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I’m A Physical Therapist And These Are My Go-To Essentials For Practicing Self-Care

Posted on by Tanner Neuberger, PT, DPT, TDN Level 1

Let’s face it, life can be stressful. Whether it’s stress from work, home, friends, etc., it can come from anywhere. It can trigger us to start choosing bad habits, and these bad habits can add up over time, becoming detrimental to our health. The higher amounts of stress that someone has, the higher the likelihood that they will have some form of mental and physical health issues. In an effort to stave off these possible negative outcomes, it is important that we practice some self-care in order to decrease our stress levels to a manageable degree. As a physical therapist, here are my go-to essentials for practicing self-care.


Are Your Flip Flops Causing Your Foot Pain?

Posted on by Tara Hackney, PT, DPT, OCS, KTTP

Flip flops and sandals are popular summer shoe options. However, these shoes often sacrifice support for an open toe. With many people wearing less supportive shoes in the summer months, foot injury rates may appear to increase during this time. Plantar fasciitis is a common foot condition that can affect people of all ages and we may see a higher rate of plantar fasciitis during the summertime.


Physical Therapy For Chronic Pain: Why It’s Never Too Late To Seek Help

Posted on by Clinton Boone, PT, DPT, CMTPT/DN

Living with chronic pain can affect every aspect of your life. It can be debilitating and overwhelming. However, physical therapy offers hope and a solution for those suffering from chronic pain. Regardless of how long you’ve been enduring pain, it’s never too late to seek help. Physical therapy is a worthwhile option. It may improve your quality of life no matter how long you have been struggling with pain.


Stand Up To Hip Pain: 3 Ways That Physical Therapy Can Put Pain In The Past

Posted on by Tanner Neuberger, PT, DPT, TDN Level 1

Chronic hip pain can be a real pain! It is a condition that can affect many people and has an overall prevalence of 10% in the population. At times, it can be very stressful when nothing seems to help the nagging pain that you have each day. Thankfully, physical therapy has been shown to help patients with chronic hip pain tremendously. Below are helpful tips that can ease your pain and get you back towards moving pain-free again.


Protecting Your Knees Throughout All Stages of Life

Posted on by Tanner Neuberger, PT, DPT, TDN Level 1

The knees are a common area for injury and pain, with incidences occurring in roughly one-fifth of the population, and this is only second behind back pain. Because of this, it is common to hear someone you know talk about their “bad knees” at some point or another, especially in the older population. While knee pain can be common, it is also fairly easy to take care of to keep pain at bay and it is best to start working on them as early as possible.

The following information will help you get in touch with your knees and keep them as pain-free as possible as you age.


Why Does My Jaw Feel Tight?

Posted on by Mick Murphy, PT, DPT, OCS, CMTPT

Do you wake up in the morning with a tightness in your jaw? Is it hard to open your mouth to yawn or brush your teeth right away? Or maybe you feel some tightness after eating. If this is familiar to you, you may be one of the 5-12% of the population that suffers from TMD. TMD stands for Temporomandibular Disorder. It is a general term that describes several conditions affecting the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) or associated muscles. These disorders can affect anyone but tend to affect people between 20-40 years old and women more commonly than men. TMD starts as an acute episode, but many people go on to develop chronic symptoms.


I Tried These 5 Stress Management Techniques, And They Changed The Game For My Headaches

Posted on by Paige Gibbens, PT, DPT

Headaches can be difficult to manage and require a multitude of disciplines to be effectively treated. Not to mention that it’s important to reveal the root cause of headaches rather than just treating the symptoms of the headache. There’s also the factor of stress, which seems unavoidable at times. Stress can not only cause mental health and emotional symptoms, but also physical symptoms including chronic pain and headaches. These symptoms that occur due to stress are the body telling us something needs to change. And yes, stress is needed to invoke change, physically and mentally, so how can we manage stress while reducing physical symptoms, specifically headaches? While everyone is different, I tried the techniques below to manage my stress and noticed a significant improvement in my headaches.


Headache Quiz: What Kind Of Headache Do You Have, And What Can You Do About It?

Posted on by Chelsea Silva, PT, DPT

When it comes to headaches, not all are the same. While they all cause disruption to daily activities and it can be agreed upon that they’re certainly uncomfortable, to find out which type of headache you’re experiencing, and what options you have, take the quiz below:


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