Active Recovery Tips for Gymnasts
Gymnasts participate in their sport all year round and multiple days per week. A gymnast performs multiple repetitions of skills and their routines on equipment such as uneven or high bar, beam, floor, vault, pommel horse, or rings within each training session. Due to the nature of their training schedule, gymnasts may not have time for full recovery between events or between training sessions. We know the benefits of rest days, but what about the benefits of active recovery? Active recovery can include recovery between events during one practice as well as recovery between practices.
3 Reasons Why You Should Stay Active While Injured
We all understand that sometimes injuries can happen. Most people have experienced pain or an injury at some point in their lives. Although injuries can happen to anyone, how we choose to manage them determines our outcomes. Injuries are often underestimated in severity, and people feel they can “give it time” and wait to see if it will get better. This may work for some injuries, but often people are searching the internet or coming into our clinics looking for more guidance on how to get better, quicker.
How Does Exercise Affect Your Gut Health?
Have you ever heard the phrase “you are what you eat?” I never thought anything of it until recently when I began to experience gut issues and after years of doctor’s visits, was never able to come up with a diagnosis. I started working with a holistic nutritionist and learned how exercise and movement could help keep my gut healthy.
Using 3D Printers for Affordable Prosthetic Solutions
As therapists, we often treat patients using our repertoire of exercises, but occasionally, we are presented with a mega challenge. It’s important at these times to think outside the box and challenge ourselves to tap into outside resources and use cutting-edge technologies available. I’m excited to share with you how I’ve been able to help one of my patients with the help of my community and advanced technology. Warning: This content contains sensitive imagery.
3 Benefits of Standing at Work
Did you know that sitting too much can be bad for your health? Those that sit much of the day have a higher risk of diabetes and heart disease. Unfortunately for many who work in an office setting, sitting much of the day is common. Therefore, standing desks and treadmill desks are becoming increasingly popular in the work setting. Many standing desks can convert from sitting to standing easily, so you can change your position throughout the day.
The Pros and Cons of CrossFit Workouts
Continuing the series focused on fitness and different types of exercise, I want to take a popular workout method, Crossfit, and go through some of the potential pros and cons of the sport. I am a physical therapist and someone who loves training with a barbell, so anytime I can help someone get into that type of training, even if it’s not my preferred method, I am thrilled. I view fitness and training as all-inclusive, where everyone is welcome and can do what makes them happy.
4 Exercises for Back Pain Relief After Snow Shoveling
Winter is coming. With that comes everybody’s least favorite piece of yard work – snow shoveling. It’s the one chore almost nobody loves but must be done. Unfortunately, it is one of the most strenuous chores we must complete and causes roughly 11,500 injuries per year.1 The most common are soft tissue injuries (strains, cramping, pulled muscles) and lower back injuries. Lower back injuries account for almost 35% of total snow shovel-related injuries.1
Tips from a PT: Returning to Exercise in the New Year
The cookies have been eaten, the shopping is complete, and the gym membership just hit your credit card. Whether for personal growth, maintaining health, or slimming up for summer, millions of Americans will be hitting the gym in January. Unfortunately, many people will also end up quitting or in my office because of nagging pain or new injury. Pain is a sure-fire way to discourage and derail even the best-laid workout plans. This blog will give you tips to keep your workouts consistent and pain-free in the New Year.