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The Pros and Cons of CrossFit Workouts

Posted on by Tanner Neuberger, PT, DPT, TDN Level 1

Continuing the series focused on fitness and different types of exercise, I want to take a popular workout method, Crossfit, and go through some of the potential pros and cons of the sport. I am a physical therapist and someone who loves training with a barbell, so anytime I can help someone get into that type of training, even if it’s not my preferred method, I am thrilled. I view fitness and training as all-inclusive, where everyone is welcome and can do what makes them happy.


4 Exercises for Back Pain Relief After Snow Shoveling

Posted on by Tony Matoska PT, DPT, CMPT

Winter is coming. With that comes everybody’s least favorite piece of yard work – snow shoveling. It’s the one chore almost nobody loves but must be done. Unfortunately, it is one of the most strenuous chores we must complete and causes roughly 11,500 injuries per year.1 The most common are soft tissue injuries (strains, cramping, pulled muscles) and lower back injuries. Lower back injuries account for almost 35% of total snow shovel-related injuries.1


Tips from a PT: Returning to Exercise in the New Year

Posted on by Owen Campbell, PT, DPT, OCS

The cookies have been eaten, the shopping is complete, and the gym membership just hit your credit card. Whether for personal growth, maintaining health, or slimming up for summer, millions of Americans will be hitting the gym in January. Unfortunately, many people will also end up quitting or in my office because of nagging pain or new injury. Pain is a sure-fire way to discourage and derail even the best-laid workout plans. This blog will give you tips to keep your workouts consistent and pain-free in the New Year.


From Exercises to Help COVID-19 Vaccine Soreness to Massage Guns: Top 10 Blogs of 2021

Posted on by Athletico

If you’re like us, you may find it hard to believe we have reached the end of the year! Like 2020, this past year was heavily influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic. Vaccines were rolled out globally, and a few significant events, like the 2020 Summer Olympics, were hosted to make up for the year prior.


When Should I Be Worried About My Pain?

Posted on by Tom McDevitt PT, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT

What better time of year than the New Year to start fresh with a few weight loss and fitness goals, right? You are excited, motivated, and ready to make changes. Day one comes, and you put in a great workout. You head home, eat a good dinner, and get to bed excited to get back to the gym the next day. However, as you wake up and take your first step out of bed, you notice your knee hurts and feels a bit swollen. This is odd because you don’t remember your knee hurting yesterday, and you become concerned. Should you be worried? Well, it’s a bit more complicated than that, and the reality is most pain that we experience will disappear and how we label the pain or feel about our pain can affect the outcome.


3 Ways to Manage Your Back Pain

Posted on by Tanner Neuberger, PT, DPT, TDN Level 1

The Athletico blog has many resources available to its readers about mitigating and finding relief for back pain. I intend to provide a few more ways to help manage back pain in this blog. This blog will give you a framework to help manage your symptoms and get some form of relief to allow you to live your life with less pain and give you a sense of self-efficacy to help manage your back pain symptoms.


12 Days of Stretches for a Healthy Holiday

Posted on by Tara Hackney, PT, DPT, OCS, KTTP

The holiday season is a joyous time of year to spend quality time with family and friends. This time of the year can be tough on the body, however. Whether you are spending more time cooking, cleaning, putting up lights, or even shoveling, it’s a good idea to remember to stretch.

Stretching can help reduce stress and improve aches and pains that may be brought on by the holidays. Here are 12 stretches you can do daily for a happy and healthy holiday season.


5 Exercises to Improve Core Strength for Cheer Stunting

Posted on by Tara Hackney, PT, DPT, OCS, KTTP

The core is the foundation for your entire body. Your core is much more than just abdominal muscles; the core includes the whole trunk, including the front, back, sides, and pelvic floor, and it spans from your shoulder blades to your hips. Every movement for a cheerleader starts at the core. If cheerleaders are not activating the core, then all movements, including running, squatting, basket tosses, and stunting, could be weaker, slower, or lead to injury.


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