Signs Of A Stroke: 5 Symptoms To Watch Out For
According to the CDC, over 795,000 people have a stroke every year. It is very important to be able to quickly identify if this is happening to you or someone around you. Here are five critical symptoms to be on the lookout for when identifying a stroke:
Elbow Injuries In Tumbling Athletes
Tumbling athletes, which include gymnasts and cheerleaders, have unique demands placed on their upper body. When tumbling, the athlete places not only their entire body weight through their hands but can have up to 16 times their body weight in force going across the wrist and arm. For that reason, the elbow can be injured more often in these athletes. In this blog, we will take a closer look at several types of injuries that can occur in tumbling athletes, along with symptoms and treatment options.
Hamstring Injuries & Running
Hamstring injuries can be one of the most common injuries in sports and can be related to running. Despite being one of the most common injuries, the mechanism (the cause) of the injury is still very poorly understood and requires more research. So, what do we know currently about hamstring injuries and their relationship to running? Here’s what every runner should know about hamstring injuries as an endurance athlete and what to do if you experience one for yourself.
8 Ways Physical Therapy Can Help Improve Overall Wellness
Physical therapy is the catalyst which leads to many pain or performance improvements. ACL surgery, low back pain, golfer’s elbow – these conditions are well known to be within the domain of physical therapy. Most commonly, physical therapy is seen as a low-cost, conservative method to address pain. There are, however, benefits of physical therapy that go beyond resolution of aches and pains. Here are eight ways physical therapy can improve your overall wellness.
Expect The Unexpected: Tips To Get Ahead Of Slips And Falls According To A Movement Expert
Are you like most people and wait to address something until you HAVE to? Do you wait until your car is running on empty before filling up the tank? Do you wait until your hunger pains are unbearable before eating? A slip is considered one of the leading causes of falls in older adults. Each year, 3 million older people are treated in emergency departments for fall injuries.
Can Physical Therapy Help Improve Heart Health?
Maintaining a healthy heart is a fundamental aspect of overall well-being. While most people associate physical therapy with the treatment of pain or injury, it may surprise you to learn that physical therapy can also play a significant role in promoting heart health. In this blog, we will explore the connection between physical therapy and heart health, discussing how targeted exercises and lifestyle changes can have a positive effect on your cardiovascular system.
Have You Recently Fallen? Here Are A Few Reasons To Consider Physical Therapy, Even If You Aren’t Injured
Falls can lead to serious consequences. One out of every five falls causes a serious injury, such as a broken bone or head injury. Each year, 3 million older people are treated in the emergency room for an injury related to a fall. All falls should be taken seriously, especially if it results in a head injury, broken bones, soreness, or difficulty getting around. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms after a fall, consider being evaluated by a medical professional or physical therapist. But have you ever considered physical therapy after a fall, even if there hasn’t been an injury?
Posture Check: 4 Stretches To Try Throughout Your Workday
“Sit up straight” or, “You need better posture” – sound familiar? Posture, posture, posture. It can be hard work. Let’s take a quick look at a handful of stretches you can do at work to improve your posture.