletico’s OCS and SCS credentialed clinicians, learn about their path, and how it has shaped their careers.

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Previous Webinars

Gear Up for Graduation – Student Debt Repayment

Navigating your options for student loan repayment can be overwhelming and mistakes can be costly. Tune in to guest presenter, Connor Pierce, DPT, COMT, CMPT, Certified Student Loan Counselor®, and founder of After the DPT. Connor shares steps you can take to avoid the “Fatal Flaws” of student loan repayment and get on the right track to handling your student loans. This webinar was recorded in April 2024. It is recommended that you review for most up-to-date repayment options, as plans and details may change.

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Financial Wellness – Understanding the Total Value of a Job Offer

At Athletico, we care about your financial wellness and we’ve provided a three-part series to help you gain valuable insight as you navigate your finances. Listen in to guest presenter, Financial Wellness Coach Kelley Long, CPA/PFS, CFP, who breaks down the value of benefits packages and shares tips to help you consider what benefits are of most value to you.

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Financial Wellness – Early Career Money Management

At Athletico, we care about your financial wellness and we’ve provided a three-part series to help you gain valuable insight as you navigate your finances. Listen in to guest presenter, Financial Wellness Coach Kelley Long, CPA/PFS, CFP, to learn about managing your money early in your career and tips for dealing with competing financial priorities.

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Gear Up for Graduation – Writing a Winning Resume

Whether you’re starting to apply for jobs or preparing for a career fair or conference, it’s always a great time to update your resume. Listen in for insights on writing a winning resume, with special attention to highlighting clinical experiences and work experience. We also share recommendations on how to prepare for interviews and how you can stand our in your interview process.

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Roadmap to Residency

Are you considering Sports Residency Programs or Orthopaedic Residency Programs to achieve OCS certification or SCS certification? Meet some of Athletico’s OCS or SCS credentialed clinicians, learn about their path, and how it has shaped their careers! You’ll also learn about Athletico’s program to support advanced certification and how you can grow your skills with us!

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Defining Your Personal Brand

Everything you do either strengthens or weakens your personal brand you are trying to create. Listen in for an in-depth discussion on how and why it’s important to define your personal brand. We discuss networking tips and tricks, how to positively leverage your online social media presence, and how to make a lasting impression in your industry and at your organization.

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Career Considerations

Your career has a big impact on your future. What should you consider in an organization as you launch your career? Check out our discussion on important career considerations including assessing organizational culture, how to pick a setting that is right for you, and how to evaluate corporate benefits that align with your personal values.

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While in school, faculty and cohorts are strong support systems in your career and skill development. Post-graduation, professional mentors serve a vital role in supporting career development and assisting new graduates transitioning from the classroom to the workforce. Check out our in-depth discussion on the importance of clinical mentorship, types of mentorship, and what to look for in a mentor program.

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